
Chapter Dating 140

Chapter 140

[Arthur’s POV]

You’d be amazed at what money could do.

Especially when one has it in massive abundance.

The same day Liam and his annoying team won the championship, I’d returned to the house and overheard a very interesting conversation coming from my father’s study. Apparently, Aaron has struck up a deal with my dear half–brother.

By winning the championship, he’s also won a spot for himself at Eastwood Academy… Along with a spot for Ella.

It was as if a whole new opportunity fell into my lap. And I sure as hell wasn’t going to waste it.

The moment I heard that the transfer papers were going to be put through, I made an immediate call to my school’s administration office. I’d set up numerous meetings with the Vice President as well as a few teachers to ensure my plan.

In exchange for setting up considerably generous donations throughout the school’s various departments, I had them switch around Ella’s course schedule. Once I made sure that it practically mirrored my own, I then went on to have a little chat with the head of Student Life to discuss the rooming situation.

So, how did I manage to swing a room right next to Ella’s? Like I said, money has a way of making things happen.

I spoke about my donations to the other parts of the school and offered to ensure housing updates. A promise of new furniture, a top–of–the–line central air system, and a modern update on the shared common area. By the end of that meeting, I walked out with an entirely new dorm situation.

Once I made sure all of my plans were securely in place, I reached out to Olivia to inform her of the new changes.

I knew she was still deterred from my previous failed plan. She almost didn’t want to hear what I had set up this time around. But I managed to convince her to hear me out.

Nothing like a new diamond bracelet couldn’t fix.

“Alright, I’m here,” Olivia said with a bored tone. “Care to tell me what this new brilliant plan or


I never guess who’s going to be coming to Eastwood this semester,” I muttered with a lazy grin.

Olivia’s body went still. Her expression was filled with disbelief. “You’re lying”

is about?”

“Nope.” My smile grew merely at the thought of getting to see Ella every day. “Your precious, annoying Liam is transferring, as well as Ella.

She pursed her lips and struggled to suppress a sneer.

“Why am I not surprised,” she grumbled under her breath. “Of course, she would be tailing along with him.”

“Yes, it would seem that Liam insisted on having Ella be transferred too.” Not that I was complaining

She fluttered her lashes and made a move to get up. “Was this really worth calling me over here?”

Olivia let out a dramatic huff and headed toward the door. Right as she reached for the handle, I spoke out in my usual teasing


“Well, then I guess you don’t want to hear about how I switched all of our schedules around so that you’ll be attending classes with Liam and now living down the hall from him,” I pointed out.

-Olivia stopped dead in her tracks and peeked over her shoulder, gaping at me in total shock. Her eyes lit up as though she were a child waking up on Christmas morning. I could have sworn he was seconds away from jumping out of her chair.

my God: Oh my God! Arthur! Do you know what this means?” she asked.

1 raised a single brow. Oh, I knew exactly what this meant. It meant that I was finally going to get a real chance to get close to Ella without the concern of Liam getting in the way.

10:38 AM c d ·

Chapter 140

“It means I’m going to finally prove to Liam that he and I are meant to be together,” she stated confidently.

“Yes, yes. Good luck with that, I told her with amusement.

She planted a hand on her hip and scoffed. “Hold on…You didn’t go through all this trouble for me.” She narrowed her gaze. “Wait, you’re still trying to make it happen with Ella, aren’t you?

I tore my eyes away from her and glanced out the nearest window. I would never consider myself a weak person, but Ella has become that one spot in the back of my mind that I knew will have the power to cripple me.

In the dark recesses of my mind, I knew for a fact that her very existence possessed the capabilities to bring me to my knees. And I didn’t care.

“It doesn’t matter what my reasons are, I said sternly. “What you need to do is somehow keep Liam away from Ella so that I can help her come into who she’s meant to be.”

Her brows pulled together. “Oh? And who is that exactly?”

I turned back to face Olivia.

My mate.

Time itself might as well have stopped moving. The very air in the room was filled with an unbreathable tension. I was surprised that neither of us started choking.

If I thought Olivia was shocked before, then I had miraculously achieved a whole new level of astonishment with her. It was the first time ever th

that I had openly admitted that Ella was my mate. It felt right.

“Arthur…You can’t be serious,” she gasped. “For Christ’s sake, she’s a human.”

I was not fond of the way her voice changed at the end of that sentence.

“Why do you think I’ve been trying to pursue her so persistently?” I questioned harshly.

Olivia’s dubious expression left me feeling infuriated.

“I have no clue, to be honest. Part of me thought that you were just trying to get one over on Liam. Then I thought you were just interested in sleeping with her but she posed too much of a challenge which only would enthrall you even more.”

My growing anger caused an unstoppable snarl to slip from the back of my throat.

“You have no idea what you’re talking about,I said bitterly. “And to set the record straight, Ella is far from human.” “Bullshit. Her scent proves otherwise. Not even you can deny that.”

I kept my gaze leveled with Olivia’s. “I’ve both seen and heard things that prove my theory, undoubtedly.”

“And just what is this so–called theory?” she asked briskly.

“It’s not unheard of for a person’s wolf to be suppressed. How and why is beyond me, but I’ve been doing a bit of research lately that explains how one can go about freeing their wolf”

“Okay…Say that you’re right about all this,” Olivia commented. “How do you plan on making Ella’s wolf surface?”

Ah, yes. That’s where things may become rather unethical once again.

A person’s wolf happens to be tied very closely to their emotions. Back when I heard Ella let out that inhuman growl, I knew it was because she was deeply upset about something. My plan was to get her to reach that level of emotion again.

“I’m going to try and trigger her in a way that shakes her emotions to the point of bringing her wolf out.

Olivia stared at me. “Arthur, that sounds like a terrible fucking idea.”


“Well, do not expect me to take part in any of this-

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Oh yeah The upcoming armutter von aunty going to be an interesting ne

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