
Chapter Dating 137

Chapter 137

Today was the day.

Today, Liam and I were heading to our new school where we were supposed to be meeting with a few people from Eastwood’s administration. I was nervous, to say the least.

Liam and I had packed up a good portion of our belongings in the back of his car and headed towards the Academy. The campus was surrounded by dozens of large oak trees and other foliage, creating a natural private barrier from the outside world. Liam pulled through the large rod–iron gates and up the main building.

It should have come as no surprise that there was already a cluster of people waiting there with heavy looks of interest on their faces. I had no doubt they were mainly there because of Liam.

After his team’s big win at the final hockey match, his popularity and status shot up like a rocket.

So, this really didn’t pose any sort of surprise to me. Right as we got out of the car, we were greeted by the vice president of the school along with, who I could only assume, a few other teachers.

Already, a low grumble of chatter broke out around us. Many of the students were too busy fumbling around with their phones to take any real notice of what was happening. The Vice President shook both Liam’s hand as well as my own and began his minor speech about how lucky Eastwood was to have someone like Liam at their school.

He ranled off about all the advantages a skilled athlete like him would have while on campus, and even tried to give some kind of pitch to him about immediately joining the team. Truthfully, I believed that any school would be lucky to have someone like Liam on their hockey team.

However, Liam appeared a bit more skeptical of all this unsanctioned praise.

“I’ll consider it,” Liam told the man. “However, my main focus is making sure that Ella and I are situated here for now.”

Most of the teachers gave shocked looks while the vice president was practically fumbling over his words at Liam’s directness. Half the students who crowded around us were surprised and widely impressed by his disposition.

Liam continuously appeared heavily on his guard when the vice president stepped forward to speak to me. He, and most of the other teachers, gave me a soft smile. But there was one woman whose scowl did not go amiss.

Instead of merely looking at me, her gaze was harsh and noticeably judgmental. It felt like she was trying to visibly take me


“Well, you must be Miss Ella Belmont,” the vice president said while shaking my hand.

“Yes, it’s nice to meet y


“Eastwood Academy doesn’t get many human admissions, you see,” he said.

That one female teacher raised her brow and mildly sneered. “So it’s quite remarkable that you’re here.”

“Remarkable? Or merely unheard of?” Liam questioned stiffly.

It was nice to see that I wasn’t the only person who thought this one teacher was acting rather hostile toward me. Meanwhile, the others were eagerly trying to shake off the awkward tension that surrounded us.

The vice president cleared his throat and went on to lead us on a private tour around campus. Since most of the other students were advised to return to their classes, we were finally able to get a decent view of the place without being crowded.

We were shown the main study hall, dining hall, library, most of the academic buildings, and lastly where we would be dorming on campus

“Most of our dormitories are co–ed in each hall. Of course, you will both be rooming with your own gender,” he explained. We were then handed two folders of all our course information, a detailed list of any upcoming events and clubs, as well as our dorm keys. I felt my stomach drop a little when Liam and I realized that we wouldn’t be staying on the same floor as each other

“Do you think I could get away with trying to switch with someone else?” he muttered.

10:34 AM

Chapter 137

I gave him a heartfelt smile. “Sadly, no

I was somewhat bummed out about not being on the same floor. However, I would much rather be just a single floor apart as opposed to a whole other separate building. Liam leaned down to kiss me before heading off to find his room.

My anxiety slowly started to roll back when I came upon my door. Slipping in the key, I made a silent prayer that whoever my new roommate was wasn’t going to be a total nightmare.

I opened the door and surveyed the room. A shrilling voice broke out, causing me to flinch on the spot.

“Oh my God! You’re Ella Belmont!”

I turned my head to find a petite auburn–haired girl with thick–framed glasses. She had a large smile spread across her face and a glimmer in her eyes that I couldn’t place right away.

“Uh, yeah. Hi. I believe I’m your new roommate

The girl squealed with excitement and set her laptop aside before sliding out of bed. “I’m Bonnie. Bonnie Marcus.”

I wasn’t sure whether to be gracious for the warm welcome or confused. “So, uh, how did you know who I was exactly?” I asked

My curiosity was beyond piqued. It wasn’t as if I was popular in any way in which people would know my name off–handedly. Then again, maybe they did now that Liam and I decided to be more public about our relationship.

“Oh, well, I’ve been sort of following this one media page that has quite a bit about you and Liam

My eyes nearly bulged out of my head. “Bonnie, what media page?”

Bonnie turned to grab her laptop. She began typing away and turned back to show me the screen. My lips parted in shock. What the hell?

It appeared to be some kind of social media account that was geared solely to Liam, me…and Arthur?!

Good God, it was practically everything from the Golden Fawn Hotel to the recent hockey matches. This had to have been one of the freakiest things to happen to me in a good while.

Someone was stalking me, taking photos and then proceeding to post them!!

Certain photos were just of Liam and me while others were when I happened to be around Arthur. The one photo that genuinely freaked me out was when I was having my panic attack during the final hockey match. The time when both Liam and Arthur had rushed to my side to see what was wrong.

“Who made this page?”

“I’m not sure.

I let out a long sigh and pinched the bridge of my nose. “Bonnic, please don’t believe what you see on this page, okay? I’m strictly dating Liam. That’s all.”

Bonnie gave me a reassuring smile that she would try to not frequently visit that disturbing page in the future. But beyond. that, she and I were easily able to become better acquainted.

Unlike me, she was looking to major in biology. Bonnie possessed a deep fascination for sci–fi films and admitted to having a slight addiction to sugar. By the end of the day, I’d gotten the feeling as though we had known each other for years and was really looking forward to being her roommate.

I still missed Monica terribly but I was glad that Bonnie and I may have a real chance to be good friends.

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