
Chapter Dating 114

Chapter 114

I was in a daze, my body still buzzing from the incredible sensation that rocked through me. The two of us got our clothes back in order in bare silence; however, much of the tension that was hanging around before was now gone.

I felt like I was wise enough to know that what just happened between us was mainly out of jealousy. What I had a hard time understanding was why.

Why would he, of all people, be jealous?

I let out a long breath and leaned back against the wall while Liam finished getting himself together. “Alright, so are we gonna talk about this now?”

Without sparing me a single glance, Liam shrugged his shoulders. “Not sure what we need to talk about.”

“Liam,” I said sternly. I could see the tension return to his muscles where I stood. “I shouldn’t even have to tell you that there is nothing–absolutely nothing, going on between Arthur and me. The two of us merely exchanged a few words, nothing more.”

He spoke with a gruff. “I know that. It’s just…”

“It’s not like I’m interested in him. Frankly, I want nothing to do with him.”

“I know that!” he hissed impatiently. “It’s not you I’m worried about. I mean, I know you’re not the one who keeps initiating things. It’s him.”

A short pause went by.

The corner of my mouth shifted up. “You know, given our situation, it’s strange seeing you being the one who’s jealous,” I remarked smugly.

Liam snapped his head at me, the corner of his eye twitching with baffling astonishment.”

“I’m not jealous. I just happen to be knowingly possessive of what belongs to me.”

In the back of my mind, I wasn’t entirely certain where I stood on the whole topic of ‘belonging to someone‘ or being referred to as ‘someone else’s property. I knew it was meant as a serious term of endearment to wolves.

I guess it just raised a lot of flags in my mind because I still wasn’t completely certain as to where Liam and I stood relationship–wise. Would he still feel this passionate come the end of the term?

I wasn’t sure. And it was because of my uncertainty that I was silently mentally preparing myself for any possible outcome.

I quirked a brow and eyed him with skepticism. “But Arthur and I were literally just talking. Nothing more. But you, apparently, have a problem with that.”

It came off as a statement rather than a question.

“I have a problem with him being around you. Period,” he stated sternly, “What has he spoken to you about?

He thinks you’re being obsessively controlling over me and believes that you’re going to treat me the way Noah has in the past,” I answered swiftly. Another bout of anger flashed through his eyes. “Before you fall into another fit of rage, I’ll have you know that I set Arthur straight about you and


He rolled his eyes and failed to stop from sifeering. “That’s typical of him to try and trash my image. I still don’t trust him.

I subtly rolled my eyes. “Well, he hasn’t done anything horrible, shockingly enough. So, is it so wrong for him to want to get to know me?”

“Yes,” he said without an ounce of hesitation. Because I have no idea what his motives are.”

Anger started to rise in my voice. Is it so impossible to believe that he wants to get to know me out of sheer interest and not because of some sick ulterior motive?”

This time he was the one who raised a skeptical brow. “Yes. Arthur is manipulative and sneaky as shit. He doesn’t do things for the sake of doing them–everything has a purpose to reach some sort of personal gain to him.”

But what could he gain out of getting to know me? The bigger question was, why would he want to know ine anyway? I never considered myself to be very interesting. The only real unique thing that I had going for myself was my writing. But, other than that, I was a simple girl who was just trying to get through classes and stay under the radar.

“Well…What if I tried to find out what his intentions are?”

Liam narrowed his eyes. “What do you mean!”

10:33 AM

Chapter 114

“What if I…let Arthur get close to me?” Something dangerous flickers across Liam’s eyes, causing her to partially regret that idea. “No. Absolutely



“Ella. I’m not even going to entertain the thought. What I figuring out where to find you.”

ant is for

you to stay clear of him the best you can. It’s bad enough that asshole keeps

“Yeah, I’m not going to lie, I’ve been wondering about that too.”

Liam closed his eyes and struggled to collect himself before losing his restraint once more. He took a few deep breaths and came to stand in front of me. He rested his hands on the top of my arms and spoke calmly. “Just…Please, don’t involve yourself in his shit.”

I wished I could promise him that I wouldn’t get involved, but there’s a part of me that wanted to know more. A list of questions that have been unanswered.

I reached up to let my hands rest on the firm planes of his chest. “Liam, I won’t intentionally get involved with Arthur; however, should he be the one to seek me out, then I am going to hear what he has to say.”

I knew Liam wasn’t happy with that answer

Later that evening, I found myself alone since Liam and the team had an important meeting with a few of the coaches. After all that had gone on today, I should have just settled for a hot shower and slipped into bed. But I felt restless.

I glanced up from my work to see that it had started to gently snow outside. I loved the snow. It always gave me the urge to wrap myself up in a big fluffy blanket and sip on some hot chocolate.

Oh! I think the cafe actually serves hot chocolate!

I swiftly slipped on my flats and grabbed my bag with the intention of heading down to the cafe. Right when the barista handed me my cup, I turned around and came face–to–face with Olivia. She was happily surrounded by a group of friends who were all wearing the same strained look on their faces.

“You must be Ella,” Olivia exclaimed with a wide smile.

I slowly nodded my head. “Yes, hi.”

“We hear you’re the one who’s dating Liam,” one of them slithered.

Aren’t you human?

“I’m not seeing the appeal.”

Olivia snapped her head around and snarled at her friends, causing them all to jump back. “Enough!”

My eyes widened in shock. I couldn’t believe someone like Olivia would willingly come to my defense like that. She didn’t seem the type. Then again, I didn’t know her.

“I hope you and I can get to know each other more

de side and nodded my


“Do we’re

here,” she said witharm t

On my way back to the room, I spotted Arthur sitting in one of the lounges. He glanced up from his phone and spoke. Someone looks chipper.

My smile remained in place. Yes.”

“Well, don’t leave me hanging. What happened?

“I think I just made a new friend,I said.

The corner of his mouth curved upward. Is that right?


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