
Chapter Dating 112

Chapter 112

The following day, I found myself sitting in on one of Liam’s practice sessions with his team. I was ashamed to admit that a large part of me thought Liam was going to seclude me back to my room after having witnessed the intense conversation 1 had with Arthur.

And not for nothing, I wouldn’t have blamed him if he’d tried to. After my run–in with Arthur, my head was swarming with endless thoughts and heavy doubt. Doubt about my relationship with Liam and doubt about him. I hated it

I hated that he somehow managed to get under my skin and continue to bother me without even being near me. And, I couldn’t fathom why.

When Liam spoke to me last night on the way back to our rooms, he told me that he wanted me to attend the practice session. “You’ll mainly just be sitting in the stands but I’d much rather you be there than to be hauled up in your room,” he explained.

I think in a backward sort of way he wanted me around in a place where he could still keep an eye on me without having to be isolated. I tried not to harp on those thoughts and simply enjoy the setting around me.

Normally, I would have tried to argue against the idea of needing to be watched. But even I was willing to admit that I preferred to be near Liam should Arthur or anyone else try anything.

What truly shocked me was Liam hadn’t tried to ask me about the conversation between Arthur and me. It made me think that perhaps he already heard it all which would have been awkward in itself

Perhaps it was a blessing in disguise. After it was all said and done, the last thing I wanted to do was rehash the whole thing over again.

The place was booming with excitement. Even though it was just a practice, the place possessed the same charged energy one would find at a regular hockey game. There was little to no doubt that I stuck out amongst the other people who were seated amongst the bleachers. With my notebook in my hand, I was heavily bundled up in an old, thick sweater. It was by no means stylish but it did its job as a means to keep me warm.

Ashe wolf wouldn’t need this amount of layers that I needed to put on, which made me stick out like a sore thumb all the more.

It wasn’t exactly the quietest place for me to work not with someone shouting out every few seconds and the constant snap of the puck hitting the side panels–but 1 had to make do for the time being.

Apparently, I wasn’t the only person who thought of sitting in on Liam’s team training. From where I was sitting, there were several groups of other girls that were huddled together and chatting amongst themselves. Of course, the conversation mainly revolved around Liam.

I didn’t care as long as they left me alone.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t so lucky. One of the girls accidentally dropped her phone and turned to reach for it under the bench behind her and when she did, she ended up seeing me. Immediately the conversation shifted to me.

Each girl stole a glance and giggled like a pack of children.

“I can’t believe she’s with Liam”

“Oh, please. What a complete joke”

The guy is an Alpha, why would he waste his time with her?”

Between the ongoing thoughts of Arthur’s opinion and the stupid comments that I kept overhearing. I was truly getting fed up. I seriously contemplated leaving however, I didn’t want to end up causing a scene should Liam find out that I was trying to bow out before training ended for


Suddenly, everyone’s attention was drawn toward the main entrance where a group of girls stood “Oh my God! Look, in Olivial” one of them said.

My attention was instantly drawn by my curiosity to see who this Olivia person was. From where Lar, I could tell that the other girl was a she–wolf

y to see and was, no doubt perfect.

What was a girl like her doing here?

The realization suddenly hit me that Olivia was wearing what looked like a cheerleading uniform.

“Are you familiar with Olivia Jones?” an unsettlingly familiar voice spoke from behind me. Arthur.

I calmly shook my head and took in a few slow breaths

“She’s the captain of the squad that cheers for my team

Of course, she is. In other words, she’s another Ava.

Olivia spotted us through the growing crowds and gave a confident wave to Arthur, Arthur gave a slight wave back and took a spot near me on the


Chapter 112

“She’s a remarkable cheerleader.”

“I believe it‘

The corner of his mouth turned upward “She has this way of drawing in a crowd and moving them with her energy. It’s like she was born to be a


Even though I was never fond of Ava I was always somehow envious of the allure she possessed. It was like she possessed an unspoken power to attract everyone and anyone. And there was the….

“Have you ever considered cheerleading!” he asked from a short distance away.

I gave a slight shrug. “It’s not really my thing,” she says.

“What is your thing then he questioned with interest.

I heavily comtemplated opening up to

g up to him a about one of the few things that truly meant a lot to me. But something told me that Arthur was capable of reading through a person’s hes.


Expecting a harsh, cutting comment, Arthur graced me with a soft smile. “Really! Perhaps, one of these days you’ll consider letting me read some of your work.”

ny kind of work-

My eyes widened. Against my better judgment, 1 blushed. I doubt you’d be interested in my

Arthur moved closer with ease, causing my breathing to hitch. “Try me.”

It’s strange having Arthur’s full attention be solely on me and not on Liam. I didn’t know how to handle it, I was generally expecting him to come out with some cutting comments about my attendance at today’s practice. But no

“Winslow!” Noah shouted from the edge of the rink “We still have the rank for another in minutes, so would you kindly get the hell out of here!”

Not once did I ever think I would feel grateful to Noah for disrupting a conversation. In the distance, I spotted Liam who’d been leering at us for God knows how long. I could tell he was annoyed by the subtle sneer on his face.

“It’s fine, Noah. Give them the rink. I’ve had enough of the ice today, Liam growled.

I watched as he dragged himself across the rink to step off the ice. He tore off a good amount of his gear and nimed to head toward the locker rooms. “ElLTM

Oh boy. Something in my gut was telling me that, this time, I was going to get an earful from Liam


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