
Chapter Dating 36

Chapter 36

The next few days were a blur. There was so much tension as Liam and his team prepared to play against Arthur, I could hardly stand it. I had never been more nervous for Liam. It was one thing to see them go at it at the opening party. It was another thing entirely to see them face off on the for

Even though I was nervous about the game, everybody in school and really in town, couldn’t wait to see the showdown between Liam and Arthur. You couldn’t go anywhere without hearing people talk about the game.

“Liam is going to smash Arthur and his team,” I heard as I walked through the halls

“No way. Look at how big Arthur is. One good hit and it’s going straight into the goal.”

There was so much anticipation everywhere I went which only made me even more nervous. Liam wasn’t nervous though, he was just super focused on making sure he was ready for the match. He and his team spent every waking hour practicing.

I tried to be as supportive as I could. Whenever Liam practiced. I was right there, watching from the stands. Liam was a total God when he stepped on the ice during practice. As I watched him, I just knew Arthur was screwed when game day was finally here.

The stands were completely packed. There were even more people watching this match than the friendly that happened a couple weeks before. I looked around the arena and everybody was standing. It was like they all refused to miss the action.

Arthur’s team was already on the ice, wearing their green jerseys. They darted around on the ice geuing in some last minute practice before the game. It was so crazy because just like they had moved as one in the ballroom, they moved as one on the ice

On the other side of the field, Liam and our team skated back and forth, sending powerful shots into the goal. All their faces were set in serious determination. They weren’t fucking around, not now and not when the game started.

The crowd kept letting out loud cheers every time someone on our team sent a powerful shot into the net.

I turned in Monica, “We got this, right?”

“Of course, we fucking got this!” she yelled back.

I nodded as the excitement about the game linally started coming back into me.

When it was Noah’s turn to take a practice shot, his movements were unsteady,

“Is Noah drunk again!” I said to Monica.

Monica’s eyes narrowed, “Fuck, yeah, it looks like it.”

“He better get his shit together before the ref blows the whistle.” I said.

And then the ref blew the whistle.

The game started off with a bang, the puck flying back and forth across the ice in almost a blur. The players sinashed into each other over and over again.

At the center of it all were the two alphas that everybody really came to watch, Liam and Arthur. Liam went low and flicked his stick out, stealing the puck away from Arthur.

The crowd went wild.

He drove down the field, but Arthur was right on top of him, making sure that he didn’t make it easy for Liam to score. His eyes were dark. There was a hunger in them.

My heart pounded and it felt like it was going to burst out of my chest. Sometimes I felt like I wanted to look away but, at the same time, I knew that I couldn’t, Liam was killing it and I knew that he would. But unlike everybody in the stand, I could see that the gume and Anthur’s relentlessness was taking a toll on him.

Arthur just kept going and it was pushing my alpha to his limit. My alpha! I couldn’t believe I’d just thought that. But wasn’t it truer With all the time Liam and I had been spending together, he really was starting to feel like mine.

Noah on the other hand was a total mess. The longer the game went, the more it was obvious that he was drunk out of his mind. He kept fumbling passes and missing easy shots.

Midway through the second half, Noah skated up behind Liam as he drove the puck towards the goal. Noah threw his stick out in front of Liam tripped over it, losing control of the puck. A player on Arthur’s team was nearby and quickly stole the puck.

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Chapter 36

The crowd boord.

“Noah, what the hell are you doing? Liam shouted, shoving Noah hard in the chest.

Noah grinned, his eyes wild. “Just playing the game like you. You’re the one who needs to get more steady on your feet.

Liam’s jaw clenched, he looked like he wanted to punch Noah. But he turned away, focusing on the game. He wasn’t about to let Noah completely throw him off his game.

The game continued. But Noah kept doing things to try to sabotage Liam. After a while, it was clear that he was deliberately sabotaging Liam. He wanted Liam to look bad and he didn’t care if our team lost because of it

“Damn, Noah is a complete assholet Look at how he’s acting our there, Monica yelled

Liam stayed focused though and he ended up scoring two goals back–to–back. The crowd cheered so loudly after every one. Arthur, on the other hand, only grew angrier.

The final quarter started and both teams were tied. The tension in the arena was so high. Liam and Arthur refused to let up on each other. But I saw the look on Liam’s fare. He wasn’t as tired as he was earlier in the game. He wasn’t going to let Arthur win.

There was less than a minute on the clock. Liam was at the side of the field and Peter had hit the puck straight into Liam’s stick. Out of nowhere. Noah drove forward. He didn’t stop and he ended up shoving Liam in the back

Liam went sprawling across the ber

The crowd gasped. And Arthur took advantage of the moment. He skated past Liam who was still on the ground. He drove hard and fast towards our goal. He pulled his puck back and smashed it right into the corner of our goal

The entire arena exploded. Arthur had just won the game for his team.

Cheers and boos rang out, Arthur’s team swarmed him, and lifted him in the air, Close by, Liam was still laying on the ice, breathing heavily, his eyes locked on Arthur.

“I have to go to him. I have to go to Liam,” I said to Monica refusing to take my eyes of Liam,

Noah skated over to Liam, a smug grin on his face. “Better luck next time, bro.”

Liam jumped to his feet, anger and betrayal on his face. “You did this, Noah! You sabotaged us

Liam swung at Noah and shocked sounds rose from the crowd.

Noah fell back, sprawling onto the ice, “It’s not my fault you couldn’t keep up,” he mumbled,

Before Liam could respond, Arthur skated over, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. He clapped his hands dramatically as he looked back and forth between Liam and Noah, “I swear Liam, no matter whist family you’re in, you’re a little troublemaker, aren’t you?”

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