
Chapter Dating 80

Chapter 80

The spirit of Halloween was in the air, and excitement buzzed throughout the university. Everyone was talking about their costumes and parties. I, on the other hand, couldn’t stand Halloween.

I didn’t grow up having many friends and so when Halloween rolled around, I didn’t have any friends to go trick or treating with, I didn’t have any friends to go to any parties with. I was just the single human girl who hung at her house by herself while her werewolf neighbors partied away.

Basically, Halloween had always been a reminder of how different I was from everyone else, how lonely I felt. Every costume and festive decoration seemed to mock my being alone, a stark contrast to the laughter and camaraderie around me

Even though I had more friends this year and I had Liam, I just couldn’t shake that feeling like I always had. Old habits die hard. I guess.

I watched students parade around in their costumes, laughing and chatting animatedly. The werewolves, of course, took Halloween to a whole new level. Some of them showed up to class in elaborate, creative costumes

I saw a whole lot of Barbies, and superheroes and even someone that was dressed as a gigantic flower. It always amazed me how good the werewolves looked when they were all done up in their costumes

And at the same time, there were others who barely bothered to change out of their usual clothes, relying on their natural transformations to impress. Because of course they could do that. These werewolves knew they were hot so why bother putting on a costume that would hide their looks in anyway.

Their carefree joy made me feel even more isolated. The more I moved through the halls of the school, the more I felt like I just had to go hide away from all the festivines.

But of course even when I wanted to hide in my own private space. I couldn’t get away. Monica was one of the enthusiastic ones. She loved Halloween. She loved going all out with her costume and hitting the town for parties.

Today, she was getting ready in our dorm room, practically glowing with excitement. “Hey, Ella! Isn’t this costume just amazing?” she asked, twirling in front of the mirror in her witch costume. The sparkles on her dress caught the light, making her look like a character straight out of a fairy tale.

She turned to the mirror and applied some red lip stick. She knew she looked good and was ready to show herself off.

I forced a smile. “Yeah, it’s great. Are you going to the party tonight!” My voice sounded hollow even to my own cars. Monica’s excitement was palpable, and it only highlighted my own lack of enthusiasm. But Monica didn’t notice, she was to busy thinking about where she’d be heading our for the night

Monica nodded, her eyes shining. “Peter and I are heading to that big one in the next town over. You should come with us!

I could tell it was one of those pity invitations, the kind people extend when they feel sorry for you. Monica meant well, but her words only. deepened my sense of exclusion. “Thanks, but I think I’ll pass. You guys have fun, though.”

Monica gave me a sympathetic look. “Are you sure? It could be fun.” There was a hint of desperation in her voice, as if she wanted to fix my loneliness with a simple night out. And I swear, I almost screamed. I was used to being the lonely human girl I didn’t need her pity.

But I didn’t go off on her because I knew she was just trying to be nice. Monica cared about me and just wanted to make sure that I was going to be alright by myself. I had to convince her that I’d be okay or else she’d just keep nagging me and try to force me out.

“I’m sure,” I said, trying to keep my tone light. “I’ve got a ton of writing to do anyway? A lie, of course, I just couldn’t bear the thought of being a third wheel, watching everyone else have fun while I felt like an outsider.

“Okay” she said, her voice tinged with disappointment. “But if you change your mind, let me know!

I waved her off with a smile, and once she was gone, I packed up my bag and headed home. I couldn’t deal with all the festive cheer. It just reminded me of all the Halloweens I had spent alone, feeling invisible.

The memories of past Halloweens, spent by myself watching old horror movies and eating candy alone, swam through my head. The feeling of being the odd one out, the human among werewolves, weighed heavily on my mind.

But I was so used to watching Halloween movies by myself every years, that was exactly what I wanted to do. As the taxi drove closer and closer to mom’s house, I decided that I would force myself to cheer up,

It wasn’t going to be so bad, watching old those old school monster movies from the 50s and 60s. I had been doing it so long for Halloween that at this point, it was sort of a ritual

10:24 AM

Chapter 80

I settled in front of the TV, ready to drown my sorrows in cheesy Halloween movies and a mountain of candy. The familiar comfort of old slasher films seemed like the perfect escape. Just as the opening credits of an old slasher film started to roll, the doorbell rang. I groaned, dragging myself off the couch to answer it

When I opened the door, I was greeted by the sight of Liam standing on my porch, dressed in a superhero costume that made him look vaguely like Thor. My jaw dropped. “Liam? What are you doing here?

His sudden appearance was both shocking and confusing. I had assumed he would be out celebrating with his friends, not standing on my doorstep.

He grinned, looking completely like a movie star hero. “I thought you might need some company” His smile was infectious, but I couldn’t shake off the anxiety that clung to me.

I blinked in surprise. “I thought you’d be with your hockey team friends.” The words came out before I could stop them. I felt a pang of guilt for assuming he wouldn’t want to spend Halloween with me,

He shook his head. “Nah, I had a better idea. You know how werewolves traditionally howl under the moon on Halloween, with the Wolf King leading the pack? Well, I’m the Wolf King, and I want you to join us tonight.“–

“Me? But I’m human,” I said, feeling a mix of excitement and anxiety. The thought of being surrounded by werewolves on their most sacred night was both thrilling and terrifying

Liam stepped closer, his eyes warm and inviting “Exactly. I want to show everyone that you’re my mate. It’s time to really embrace what we have.”

My heart swelled at his words. Despite all the doubts and confusion Arthur had stirred, Liam’s belief in our bond never wavered. I smiled, feeling a surge of hope and excitement. “Yes, Liam. I’d love to go with you!”



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