
Chapter Dating 41

Chapter 41


Arthur Winslow was no stranger to conflict, both external and internal. As he entered the school gym, the familiar clang of weights and the rhythmic thud of feet pounding on treadmills surrounded him. It was a place of routine, of order. Yet, tonight. Arthur’s mind was anything but orderly

His hockey teammates worked out all around him, pumping weights, running on the treadmill and doing burpees. As Arthur passed by the gymgoers, everyone nodded in his direction, giving him the respect that he was accustomed to receiving

He made his way to the far corner of the gym, where the heavy bag hung from the ceiling, just waiting for him. It was his most consistent opponent that he had in his life at the moment, besides Liam of course. Arthur wrapped his hands in red boxing tape.

He turned around and immediately started to pummel the bag, each punch releasing all the pent–up frustration that had been building since he met with Liam and Ella on the bridge. The gym lights were low, making him almost invisible to those around him, and that was exactly what he needed.

Arthur was a Winslow, born into a legacy of power and prestige. His father, Jonathan Winslow, had always emphasized the importance of strength. control, and dominance. From a young age, Arthur had been groomed to embody these qualities.

But with these familial demands came the crushing weight of responsibility and expectation. Every action he took, every decision he made, was scrutinized under the harsh light of the Winslow name.

Arthur had never been able to be a regular kid, something he had wanted so badly when he was younger. He used to look at other boys his age with envy, knowing that they never had to consider half the things he did simply because he was a Winslow.

He landed a ferocious punch on the bag, feeling the satisfying impact reverberate up his arm. It felt good to beat his body up, to do something so physically, It was the only way that he knew how to get our of his head.

The memory of Liam’s defiance and Ella’s audacity flashed across Arthur’s mind. How dare she, a human girl, challenge him? But then, he remembered that moment–when their hands touched. He had felt something, electric a spark.

It was a connection that had jolted him straight to his core. Although he’d never felt that feeling with anybody else, Arthur had immediately known what it was. It was an unmistakable feeling. He had bonded with his mate.

Arthur stopped, panting, and leaned his forehead forward, resting it against the bag. How could this be? How could a human girl, someone so far beneath him. be his fated mate? The thought banged around in his mind, twisting him into knots,

Already, there was a possessive instinct awakening within him warring against his repulsion for the human girl. This only heightened his violent disdain for Liam and everything he represented

As he resumed his assault on the heavy bag, Arthur’s mind raced. Liam was a fool, a weakling who couldn’t even win a game without the huge help of those around him. Yet, he had the audacity to claim Ella as his mate. The thought made Arthur’s blood boil.

He would not–could not–let this stand. Ella was his, whether she or Liam realized it or not. Whether Arthur liked it or not. A fated mate was nothing to joke with

His teammates began to trickle out of the gym as the night wore on, but Arthur’s fury kept him there, pushing his body to its limits. His knuckles were raw, his muscles screaming, but he welcomed the pain, It was a distraction that he desperately needed from the turmoil within him.

Eventually, he left the gym, his body completely exhausted. But his mind was still filled with conflicting thoughts. How had this foolish human girl, Ella, become his mate. What did that mean for him? And what was he going to do about it

There was one person he needed to talk to, and he wasn’t going to wait any longer.

out. This time, Liam was

Arthur sat in his car, in the parking lot at Liam’s school. He got out of his car as soon as he saw Liam drive up, park and get o alone, no Ella in sight. Good, that meant he could talk to him wolf to wolf.

Liam was on his phone laughing as he got out of his car. How could this idiot be laughing when Arthur was there, with all sorts of emotions raging imide him. Arthur’s jaw tightened, and before he knew it, he was striding towards Liam, his anger growing with every step,

“Liam,” Arthur yelled. Liam turned, his grin fading as Arthur approached.

What do you want, Arthur?” Liam asked.

“Do you really think Ella knows what it means to be with an Alpha? Does she even understand the consequences?”

Chapter 41

Liam took a step closer to Arthur, becoming bigger, “She understands enough.”

Arthur’s eyes blazed with a mix of frustration and possessiveness. “Liam I know you’re lying to her, she’s not your mate. Arthur spat out

Liam’s face hardened “What are you talking about, Arthur? You don’t know anything.

Arthur took a step closer, his gaze never wavering. “I know more than you think. And I can tell you, she isn’t your mate.”

You are crazy, you know that? Is this another one of your stupid tactics to break ups apart?” Liam said, anger flashing across his face.

Arthur’s fius clenched at his sides, the urge to punch Liam was overwhelming but he refused to lose control. He wished he could reveal how he knew Ella wasn’t Liam’s fated mate. But of course, he couldn’t.

How was he supposed to admit that he knew Ella wasn’t Liam’s mate because he now believed Ella was his mate, that he had felt that primal bond. “Stay away from her, Liam, You’re only going to hurt her, Arthur said, his voice low and threatening,

The possessive instinct flared up within him, demanding he claim what was his. But he couldn’t. Not yet. He had to find a way to get closer to Ella. Liam stepped forward, his expression deadly serious. “Or what!”

Arthur’s eyes locked with Liam’s, a silent baule of wills playing out between them. Finally, Arthur turned and walked away, his mind already trying to figure out what to do next. This wasn’t over. Not by a long shot.

As he drove away from the school, a new determination settled over him. He would find a way to clairn Ella, to make her see that she was meant to be with him, not Liam. The bond they shared was real, and it was only a matter of time before she realized it.

Arthur tightened his grip on the steering wheel, his knuckles white He would not let Ella end up with Liam who was clearly not her mate. That wasn’t going to happen. He couldn’t lei that happen.

He was a Winslow, and he would do whatever it took to protect what was his–even if it meant going against everything he had ever been taught.


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