Deadly Affairs

Chapter 23

After bringing all of the gifts into the house, Abigail finally arrived. I wanted to question her about her lateness but I decided not to. I needed to start preparing the meal quickly because Ryan's parents were also there. Mom came into the kitchen to help me so in the span of two hours, the food and refreshments were already ready. We served the food on the dinning and called everyone in.

After taking a short prayer, we all sat down around the round table and started eating together. We talked, laughed and gifts were given to Molly.

I turned to see Molly smiling widely. My insides bubbled happily. It felt so good to see Molly this happy. How I wish it could be like this forever. I wished that all that had happened to me in the past would remain as nothing but just a painful memory.

I don't want Molly to ever know. I don't want to ever wipe that beautiful smile on her face. If only....


~One week later~

I woke up with a smile on my face. I moved my eyes to the clock on the wall and saw that it was just 9 am in the morning. I thought I was late since my alarm didn't wake me up today.

Thankfully, today is Sunday so I don't have anywhere important to go nor do I have to take Molly to school. Today is the day I had to attend the ball but it's taking place later in the day so, I'm good.

Today, I felt so refreshed and happy to be up. I don't know why. Maybe it's because I didn't have a nightmare for the first time in six years or maybe it's because of my date with Ryan yesterday. Yesterday, we had our second date and I've got to admit. Ryan's so sweet and thoughtful. And whenever we were engaged in a conversation, I always felt like I never wanted it to end.

It's nice to see him talk because I loved how his full and plump lips moves when he utters a word. Also, his deep and manly voice, oh how I yearnee to hear it again.

Wait.. don't start getting ideas into your head. I'm not falling for him. Heck, I don't even think I ever will. I'm just admiring him from afar since we are only better off as friends. Plus, he is very good looking.

He is someone I can talk to because he always listen to me with rapt attention whenever I am talking. Well, that doesn't mean that I have told him about my past.

I just couldn't see myself divulging such secrets to him of all people. I don't even think I'm ever gonna tell him. We just talk about everything else except that.

I even got to know some things about him in our last dates. Like, he is the ceo of a news paper company. I think the name was Global Post. Yeah.. the same as the one Jason used to work for in New York. He told me some other things and the most interesting onr of all is that he never had a girlfriend and that I was his first. I found that really hard to believe.

How can someone as good looking and successful as he his never had a girl at one point in his life. The way he even talks to me and tries to woe me made him seem like an expert in the dating aspect.

So, I just couldn't believe him even though he told me that I am the only woman he has ever been interested in. I figured maybe he was just saying that so I would feel entitled and accept him.

Men... I shook my head and stood up from the bed. I better start preparing so as not to be late for the ball.

I went into my bathroom and stood in front of the huge mirror. I picked up me tooth brush and brushed my teeth. After that, I rinsed my mouth and face.

I took off my night dress and was about to go into the shower when I noticed some red marks all over my body. I looked closer only to find out that they were hickeys.

"What the hell!!" I cussed under my breath.

This is the third time I am seeing them and they always show after the day I go on a date with Ryan. It's occurring too much for it to seem like just a coincidence. I couldn't help but start to get scared. These obviously aren't mosquito bites or some wierd reaction to something I took. Heck I don't even have an allergy. It's as if someone is doing this to me on purpose.

Who is it? What would sneak into my room and leave hickeys on me. The idea of Jason doing this to me didn't cross my mind because I was aware of the fact that if he found me, he wouldn't let me be.

He would do more that leaving hickeys on my body. I also know that it isn't Ryan because he isn't a perverted wierdo. But who could it be and how come I never notice when someone is doing this to me? I am always dead asleep whenever it happens like I took a sleeping pill before I slept.

I really need to install security cameras in my house so I would catch the pervert soon. I'll make sure the person rots in prison for assaulting me whenever I'm asleep.

I entered the bath tub and took my bath. Then, I used a short towel to dry my body before I wrapped it around me. After that, I went into my closet and picked out a casual wear.

I proceeded into the kitchen and I made breakfast for everyone. After eating, I went back into my room to do some work while Molly went to play in the compound with Abigail.

I didn't know how long I was working until Abigail came to my room and told me some people were looking for me. I went into the living and saw about five of them seated on the couch.

I didn't know them nor have I met them before until they introduced themselves as makeup artists and stylists. They said Ryan sent them to help me prepare for the ball.

They even brought several luxurious gowns and jewelries with them. Why would Ryan send them? I wanted to send them away but I felt it would be really rude to do so. So. I decided to let them do what they were paid to do.

We went into my room and they prepared a bath filled with milk and scented flowers in the bath tub. Undressing in front of them felt really wierd because of the hickeys on my body so I decided to take my bath by myself. After that, I dried my body and they made me seat in front of the mirror. Then they started applying some make up on my face and they styled my hair. When they were done, I could barely evn recognize myself. I looked so.... beautiful? Gorgeous? No words could describe how I looked. Even the stylists couldn't utter a word. They could only stare at me with a face that was filled with admiration.

After that, they brought out the dresses for me to try on. After putting on several dresses, I finally found the one I liked. It was a very long and gorgeous silver gown and hugged my body tightly, showing of my curves. It had studs around it and it made me glitter. It was not too open so my hickeys weren't visible. It had a slit at the right side so I was able to walk comfortably. Then, I put on silver jewelries and heels to match. When I stood up to stare at my full reflection, they couldn't stop gushing and praising my beauty.

"Oh my.. this looks gorgeous. Can I take a picture of you?" One of the stylist asked as she brought out her phone.

"Sure." I answered and posed do she could take the picture.

"Thank you so much." She said happily after she had taken the picture.

I smiled back at her. After they had made sure that I was okay, they left. I picked up my purse and was about to leave the room when Molly came in.

"Wow.." She gushed when she saw me.

"How do I look?" I asked her.

"Beautiful as always." She answered making me giggle.

"Are you going out to a party?" She asked.

"Yes. I might me back late so don't wait for me. Also, make sure to...."

"Stay wherever nanny Abigail can see me. I got it." She cut me off making me smile.

"Good girl. Don't hesitate to call me if something is wrong." I said.

"Okay. Take your time." She answered and we left my room.

I bid her bye and left the house. I was about to enter my car when a car stopped in front me.

The driver came out and said;

"Mr. Murphy asked me to take you to the ball." He said as he opened the door for me.

Why is Ryan doing all these? I didn't argue with him and entered the backseat of the car. The driver got in and started the car before driving off.


I stood at the entrance of the hall. My mouth was wide open in awe. Even though I was living a good life, my wealth can't be compared to this. The whole place screamed money.

I have never in my life been into a place like this. It was obviously a place for the rich and I was no where near that point. I never knew Ryan was this loaded.

I decided to stop staring and acting out of place and just blend in with the rich people around. I was about to find a spot to stay when I heard someone calling my name.

I turned around and smiled when I saw that it was Ryan. When he came closer. I could finally see him fully. He looked really handsome in the black suit he was putting on.

I smiled when I saw he had a shocked expression on. He opened his mouth but no words could come out.

"Is my beauty that great that it could hold your tongue?" I teased.

"Yes.." He muttered under his breath but I could still hear him. What??

"Gorgeous is too small to describe your beauty." He continued as he stared at me with admiration written all over his face.

Planning your weekend reading? Ensure you're on for uninterrupted enjoyment. The next chapter is just a click away, exclusively available on our site. Happy reading! "Well, it's all thanks to you." I answered.

"I would do anything to make my date an envy for other ladies. Your presence is enough to chase them away."

"Date?? I am your date??" I asked in surprise.

"Yeah.. why else would I invite you to this ball or spend money to make you look like this?" He asked.

"Because I am the director of the hospital you are investing in." I answered and he chuckled.

"I don't know where you heard that from but all I know is that I invited you here to be my date for the night so consider yourself lucky because a lot of girls are dying for this spot." He said with a teasing smile playing on his lips. Did he just?? I had the urge to punch the smile away from his face but I held myself back.

"Then go find yourself one of those women that would die for this spot." I said and was about to leave when he held me back.

"Easy baby. Can't you take a joke?" He asked as he turned me to face him.

"That didn't sound like a joke to me." I answered him with a frown on my face.

"I was just joking. Even though I wanted to, none of them would ever compare to you nor will they be able to take the spot that you have in my heart."

I couldn't help myself when my face started heating up. Where did he get thus cheesy lines from??

"Is the almighty Natasha blushing?" He teased, making me cover my face in embarrassment.

"No need to be shy. You are more beautiful whenever you are flustered." He said as he turned my face towards him.

"Very beautiful." He added as he placed a small kiss on my cheeks making me dumbstruck.

"Cone on now. Let's go introduce you to some of my clients." He said as he put his hands around my waist and led me away.

I couldn't do anything but just follow his lead like I was sone puppet. I wasn't even listening when he was introducing me to the clients. All that was on my mind was the kiss he gave me.

I placed my hands on my cheeks, the spot he had pecked me and looked up to stare at him. He was talking to one of the clients with his hands still wrapped possessively around my tiny waist. I felt butterflies in my stomach. Him being romantic to me made me feel giddy inside. I was still staring at him and admiring his handsome face when I felt the air in the room suddenly turn cold. I felt like someone I didn't like was there. What's going on? I looked around to see what's rather who's making me feel this way. My eyes widened in shock to see him standing across the room. What is he doing here? He was talking to someone so he didn't see me. I was about to run and hide myself when I saw someone I never thought I would see again, talk less of being in his arms. It was his secretary a. k. a his mistress. I noticed how she pulled him in and they engaged themselves in a very deep kiss. What the f*ck!!!

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