
Chapter Dating 44

Chapter 44

Liam turned to the she–wolf, his eyebrows raised with curiosity. There was a small smile playing on his lips. “My name is Liam,” he said, his voice casual. There was a small pause. Was he serious right now. Was that all Liam really had to say!

my mate

1 coughed and squeezed his hands. Tight. Liam looked down at me and shot me a sheepish look. “And this is Ella, m Destiny looked me up and down, a sneer slipping onto her face. Then she turned and gave her attention wholly focused on you. Liam,” she purred. She trailed her long red manicured fingers along Liam’s bicep. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

Liam. “Nice to meet

What the hell. So this chick was really going to stand there and flirt with Liam as if I wasn’t standing right beside him. When Noah and I were together, I knew that there were she–wolves who flirted with him. But since he and I were hardly every together in public. I never really had to see any of it.

I could just pretend that none of it happened. But, I couldn’t do that now because Liam loved having me by his side. He loved moving through the world with me. He didn’t care that I was a human. Which was why I had to deal with someone as bold as Destiny.

1 felt a surge of irritation. Destiny’s blatant disregard for my presence was making me mad as hell. Again, I squeezed Liam’s hand, trying to remind myself that he had just declared me as his mate in front of everyone. He had introduced me to Destiny as his mate. He didn’t have to. So really, there was no reason to feel so insecure.

Thanks,” Liam replied, his tone friendly but not overly enthusiastic. Do you train here too” Liam said. I wished he hadn’t asked her that but then, if he didn’t, he wouldn’t be Liam. Liam was always trying to draw people in Instead of pushing them away.

It was fine when they were nice or cool people that needed to feel like they belonged or had a friend in Liam, I was okay with that. But when they were slutty gym bunnies like Destiny, no, that shit pissed me off.

“I do” Destiny said, her voler and her boobs way too perky for my liking I love it here. I love how I get in a good work out. You know, I just keep pounding the bags until there’s all this sweat dripping down my body, Destiny drew her hands down the side of her neck and kept going until she’d reached the top of her boobs.

“That does seem like quite a workout, Liam said. And then he let out a nervous laugh. He turned slightly, as if to include me in the conversation, I was glad that Liam wanted her to remember that I was there, that I was his. He was making space for me to speak.

But Destiny stepped closer, totally cutting me off

“I don’t see that many she wolves here, Destiny. What’s that like for you?” I said, trying to remain cordial. I didn’t need to stoop to her level. I was used to she–wolves treating me like shit and for the most part, I just tried to stay away from the drama.

Destiny wasn’t going to make it easy for me though, clearly. She looked me up and down like I was annoying her simply by speaking, “It’s fine. To be honest, there’s no girl here that can beat me anyway. I always come out winning. I always come out on top.”

Destiny gave me a pointed look and I knew what I was supposed to read beneath the words she had just spoken. If it wasn’t clear before, she wanted me to know that I was her competition. And just like she always dominated in the ring against other she wolves, she was telling me that she was going to do whatever it took to steal Llam from me.


Destiny turned to Liam then, totally switching it up and putting on a sexy smile, “So, Liam, she said, her voice low and Intimate, “How long have you been training here! I’ve seen you around, but we never got the chance to talk.”

Destiny looked directly at Liam, her eyes filled with blatant desire. She wasn’t even trying to be subtle. But I mean, what did I expect, a she–wolf like Destiny was used to moving through the world showing exactly what she wanted and assuming that she would get it, too.

This made my blood boil. I was so over girls like Bethany, and Ava, seeing me as an invisible non–threatening little human. This only made them treat me more like shit.

Liam, to his credit, tried to keep things polite. He drew me closer to him and squeezed my land to check in with me. I squeezed back. I wasn’t going to let Destiny get to ine. And neither was Liam. He was at least trying anyway.

I’ve been going to the gym for a few years now,” he said. He glanced around the room and I could see him take in the place, almost as if for the first time. He smiled then, “It really is a great place to train.

Yeah, it sure is,” Destiny agreed. “I really can’t imagine where I would go if I didn’t have the gym to go to. As annoying as it was, I could see that Bethany mean it and suddenly, sadness filled

my heart.

Here was another thing she had in common with Liam that I didn’t. I was never going to become a boxer, just like I was never going to become a she wolf Maylee Arthur was right, maybe I should just leave Liam now and stop pretending like we were ever going to work.

Destiny’s gaze lingered on Liam’s biceps. She looked hungry, like she wouldn’t mind licking L

Liam, “You know, if you ever need a sparring parmer,

Chapter 44

I’d be happy to help our

Wait What was I saying. After everything Liam and I lud gone through. After the threats Arthur had sent our way, there was no way I was going to let Destiny just take Liam away from me like that.

ng to give up like that. I had to put an

I cleared my throat, stepping forward. “Actually, Liam and I were just about to leave,” I said. I wasn’t just going end to her ridiculous flirting, or at least, I had to try.

Destiny shot me a glance, her eyes narrowing slightly. “Oh? That’s a shame. I was hoping to get to know Liam a bit better.”

Liam looked at me, his expression apologetic. Ella’s right” he said. “We should get going”

y was relentless. “Maybe just a quick drink! There’s a bar not far from here. We could all go, she suggested, her smile not reaching her

But Destiny was


I couldn’t believe the audacity of this girl. “I don’t think so,” I said firmly. “I have plans.”

“Well then maybe just you and I Liam, Bethany said. She ran her fingers down Liam’s bicep and squeezed. Suddenly, I was just so done.

I turned around and ran outside the bar. I just had to get away from all of that.

“Ella, where are you going?” I heard Liam say.

I turned to look back at him and saw that instead of following me, he couldn’t, because Destiny had her hand locked on refusing to let him go.

and she was


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