
Chapter Dating 76

Chapter 76

Even though I had tried to believe mom’s words, tried to believe the story that I was telling in my head about the positive sides of attending Royal Imperial University, deep down, I know that I was just lying to myself.

I couldn’t shake off the feeling of uncase. Even after talking to Mom, the idea of attending Royal Imperial University felt like a looming shadow. I knew Liam believed in us, in our ability to face any challenge together, but the reality of being a human in a predominantly werewolf environment terrified me.

Liam was able to show his strength at our school in our neighborhood, because everybody knew him here. He had a level of power and influence as an alpha here that so many people didn’t. They had seen him grow up and seen the strength he had in him.

But going to Royal Imperial University as a new student was a whole different ball game. He and I would be the new kids on the block. We would practically be nobodies. Sure Liam was probably going to fight hard for me if any issues came up, but what if it became too much?

He wasn’t going to be the top Alpha at that school. I was pretty sure I already knew the top Alpha at Royal Imperial University. It was Arthur. There was no way that Arthur would allow Liam to come to his school and steal his spotlight.

The next morning, I woke up with a sense of determination. I needed to talk to Liam again. I needed to be totally honest with him about how I was feeling about this deal that he had going with Aaron. About the fact that I might be moving schools with him.

I wanted to lay out all my fears, my anxieties. Maybe we could find another way, a solution that didn’t involve such high stakes. I hurried to class, my heart pounding in my chest.

As soon as I reached the building that class was in, I saw Linum near the entrance, talking to some of his teammates. He looked up and our eyes met. For a moment, there was a flicker of hope in his eyes, but it was quickly replaced by concern as he saw my expression.

I marched over to him, my hands shaking slighty. “Lian, can we talk?”

He nodded, excusing himself from his friends. We walked a litle away from the crowd, finding a quiet spot under a large oak tree.

“What’s wrong. Ella?” he asked, his voice gentle

“I’ve been thinking about the deal,” I said, my voice trembling. “Royal Imperial University… Liam, I’m scared.”

He frowned, his eyebrows knitting together. Scared of what?

I took a deep breath “Liam, you’re a Winslow,”

“I’m not a Winslow, not really, Liam shot back. His eyes went hard. He still wasn’t comfortable with the fact that he was a Winslow and I got it. But that didn’t make this fact any less true.

“Come on Liam, as much as you may not like it, you are a Winslow. And when you get to Royal Imperial University, Aaron is going to insist on everybody knowing this.”

Liam frowned, then finally, he nodded, “Fine, maybe you’re right”

“Not only hat, you’re an Alpha werewolf, Places like Royal Imperial University are made for you. But me? I’m just a human. The werewolves there… they’ll eat me alive. It’s already challenging enough here, where they’re more liberal about humans. But at Royal, they’ll make my life miserable.”

Liam’s face softened, and he reached out to take my hand. “Ella, I won’t let that happen. I’ll protect you.”

I pulled my hand away, shaking my head. My heart began to beat even harder and faster. “How can you promise that? You can’t control everyone. You can’t be everywhere all the time. What if something happens to me?”

His eyes flashed with frustration. “Do you really think I’m that weak? Do you think I can’t protect you?”

I knew that I had hit a button lan I didn’t care. I had to be honest for the both of us, even if Liam reftised to see the truth in my words.

“That’s not what I’m saying” I replied, my voice rising. But you have to understand, this isn’t just about you being able to protect me. It’s about me being in an environment where I’ll be constantly targeted, constantly on edge

“And I swear, Ella, I will never let anybody hurt you. Right from when we get to school, I’m going to make sure that everybody knows that you are my girl. That you are my mate. They’re not going to fuck with you after that”



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Chapter 76

“You don’t know that, Liam,” I said. I wanted to be as optimistic as he was, but, I just couldn’t.

ou want to give up on us! Is that it?”

Liam’s jaw clenched “So, what are you saying? Do you want to break up with me? Do you

1 froze, his words hitting me like a punch to the gut. “No, that’s not what I’m saying at all. I just… I need you to understand my fears.”

“By not believing that I can take care of you, you’re basically saying you don’t believe I can be the Alpha werewolf you need, he challenged, his eyes burning with intensity.

Tears welled up in my eyes. “Liam, that’s not in. I just don’t want to be a burden to you. I don’t want to hold you back.”

“You’re not a burden, he snapped, his voice breaking. “You’re my mate. We’re supposed to face things together.

Unable to respond, I turned and walked away, my heart heavy. The conversation had gotten too heated, and I needed time to think. As I walked through the school grounds. I felt a mix of guilt and frustration. Maybe I was being selfish, but couldn’t ignore the gnawing fear in my gut

Later that day, I found myself sitting in the cafeteria, pushing my food around my plate, Monica slid into the seat across from me, her eyes curious. “Hey, you look like you’ve seen a ghost. What’s up?”

I sighed, telling her everything. The deal, the argument with Liam, my fears. Monica listened intently, her expression serious.

“Wow, that’s a lot,” she said finally. “But you know, Ella, maybe Liam’s right. Maybe you need to trust him. If he’s that passionate about with him, it means he really cares about you. He sees you as his true mate. That’s a huge responsibility that he isn’t taking lightly.”

1 looked at her, tears welling up in my eyes. “What if I can’t handle it. Monica? What if I’m not strong enough?



Monica reached across the table, squeezing my hand “Ella, you’re stronger than you think. And if Liam believes in you, maybe it’s time you start believing in yourself too.”

Her words echoed in my mind as I made my way home. Maybe she was right. Maybe I needed to have more faith in myself and in Liam. Maybe I needed to have more faith In us.

That night, I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, 1 couldn’t stop thinking about our argument, about how passionate Liam had been. Despite my fears. part of me was thrilled by his insistence on being together, his determination to protect me. Maybe, just maybe, I was starting to believe that I really was his mate. How else could explain his actions?

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