
Chapter Dating 50

apter 50

I couldn’t believe the nerve Noah had, thinking he could waltz back into my life and intimidate me into submission. But despite the fear that I had.

knew I couldn’t let him control me any longer.

For the next few days. I was filled with so much fear and anxiety. I constantly checked over my shoulder, expecting Noah to appear at any moment with another threat. His texts didn’t stop, but now he was trying a different tactic

Hey, Ella. Can we talk?

I miss you. Remember the time we went to the beach and you got sunburned? Haha, good times.

I still have that necklace you gave me. Do you still have the bracelet!

He was trying to remind me of the good times we had shared, the moments that made me fall in love with him in the first place. But all I could think about were the lies, the manipulation, and the betrayal. How could I have wasted ten years of my life with someone like him? The thought made me sick to my stomach

One afternoon, I was sitting in the library, trying to focus on my homework when my phone buzzed again. I reluctantly glanced at it, expecting another one of Noah’s manipulative messages. But this time, it was different

Hey, Ella. I’m really sorry about the way I’ve been acting. Can we please meet and talk? I promise I’ll be respectful. I just want to make things right.

A part of me wanted to believe him, to hope that he had genuinely changed. That after we talked, he would leave me alone. But the rational part of my mind screamed that it was just another one of his tricks. After ten years, I knew Noah all too well

I decided to ignore the message and focused on my work, but the nagging feeling wouldn’t go away.

Later that day, as I was heading back to my dorm. I saw Noah waiting for me again. But this time, there was no smirk on his face, no smug arrogance. He looked almost remorseful. He held a small box in his hands and walked towards me tentatively

“Ella, please.” he said, his voice soft and pleading “I know I screwed up. I’m really sorry for everything. Can we just talk for a few minutes?”

I hesitated, my mind racing with conflicting emotions, “What do you want, Noah?” I asked, keeping my distance.

He sighed, running a hand through his hair. Tjust want to apologize. For everything. I know I’ve been a jerk, and I’ve done some terrible things But I can’t stop thinking about you. I brought you something.” He opened the box to reveal a delicate silver bracelet, the same one I had years ago.

I felt a pang of nostalgia, but it was quickly overshadowed by the memories of his betrayal. “You think a bracelet is going to make up you’ve done?” I snapped, crossing my arms,

ad given him

for everything

“No, I don’t,” he admitted, looking down at the ground. I just wanted to show you that I still care. That I want to make things right.”

I shook my head, frustration boiling over. “You can’t just waltz back into my life and expect everything to be okay. You hurt me, Noah. You manipulated me, cheated on me, threatened me and tried to force yourself on me. How can I ever trust you again?”

His face fell, and for a moment, he looked genuinely pained. “I know, and I’m so sorry. I was an idiot, and I let my jealousy and anger get the best of mc. But I want to change. I want to be better for you.”

Before I could respond, he took a step closer, and I instinctively stepped back. “Please, Ella Just give me a chance. We had so many good times together. Can’t we at least try to get back to that?”

He sounded so desperate, and it only made me more determined to stand my ground. “No, Noah. I’m with Liam now, You and I are done. You need to accept that and move on

Noah’s expression twisted into anger so quickly, I didn’t see it coming. He took a step closer to me. But then, I heard a familiar voice behind me. “Is there a problem here?”

I turned to see Liam, his eyes blazing with protectiveness. Relief washed over me as I realized I wasn’t alone. “Noah was just leaving, 1 said firmly. stepping closer to Liam.

Noah’s eyes narrowed, and for a moment, I thought he was going to lash out. But then he forced a smile, backing away. “Yeah, I was just leaving Take care. Ella. And remember what I said.”

He turned and walked away, and I let out a shaky breath. Liam wrapped arm around me, pulling me close. “Are you okay!”

I nodded, leaning into his embrace. “Yeah, I think so. Thank you for showing up when you did.”

Liam looked down at me, his eyes filled with concern. “Ella, you need to tell me what’s going on?

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Chapter 50

I smiled at Liam then, trying not to let the tears that were welling up in my eyes, fall. “It’s okay. I swear.”

I could tell Liam didn’t believe me but he didn’t want to push it.

For the first time in days, I felt a glimmer of hope. Liam refused to leave my side and Noah had stopped texting me. But deep down, even though I hadn’t heard from Noah for a while. I also knew this was far from over. Noah wasn’t going to give up that easily, and I had no idea what he would do


The next day, Noah’s stepped up his tactics to get me back. He started leaving little gifts and mementos outside my dorm room a stuffed animal he won for me at the fair, an old school mix of our favorite songs, even a framed photo of us from happier times.

Each gift came with a note, filled with sweet memories and apologies. It was almost enough to make me believe he had changed, but I knew better.

I was standing outside my dorm one evening, looking down at another one of Noah’s gifts, when he appeared behind me. “Ella, did present?” he asked, his voice sounding desperate.

you get my

I turned to face him, anger bubbling up inside me. Noah, stop this. You can’t just buy my forgiveness with trinkets. You hurt me too much for that.” His face fell, and he stepped closer, his eyes pleading. “Ella, please. I know I messed up, but I’m trying to make things right: Can’t you see that?” Before I could respond, he reached out and tried to touch my face. Instinctively, I jerked back, but he grabbed my arm, pulling me towards him, refusing to let me go. “Noah, let go of me!” I shouted, struggling to free myself.

But he didn’t listen. Instead, he leaned in, trying to force a kiss on me. His rough lips pressed hard against mine. Panic surged through me, and I pushed against him with all my strength. Just as I was about to scream. I felt a powerful force yank Noah away from me.

It was Lim

In an instant, he had Noah pinned against the wall, his hand around his throat “You don’t ever touch her again.” Liam growled, his eyes blazing with fury. He twisted Noah’s neck, forcing him to kneel. Do you understand?


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