Daughter of the Mafia's Consigliere

Chapter 53


Catherine's word pierced into my chest like a sword and I stared at her in disbelief. How could she say such despicable things about me? She has no regard for me at all! "How dare..." She suddenly shushes me by placing her index finger on her lips. "Hold back whatever you have to say, I'm not done talking to you so don't interrupt me!

I know every single thing that has been happening, I know that you are the consigliere's daughter and you ran away at a young age like a coward. Guess who is back to the same place she has already despised and hated, I guess you have no say in your life.

I think you're just this type of lady whose life is usually being dictated by someone else.

Ricardo honestly deserves a better person like me not a coward like you who would add no value to his life.

You obviously know nothing about how the Mafia system works so there is no way you can even contribute to his life positively.

You're just going to be a burden and also a headache to him. I still don't get the reason why Giovanni put so much effort into making the marriage work out because there's no way it's going to be beneficial to him at all.

Oh, I almost forgot that you are the Consigliere's daughter so he is probably returning the favor your father has shown to him.

Let's say you got married out of pity." Catherine uttered nonsense while keeping a straight face, I should have known that this was the kind of person she was.

She is just a rude and mannerless bitch who has a loose mouth.

I felt so much angered and had the urge to pull her hair and rip her mouth apart.

How could she just judge me with the nonsense she heard about me?

"You know absolutely nothing about me so stop saying what you don't know!" I warned her trying to suppress my anger.

"What else is there to know about your miserable life? I know Ricardo too well, he doesn't give a fuck about ladies like you because you're obviously not his type. I can imagine how you must be begging for his attention every day and suffering in his hands. Life must be very frustrating for you, that's the reason why I came to help you with a few words of encouragement." She smiled at me and I had the urge to slap her cheeks so that smile disappeared. How dare she!

"Stop talking this moment! That's enough! I don't know who has been feeding you with those nonsense but they are not true. You know nothing about me and Ricardo so just keep your mouth shut! You never cease to amaze me though, that's really a poor way of showing that you like someone. I know you obviously like Ricardo but you choose to attack me instead to relieve the pain in your chest. How pathetic!" I spat and she smirked.

"If I wanted Ricardo, I would have gotten him a long time ago with no stress. Even I can still have him now if I want, it's not too late since you're just an insignificant being in his life. I and Ricardo have known each other for long so I'm sure that if I show interest in him, he is going to surely pick me over someone like you!"

"Just shut the fuck up! Who do you think you are?!" I yelled at her angrily, I was beginning to lose my temper.

"I'm Salvatore's daughter and I'm not actually nice so don't play with me! Who are you? Obviously a nobody! I heard another interesting thing about you, you've got a shameless tramp as a mother, she is ready to sell you just for a few dollars. I really hope to meet her someday so I can discuss your worth, I can own you once a few bundles of dollar notes right?" Catherine mocked with derisive laughter and I couldn't hold it any longer, I slapped her soundly and just then, Ricardo, Giovanni and Salvatore rushed in.

I guess the guards must have notified them after hearing I and Catherine raise voices at each other.

"How dare you? She is my mother and not yours and I'm the only one who has the right to speak ill of her and not some random moron like you?" I spat angrily at her ignoring the men's presence. "Marianne! What do you think you're doing? How could you lay your hands on her?" Ricardo suddenly yelled at me.

"Believe me, I didn't know she had a short temper, I did nothing wrong to her, I didn't even touch her. Are you married to a crazy bitch?" Catherine suddenly yells, is she trying to play the victim card here? "What's going on here?" Giovanni thundered and I rolled my eyes.

"What happened Catherine?" Salvatore queried and Catherine suddenly rushed into his arms.

"Father, I did nothing wrong to her, I was just letting her know a few things about how the Mafia system works and she suddenly picks an offense. You know I wouldn't have held back if not I respected your presence and that of your best friend too," Catherine cried out and I smirked, really?

"What the hell is wrong with you Marianne? Who gave you the right to slap her? You think you can go around misbehaving as you want?" Giovanni suddenly yelled and I had to speak up.

"I did nothing wrong! She was the one who caused it by saying trash about me, I couldn't hold in when she insulted my mother. She was the one who came in here and started saying mean and provocative words, I tried to hold it in but she crossed the line!"

"She is lying! She is just a frustrated and crazy bitch, you're lucky enough that I'm holding back if not, you would have regretted ever raising your hands on me!" Catherine half yelled and suddenly walked away, her father followed her out immediately.

"Father, I'm sorry, allow me to handle her myself, I'm sorry this has to happen." Ricardo pleaded and Giovanni folded his fists

"I'm coming back for you!" Giovanni glared at me before going after his guests.

"Don't even think of trying to scold me? The dinner is over right so let's just start going home already? It was a bad idea to even come for this stupid dinner in the first place!" I snorted and Ricardo suddenly punched the wall.

"You're literally getting worse as the day goes by, what's your problem? No matter what, you shouldn't have slapped her in the first place since she didn't hit you first. You think she is a fool for not retaliating? She just had to hold herself back from beating you into a pulp because she is more sensible than you!" Ricardo fired hotly at me and I felt a pain in my chest when he stated that she was better than me.

"Did you realize that you just ruined an important dinner? I'm even too pissed right now to talk! Getting married to you is something I regret even though we are having an open marriage but you still stress the hell out of me! Just wait for me here, you can choose to still walk away from here like a stray dog and also cause trouble!" Ricardo spoke harshly and stared at me angrily before storming off.

Why am I feeling so emotional right now? Why does my chest hurt a lot? This is not the first time he is shouting at me and bashing me with mean words.

I am not at fault, he would have done worse had it been he was in my shoes! I tried so hard to endure the insults but it was too much!

I bit my lower lips as I tried to hold back the tears that threatened to fall! I'm not a weakling so I must not cry!

Suddenly, I began hearing Giovanni's loud voice, he was yelling at Ricardo, the jerk chose to receive the blame without getting me involved.

I got to know that Catherine left immediately with her father after what happened.

She left after causing a ruckus!

After a few minutes, I and Ricardo left too.

His facial expression shows that he was so mad, I deserve to be angry too.

This is all that witch's fault, she intentionally did this and claimed to be the innocent one after.

"I didn't mean to ruin anything or cause any misunderstanding, I wish you were there when Catherine was insulting me. She said all manner of things about me and didn't stop when I asked her to, I couldn't hold it back anymore when she said shitty things about my mom. She really pushed me to the edge, I'm human and I couldn't just ignore and act like I wasn't pained by what she said. I did nothing wrong to..."

Ricardo suddenly interrupts me by stopping the car.

"Get out of my car this minute!"

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