
Chapter Dating 61

Chapter 61

My mind raced, trying to make sense of what I was seeing “You you’re Moonlit Dreamer?”

Liam took a step closer, his eyes searching mine for a reaction. He was wearing jeans and a green t–shirt and the way he was standing, his eyes looking deep into mine, sent a shiver down my spine.

“Yes, Ella. I’ve been Moonlit Dreamer all along.” Liam said with a little så


is stunned. The words hung in the air between us, heavy and charged. My head swam with confusion and disbelief. Liam was the person I had been pouring my heart out to online this entire time? But how? How was that even possible!

“I don’t understand, I don’t get it I finally managed to whisper, my voice shaking. “How could you be MoonlitDreamer?”

Liam sighed, running a hand through his hair. Tve known you were OpheliatheScribe from the very beginning, Ella. Remember when we were kids and you decided on your pen name? I overheard you talking to your mom about it.”

A flood of memories washed over me. and a vivid flashback came to mind. We were sitting in my room. Mom and 1, brainstorming pen names. had been so excited, laughing and tossing around ideas until we settled on Opheliathescribe. I never realized Lim had been listening through the open window.

That was so long ago. I was so young. I couldn’t believe that Liam had known all this ume. It wasn’t long after that that I opened up an account on Zoodago and uploaded my first story. A day later, I got my very first follower, MoonlitDreamer.

“I used to watch you type your stories,” Liam continued, his voice softening. “I could see you from my bedroom window, the way you’d get lost in your world. I thought you looked so cute when you were concentrating deeply”

I blushed, a wave of embarrassment mixed with something else something warmer, Liam had been following my work since my first novel, quietly supporting me from the shadows. The realization hit me like a ton of bricks. All this time, he had been my most loyal reader, the one who understood me better than anyone,

most loyal reader. From afar, he had always been a friend. I couldn’t believe

It all dawned on me then. It wasn’t just that he was a loyal reader. My n this. And then my heart sank just a little bit,

I had spent years, thinking horrible things about Liam. That he get what he wanted and then threw them away.

e was just an alpha playboy, that he didn’t care about girls. That he just used girls to

I was so sure that he certainly didn’t care about me since I was just a human. That’s what Noah had always made me feel like. That it was in my interest to stay away from Liam. And so, I had. But I hadn’t realized that Liam hadn’t stayed away from me.

“I can’t believe you knew,” I said, my voice breaking, “Why didn’t you ever say anything?”


He stepped closer, his eyes intense. “I didn’t want to intrude. You were so passionate about your stories, and I didn’t want to risk ruining that. But when I saw how much you were struggling. I couldn’t stay silent anymore.”

Tears welled up in my eyes. Without thinking. I threw myself into Liam’s arms. He held me tightly, his warmth enveloping me. I pulled back just enough to look into his eyes, and before I could second–guess myself, I pressed my lips to his

I didn’t know if that was the worst decision or the best decision that I had ever made. And to be honest. I didn’t care. I always wanted Liam as close to me as I could get, even if it brought danger closer to us. And this time was no exception.

The kiss ignited a fire between us. It was like all the pent–up emotions, all the unsaid words, and the years of unspoken feelings erupted in that moment. We kissed passionately, losing ourselves in each other. My hands tangled in his hair, and he pulled me closer, deepening the kiss. The world around us faded away, leaving only the two of us

I could feel Liam’s hardness against me and I reached down to touch him. I wanted to feel him. I wanted to feel all of me. Liam moaned with desire. And then, he suddenly pulled back, breathing heavily. “Ella, we need to stop.”

I blinked, dazed and wanting more. “Why? What’s wrong?”

He cupped my face in his hands, his eyes filled with a mix of desire and restrain. “If we don’t stop now, I won’t be able to. And I don’t want sex with you to be like this–rushed and impulsive. You mean too much to me,”

His words brought me back to reality. I nodded, understanding. We took a step back, both of us trying to catch our breath and regain some semblance of control. The intensity of what had just happened was overwhelming, and I felt a surge of emotions I couldn’t quite process,

“We should get back to the dorms,” Liam said, his voice still a bit shaky, “I’ll drive you.”

The drive back was silent, temion lingering in the air. I kept stealing glances at Liain, wondering what was going through his mind. He seemed lost in thought, his expression unreadable. When we reached the dorm, le parked the car and turned to me, an almost angry look on his face.

Chapter 61

“Ella, there’s so much we need to talk about,” he said, his voice tight. “But not now, I need some time to think

Before I could respond, he leaned over and kissed my forehead, then got out of the car. I watched him walk away, my heart heavy with confusion and anxiety. What did all this mean for us? How could we go back to the way things were!

I entered the dorm, feeling like I was in a daze. Monica was waiting for me, her expression worried. “Ella, what happened?”

I tried to find the words to explain, but all I could say was, “It was Liam. Moonlit Dreamer is Liam.

Her eyes widened in shock. “No way. What did he say?”

I shook my head, feeling tears prick at my eyes again. “He knew all along. He’s been following my work since the beginning. And we…we kissed. But now he’s angry. I don’t know what to do..

step at a time.”

Monica pulled me into a hug. “It’s going to be okay. Ella. You both need time to process this. Just take it one step at a

I nodded, but the uncertainty gnawed at me. The dramatic twist of finding out that Liam was MoonlitDreamer had left my world spinning. How could 1 navigate this new reality? What did it mean for our friendship, and for the feelings that had clearly been there all along?

I lay awake that night. replaying everything in my mind. The shock, the kiss, Liam’s anger. It felt like my world had been turned upside down, and 1 had no idea how to find my footing. All I knew was that nothing would ever be the same again.

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