
Chapter Dating 59

Chapter 59

The figure stood motionless in the shadows, the faint glow from a nearby streetlight making them look even more ominous. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, each beat a reminder that being out here, all by myself, was a huge danger.

Jesus, why hadn’t I agreed to let Monica come? What was wrong with me? At least if anything happened, she would have been by my side, helping me fight off the danger. Hut Monica wasn’t here. I had to just buck up. I had to be brave and face the task at hand.

I steeled myself and just kept walking across the field, each of my steps echoing in the silence. Why I had agreed to come at night was a mystery to me. I should have just told Ava that we could meet the next day. But something about Ava’s request made me feel like she had all the power. That I couldn’t say no.

As I drew closer, the figure stepped into the light. It was Ava with cold, calculating eyes.

“You’re late,” she sneered, her voice dripping with disdain.

“I came as soon as I could,” I replied, trying to keep my voice steady: “What do you want. Avar

Ava’s eyes glinted. “I wanted to give you a little warning, Ella. If you ever reveal that I’m not the real Opheliathescribe, I’ll make your life a living hell.

My breath caught in my throat. “What do you mean?”

She stepped closer, her face inches from mine. “You heard me. I have the power to ruin you. Your reputation, your relationship with Liam, everything you care about. I swear to God. Elba, I will destroy you if you fuck with me?

Her words sent a chill down my spine, but I forced myself to stand my ground. “Why are you doing this, Ava! What did I ever do to you?”

Ava’s eyes flashed with anger. “You existed, Ella. You existed and you dared to think that you a stupid human could be more powerful than me. That you could compete against me

“But what you did wasn’t right Ava” I said. I tried to keep my voice steady.

“I don’t give a shit! I deserve the attention, nor you! You’re a nobody and that’s exactly what you’re going to stay!”

Without warning. Ava grabbed one of my textbooks from my bag and ripped it in half, her eyes never leaving mine. “This is just a taste of what can do,” she hissed, dropping the shredded pages at my feet. “Consider yourself warned.”

With that, she turned on her heel and walked away, her laughter echoing through the night. I stood there, rooted to the spot, my mind racing. This entire situation had scared the shit out of me. Ava’s threat was real She was the most viscous she–wolf that I knew. I knew she would stop at nothing to keep her secret.

When I returned to the dorm, Monica was up in a flash “What happened?” she asked, her voice trembling.

I showed her the torn textbook and recounted Ava’s threat Monica’s face hardened with anger. That stupid bitch. So I take it she didn’t come to apologize. Well fuck her, we’re going to beat her ass.”

But how The question hung in the air, unanswered. The next few days I went through all sorts of anxiety and fear. 1 felt like I was constantly looking over my shoulder, waiting for Ava’s next move. I barely slept, my mind consumed with worry.

Desperate for some kind of solace, I logged onto the online platform where my most loyal reader, MoonlitDreamer, was active. It had been weeks since I had uploaded any new works. I had been going through so much offline. And still. I knew my absence was worrying my readers.

As soon as I logged in, a message from Moonlit Dreamer popped up.

MoonlitDreamer: Opheliathescribe! You’re back! Is everything okay! We’ve all been so worried.

1 hesitated before typing a response.

Opheliathescribe: I’m sorry for disappearing. Things have been complicated.

Moonlit Dreamer: Do you want to talk about it? Sometimes it helps to get things off your chest.

I stared at the screen, my fingers hovering over the keyboard. Could I really confide in a stranger? But Moonlit Dreamer had been with me from the beginning, a constant source of support and encouragement.

Opheliathescribe: Someone stole my work. They’re pretending to be me, and they’re threatening to ruin my life if I tell anyone the truth.

Moonlit Dreamer: That’s awful! Do you know who is it!


12:32 PM

Chapter 50

Opheliathescribe: It’s someone I know in real life. I can’t give too many details. And can I tell you something?

MoonlleDreamer. Of course,

Ophelathescribe Ihave been lying to my readers too. I’m not a she–wolf like I said in my bio…I’m human.

My heart raced as I hit send, terrified of the backlash that might follow. But I couldn’t hold it in any longer. I needed someone to know the truth.

Moonlit Dreamer didn’t type anything for a while and I started to panic. Maybe I shouldn’t have told her about myself. And then, her words came

Moonlit Dreamer: Ophelianthescribe, it’s okay. Your true fans will understand. I’m sure of it. You’re an amazing writer, and that’s what matters.

Opheliathescribe. You really think so?

Moonlit Dreamer I know so. Listen, do you want to talk on the phone! I think it might help

I hesitated again Talking on t

on the phone felt m

more personal, more vulnerable. But something in MoonlitDreamer’s words made me feel safe.

Opheliathescribe: Okay. Here’s my number.

1 sent her my number and waited

My phone buzzed a few minutes later, I answered with a shaky voice. “Hello!”

“Hi, Opheliathescribe?” The voice on the other end was warm and reassuring. She sounded almost like my mom

“Hi MoonlitDreamer, I said, trying to hide my nervousness.

“It’s good to finally hear your voice. I’ve been such a fan of your work for so long. MoonliDreamer said.

Thank you. That means so much to me. I swear

And then, we just kept talking. I poured out everything, from the stolen work to Ava’s threats, and my fear of being exposed as a human MoonliDreamer listened patiently, offering words of encouragement and suppor

“You have to fight back, Opheliathescribe. You’re stronger than you think,” she said,

Thank you,” I said, my voice barely a whisper. “I needed to hear that

Before we hung up, MoonliDreamer said something that made my heart skip a beat. “Remember, no matter what happens, I’m here for you. Always.”

The line went dead, and I sat there, feeling a strange mix of relief and confusion. Why did MoonlitDreamer’s words feel so familiar?

Hut I didn’t have time to dwell over it. I needed to figure out what I was going to do about Ava


I hung up the phone and clicked off the voice distorter app that I had been using. I knew that Ella had been going through so much but this was the first time that she had really told me everything that she has been dealing with, with Ava. I wished that she had felt comfortable enough to share it with me. But I tried not to get too mail.

Ella was my mate and Ava was making her life a living hell. There was no way I was going to let her continue to get away with it.

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