
Chapter Dating 85

Chapter 85

I rushed out of the room, eager to find Monica. The last time I’d heard from her, she was at a party across town from here with Peter. When had she gotten to this party here? And was so urgent that she needed me right away?

I navigated through the throngs of partygoers, each room more extravagant than the last. My phone buzzed again, another message from Monica.

Monica: Keep going straight, then take a left at the end of the hall

The directions were vague, but I followed them, weaving through groups of laughing werewolves. The further I went, the quieter it became, the noise of the party dimming to a distant hum

How was it that here were so many rooms in this place! There were a few stragglers in this part of he house but it was nowhere as packed as the heart of the mansion where I was coming from. It was taking forever to find Monica and that was starting to worry me. I texted her back, hoping for more clarity

Me: Where exactly are you? This place is huge.

Her response came quickly.

Monica Just keep going, you’re almost there.

Wait. How did she know where I was exactly? I frowned but kept moving. Maybe she had been to this house many times before and knew how to guide me. Unlike Sarah, Monica moved through the social circles at school with ease.

She wasn’t a nerd, she wasn’t only popular she wasn’t a jock. She sort of was everything. Which was why it was so amazing that she had ended up my friend and roommate.

The hallway stretched out in front of me, dimly lit and empty. I could feel the tension building in my chest, the sense of being watched prickling at the back of my neck. Something about this didn’t feel right. Why was Monica being so cryptic?

I reached the end of the hall and turned left as instructed. The ambiance shifted, the lighus dimming further, casting cerie shadows along the walls. My footsteps echoed, the sound unnervingly loud in the silence. I glanced at my phone again, sending another message.

Me: Monica, this place is creepy. Are you sure you’re here!

Her reply came almost instantly.

Monica. Yes. just a bit further.

I swallowed hard, nerves dancing in my stomach. The hall led to a door that opened into a garden. Stepping outside, I was enveloped by the cool night air, the scent of flowers mingling with the earthiness of the garden. The party sounds were muted, distant. It was almost too quiet, the darkness pressing in on me.

Why the hell had Monica led me to the back of the house? I thought she was leading me to another part of the house inside. But this being ourside was starting to freak me out. Absolutely no one was in sight now. And that was terrifying.

I texted Monica again, my fingers trembling-

Me I’m outside. 1

Where are you!

A moment later, a shadow moved in the corner of my eye. I turned, my heart leaping into my throat. Ava stepped out from behind a tall hedge, a grin spreading across her face,

“What are you doin

doing here, Ella?she asked, her voice dripping with mockery.

I stammered, “I’m… I’m looking for Monica.

Ava’s grin widened. She pulled out a phone and sent a text. My phone pinged, and I glanced down to see a message from Monica,

Monica Got you.

Realization dawned on me like a cold splash of water. I looked up at Ava, who was now laughing, a cruel, triumphant sound. I looked down at my phone staring at Monica’s last text, I glanced into Ava’s eyes, wishing that it wasn’t true.

It was you, I said, my voice barely a whisper.



10:25 AM D 다

Chapter 85

Ava nodded, still chuckling. “You’re such a stupid bitch, Ella. It was so easy to lure you out here. All I had to do was swipe Monica’s game started the moment I sent you the first text.

phone. The

Anger flared in me. Why was she always toying with me like this. Why did she haten

me so much that she couldn’t just leave me alone for good. And then my mind found its way to the words Ava had said. She’d called whatever this was, a game. But coming from Ava, I knew that it wasn’t a game that I wanted to play.

Whatever anger I had had was quickly swallowed by fear. “What do you want. Ava?”

She stepped closer, her grin turning vicious. “I want everything” she growled. “Do you have any idea how horrible it’s been for me? Ever since you and your pathetic friends turned me into a pariah at school, my life has been shit. Worse than being a nerdy werewolf like that idiot Sarah. Worse even than being a stupid bitch human like you.”

I rolled my eyes, trying to mask my fear with bravado. “I doubt that.”

I turned to leave, but Ava’s hand shot out, grabbing my shoulder and spinning me around. Before I could react, she pried my mouth open and poured a slightly sweet liquid down my throat. I gagged, stumbling back as the taste lingered on my tongue.

What did you do?” I demanded, my voice shaking. “What did you give me?”

Ava’s grin was predatory, her eyes gleaming with malice. “I gave you an aphrodisiac potion,” she said, her tone almost gleeful. “It’s going to loosen you up quite a bit.”

Panic surged through me. “What am I getting loosened up for!”

Ava’s smile widened, the moonlight casting cerie shadows across her face. “You’ll see..”

The world started to blur at the edges, my head swimming. The ground seemed to tilt beneath my feet, and I stumbled, struggling to stay upright. My heart raced, fear and confusion warring within me. What was happening? Why had Ava done this‘ The garden around me seemed to darken, shadows closing in

I couldn’t let her see how scared I was. I had to get back to the party, to find Liam, to find help. But my body wasn’t responding the way I wanted it to. Everything felt slow, heavy. I took a shaky step back, trying to put distance between us, but Ava matched my movements, her grin never faltering.

“You look scared, Ella,” she taunted. “Good. You should be

I turned and ran, or at least tried to. My legs felt like they were moving through molasses, each step a struggle. Ava’s laughter echoed behind me, a chilling sound that sparred me on. I had to find someone, anyone, before it was too late,

a tree. The potion was

The lights of the mansion seemed impossibly far away. My vision blurred, and I stumbled again, catching myself against a tre doing something to me, something that made everything feel surreal, distant

I needed to stay focused. I needed to keep moving. But as I pushed forward, the darkness around me seemed to grow, and Ava’s laughter faded into the background. The last thing I saw before everything started to blur all the way, was the twisted smile on her face, and the chilling promise in her

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