
Chapter Dating 135

Chapter 135

The following day, after a majority of the party–goers left, the rest of us decided to chill out at the indoor pool in the back of the lodge. Monica and I were lying out on some of the lounge chairs while Liam and a couple of his friends were playing a small game of volleyball in the pool.

Because the matches were finally over, Liam and I saw no harm in telling some of our friends the truth about the nature of the games. Meaning that aside from the championship being on the line, Liam had made a deal with his father.

There was more at stake than just the title of champion. Aaron made it mandatory that Liam win because he needed to essentially make his stance within the Winslow family as the next potential heir.

Yeah, a title that Arthur had been groomed for his entire life.

Now that I was letting him creep back into my mind, I just now realized how uncharacteristically well Arthur took to losing to Liam’s team yesterday…

He and his team certainly put up a good fight to earn that winning title, yet he took the loss in a decent stride. It was a hard concept to wrap my mind around.

Just another thing to add to the growing list of unexplainable things that Arthur has done.


case, I promised myself that I wasn’t going to think about this weekend. Swiftly, I shifted my thoughts back to Liam and

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Part of me loathed to wonder what other crazy shit Aaron would try and pull over on Liam. These past matches nearly drove him insane.

Monica was purely stunned beyond words. “Holy shit,” she gasped. “I couldn’t imagine being under that kind of pressure.”

I sighed and turned my head to glance at the guys in the water. “That’s why I’m just glad he had this chance to finally relax for a little while.”

And I certainly meant it.

Right before Liam and I had fallen asleep, he’d received a sudden call from his father the night before. Liam had placed the call on speakerphone, allowing me a chance to listen in.

The conversation was rather short; however, it left an unsettling feeling in both of us when it was over.

“I’ve been informed that you’ve won the final match against Arthur, Aaron said stoically.

Liam tried to keep his demeanor and tone as undetectable as possible.

“You heard correctly.”

“Good. Now we can move on to the next stages,” he stated.

Liam’s eyes twitched with irritation. “Now you can uphold your end of the deal, Aaron. Remember? I’ll transfer to Eastwood Academy as well as Ella.”

“Yes, yes. Not to worry, I know,” he claimed. “I’ll be in touch soon.

This time around, Monica’s shock was purely directed at me.

“Wait. You’re not going to be returning to school this upcoming semester?” she asked.

I gently shook my head. It was heartbreaking to know that Monica and I would no longer be roommates and see each other in class or around campus. She was truly my rock these past couple of years. I knew for a fact that I wouldn’t have it made through it all if I didn’t have her by my side.

I also knew that it was going to be difficult in the beginning. All I could do was hope that I would find another close friend like Monica who I could get along with.

“That was part of Liam’s deal with Aaron. We’re both to be transferred to Eastwood Academy,” I explained.

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Chapter 135

“Wow,” she hummed. “No wonder the guy had been under a world of pressure. It wasn’t just his future at risk but both of yours.

From that point on, I went on to tell Monica more about my strange occurrence during the match yesterday. Once more, I kept Arthur’s name and placement mostly out of the story, until it came later on.

“Arthur?” she asked in disbelief.

I waved my hand about. “He looked just as concerned as Liam did. His worry was genuine, I thought.”

Even Monica thought Arthur’s behavior was strange and out of pocket.

“I mean, it’s not like I know the guy particularly well, but I would never think that he would go out of his way to show concern like that for someone,” she remarked.

All I could do was shrug. “I know.”

A long beat of silence drifted between us and the only sounds were Liam’s friends shouting and occasionally splashing one another. Out of nowhere, Monica made a comment that nearly sent me reeling out of my chair.

“Maybe Arthur genuinely likes you.”

I could have sworn that Liam had heard what Monica said from how stiff his entire body had become. He turned his head toward our conversation but never spoke a word. My stomach dropped and filled with worry.

“Oh, please,” I scoffed. “I highly doubt it.

“I don’t know, Ella. Think about it. Arthur has done quite a few things that are contradictory to the person we all assume he is.”

She wasn’t wrong. I thought back to my time at the Golden Fawn. Anytime Arthur and I came into contact, it wasn’t completely unpleasant. Perhaps, a bit awkward at times. But by the end of it, I didn’t really mind running into him.

He was easy enough to speak to and he never made me feel less about myself like he had in the past. Who knows? Maybe Arthur really was trying to change..

“I don’t know, Monica. It just seems a bit too far–fetched, I commented. “If Arthur is really changing, then he shouldn’t be selective about it.”

Monica gives me a look of bewilderment. “What do you mean?”

“What I mean is, there’s no reason why he should only be nice to me and not Liam,” I clarified. “For instance, after the match yesterday, I think Arthur knew that Liam and I were together the night before. He went as far as to hint at the fact that that’s the only reason why Liam won.” Monica’s jaw dropped. “That’s ridiculous!”

Later that night, Liam suggested that we go for a private walk around the property. Wanting to see more of the area, I gladly accepted. I slid my hand into his and intertwined our fingers as we headed down the narrow trail.

We talked about moving to our new campus and if we thought we were ready for such a big change.

Things s are certainly going to get interesting when people find out that there are two Winslows attending the same school”

“Do you think that Arthur will still try to cause problems?” I asked,

“I’m not sure. I don’t know if you’ve noticed this or not…But I think Arthur’s slightly changing.”

“I think you’re right.”

“Now, that doesn’t mean that I, all of a sudden, trust the guy. Not by any means,” Liam said.

As we came to the end of our walk, Liam stopped.

“Ella, I think I’d like to collect on that favor now.”

My brows raised. “The favor from back when we were at the ski resort?”

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He nodded his head. “I know we spoke about giving us another try. But what I really want is for us to be public about it. I want everyone to know that we’re together. Ella, I want you to be my girlfriend.”

There was no containing the smile and happiness that was bubbling within me. I eagerly nodded my head and wrapped my arms around his neck. “Yes.”

Liam mirrored my elated smile and snaked his own arms around me, holding me close.

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