
Chapter Dating 110

Chapter 110

“Wow, this really is amazing,” Liarn said as we walked through the indoor garden

Exactly like I assumed before, all the pre–strung fairy lights around were on, giving the place an ethereal glow. Each individual pine tree was lit up and laced with dark red, velvet bows.

“It is beautiful, isn’t it!” I hummed sofily.

Considering how late it was, a majority of the people who were staying at the hotel were already in their rooms for the evening. The two of us took our time walking down the winding path around the large solarium, taking in all the glittering sights.

I was so excited that I finally got the chance to show him this remarkable spot. After all the recent turmoil we’ve been through, it was nice to have a moment like this together. One that wasn’t filled with prying eyes and vicious remarks

I decided not to tell him about having overheard the biting comments I’d heard earlier during lunch. None of them really mattered and there was no use getting upset over something that wasn’t necessarily new to me. However, the only thought that kept nudging at the forefront of my mind Olivia Jones.

I hesitated to bring the topic up. Granted, I wanted the truth, but a big part of me was worried about it. Instead, I chose to switch to a different topic.

“Tell me, how’s training been going so far?” I asked.

Liam let out a long breath that sounded like he’d been holding back since we first got here. “It’s been going well for the most part. But it’s brutal There’s still a lot of things the team needs to work on as a whole”

And what about Noah?” I gently inquired. “Has he been doing any better?”

From what I gathered, he’d been trying to better himself like he told me before. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t giving Liar a hard time during practices.

Liam nodded his head. “Surprisingly, he’s been on his A–game since the training started. It’s strange. One minute, he’s the biggest pain in the ass- constantly drinking and gening into trouble. Now, he’s focused and attentive to what’s in front of him

“But that’s good isn’t it?” Lasked.

Liam’s expression melded into something serious. His brows pulled together in contemplation like he was trying to choose his words carefully. “I suppose it is.But I’m just concerned that he may be doing it all for the wrong reason.”

This comment had me stopping short, Surely. Noah’s change in behavior wasn’t because of me. I’d already told him as clearly as ever that he and I were never going to get back together,

“Well, regardless of the reason, it’s good to hear that he’s doing somewhat better.”

Liam had his hand intertwined with my own and there was nothing but the easy, comfortable silence that drifted between us.

When it came time to head back to our rooms, Liam held me close and pressed a chaste kiss to my head. He glanced down at me and raised his brow, “Something is on your mind, tell me.”

Goddamnit I thought I was hiding my agitation rather well Apparently not

It’s nothing.” I tried to say.

Impulsively. I let my thought slip out before I had a chance to stop it “Do you know someone named Olivia Jones!”

Liam stopped to give my question some thought but ultimately ended up shaking his head. “No. I’ve never dated or been with anyone named Olivia. Why?”

Suddenly, I felt a bit sheepish for letting my worry consume my thoughts. “No reason I just.. I overheard a group of girls mention her name and I sort of thought that the two of you would somehow know each other.”

“Well, I’ve certainly never heard of her. Now, go on and get some sleep”

He hugged me close and let me return to my room

As the days rolled forward, the main lead–up between Liam and Arthur’s teams was becoming highly anticipated from what I’d been seeing all over my social media accounts. And on another positive note, my so–called room regulation has been massively eased thanks to Liam and me talking it

Chapter 110

While practice was going on for both teams. I was free to spend my mornings and afternoons as 1 pleased just as long as I stayed vigilant to my surroundings

That particular morning, Liam had let me know in advance that he was going to be a bit be finishing up training that day. I knew he was going to be exhausted by the end of it, so I came up with an idea that may be beneficial for him afterward.

Apart from grabbing something quick from the cafe for lunch, I spent the majority of my time working on my story, I glanced at the time on my phone and saw that it was close to five. The corner of my mouth curved upward as I wrote out a small note to leave in Liam’s room.

I wanted him to meet me down at the pools. Because the water was heated, 1 figured it would do wonders for his muscles having been strained and worked all day.

I switched into my swimsuit and coverup before grabbing my bag to head down. I was surprised to find the place rather empty aside from a group of girls who were lounging on a few chairs. I was glad to see that their attention was drawn by their phones and not directed at me.

Not wanting to be noticed, I snuck toward the back of the pool and set my bag down on an available chair. Unfortunately, I started to hear whispers echoing across the room. Shit

The other girls, much like before at the cafe, were not being subtle about their conversation.

“Hey, look. Isn’t that what’s her name?”

I tried to keep my head down, not wanting to turn this into a confrontation of any sort. I merely stepped into the water and let the water soothe any tension I may have been keeping.

“Yeah, Ellie, right? Or something like that?”

“She’s the one who’s supposedly dating Liam Gravens”

One of the girl’s voices lit up with excitement. “Oh my God: I heard that Liam is secretly related to the Winslows.

Seriously!! But-

Suddenly, the room was wrapped in silence. I had no idea what caused the group to fall quiet out of nowhere. It wasn’t as though I had tried to stop them…


All I cared about was Liam finding the note that I’d left him. In the meantime, I let myself simply drift around in the water. I’d become unaware of the world around me until Laccidentally ended up bumping into something

My entire body tensed as I swiftly stood up in the water and tried to gain my bearings. “Sorry about that.”

A low chuckle echoed in my ears “That’s okay.”

For a moment I perked up. I thought it was Liam. Right as I tried to turn around, he stopped me. Instead, he placed his hands over my eyes and a strange sensation rippled beneath my skin. It was a feeling I’d once fell. A spark that made me jolt.

Wait a minute,” I whispered. “This isn’t right..

I carefully lifted my hands up to grasp the ones that were covering my eyes and turned around. My heart jumped into my throat.


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