
Chapter Dating 70

Chapter 70

The massive doors to the entrance of the banquet hall slammed shut after Liam left. I got up from the table then and Aaron reached over it. grabbing my hand, “Ella, please wait, I have to talk to you about something.”

But I pulled my hand out of Aaron’s grasp. There was nothing more for us to talk about, Liam had said what he had to say and I didn’t have anything more to add to it. I turned and quickly ran after Liam. I was also so ready to rid myself of the Winslow mansion.

Leaving the mansion felt like escaping a gilded cage. By the 1 got outside. Liam was already in his car, the engine running. I got into the passenger side and shut the door. Liam zoomed away from the mansion, it’s impressive size getting smaller and smaller the further away we got from it.

The oppressive grandeur all the way behind us, we drove in silence, the tension still thick in the air. Liam’s knuckles were white on the steering wheel, and I could see the storm brewing in his eyes

“Are you okay?” I asked softly, breaking the silence.

Liam’s jaw tightened. “I’m fine. I just can’t believe that guy

I nodded, bringing my hand to his neck so that I could massage it lightly


turned and smiled at me. He grabbed my hand and kissed it softly. Thank you.

I understood his frustration. Aaron’s revelations were unsettling, and his insistence on Liam embracing his role within the Winslow family was a heavy burden to bear. If Liam had no interest in humoring Aaron and his desires, then that was totally fine.

The next day at school, I found it hard to concentrate. My thoughts kept drifting back to the banquet, to Aaron’s words, and the implications of what we had learned. As we sat in our usual spot in the courtyard during lunch, Liam noticed my distraction.

“You’re still thinking about last night, aren’t you?” he asked, his voice gentle.

I sighed. “Yeah, I can’t shake it. It’s just so overwhelming. All that talk about responsibility and danger, it’s a lot to process.”

Liam reached over and took my hand. “Hey, let’s skip class today. Let’s get out of here, just the two of us. We need a break from all this madness.”

1 hesitated. “But it’s the end of the semester soon. We have so much homework, and I really want to work on my writing. I’ve totally abandoned my story. And I was even thinking of starting a new story.”

Liam smiled, a hint of mischief in his eyes. “Ella, sometimes you need to live a little. Taking a break is good for you.”

I didn’t know how Liam could say something like this. And as busy as I was, I knew that he was even busier. Sure I had my personal writing and classes to keep up with but Liam had so much more.

He was on the hockey team, and he was the head of the team. He had to keep up with his classes too. And here he was, casually suggesting that we just skip the day together.

And still, his words were so tempting, and I found myself nodding, God, I hoped I wouldn’t regret this. “Okay, you’re right. Let’s do it.”

We ditched our afternoon classes and drove to the wooded area where we had shared so many special moments. The sun was shining, and the forest was alive with the sounds of birds and rustling leaves. It felt like a sanctuary away from all the chaos.

We laid out a blanket by the lake, and Liam unpacked a picnic basker he had stashed in the trunk. As we are, we talked about anything and everything, trying to ignore the elephant in the room. But eventually, the conversation drifted back to Aaron.

“I don’t trust him,” Liam said, his expression serious. “He’s up to something, and I don’t want to get caught up in his schemes.”

I nodded. “I feel the same way. But he did say something that really stuck with me. He said that if you don’t claim your place in the family. someone else will. And that could be dangerous for you.”

Liam frowned. “I’m not afraid of them. I can handle myself.”

“But what about us? What about me?” I asked, my voice trembling. “He said that your enemies might come after me to get to you. I’m scared, Liam,” Liam pulled me into his arms, holding me tightly. “I won’t let anything happen to you, Ella. I promise.”

His words were reassuring, but a part of me couldn’t shake the feeling of doom that felt like it was right around the corner. We spent the rest of the afternoon talking about our dreams and plans for the future, trying to forget the shadow of the Winslow legacy hanging over us.

The next day, as I was leaving school, I saw a familiar car parked by the entrance. My heart sank when I recognized Aaron sitting behind the wheel.


Chapter 70

He rolled down the window and gestured for me to get in.

Thesitated, but curiosity got the better of me. Taking a deep breath. I climbed into the passenger seat.

Aaron,” I said

d cautiously, “what are you doing here!”

He gave me a charming smile. I wanted to talk to s

you. Ella. I need yo

you to understand something.”

“We’re not going to your mansion, are we?” I asked, the anxiety creeping back in.

“No, we’re staying right here,” he assured me, his tone sincere. I didn’t plan to break you and Liam up. I actually want you to keep dating him.”

I was taken aback. “Why?

Aaron’s expression turned serious “Because I believe you can help Liam see reason I want him to come back to the family, and I think you’re the key to making that happen

I stared at Aaron with suspicion. “So you

u want

to use

use me to control Liam.”

“It’s not about control,” Aaron insisted: “It’s about protection. Liam is in danger, whether he realizes it or not. My family is powerful, but there are those within it who are ambitious and ruthless. If Lian doesn’t step up, he could lose everything.”

“Like who?” I pressed.

Aaron’s eyes darkened. “Anhur. He’s ambitious and ruthless. If he takes over the Winslow fortune, Liam will be at his mercy. And trust me, Arthur won’t hesitate to secure his position by any means necessary

I felt a chill run down my spine. “What do you expect me to do

“Just be there for Liam. Help him understand the gravity of the situation. Convince him to claim his rightful place. Bring him to me. It’s the only way to protect him–and you.

My mind was spinning. Aaron’s plan was clear: he wanted to use my influence over Liam to manipulate him into joining the family’s power struggle. But was that really the best way to protect him?

As I sat there, torn between loyalty to Liam and the fear Aaron had instilled in me, I realized I had a decision to make. Would I reveal Aaron’s plan to Liam, or would I work with Aaron, in secret, to try and keep him safe




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