Dark Magus Returns

Chapter 379 The Death Of Me, Is The Death Of You

Raze sat in a dimly lit room, the sparse furnishings casting elongated shadows across the stone floor. The air was thick with tension, a small reminder of the limited time he had before the Physicians would return.

Their absence was temporary, they had long stopped talking. Now the piece that he could feel was bought at the price of collaborating in the creation of a deadly concoction - a mix of herbs that held ominous potential.

Having watched Reno before, it was only confirming what they had planned to do to him.

He leaned against the cold, rough wall, lost in a tumult of thoughts.

'I need to carefully weigh my options,' he mused. The medicine, a brew of unknown herbs, was a double-edged sword that could either cure or kill.

'If only Reno were here,' he thought. Reno, a master of counteracting poisons, could have easily crafted an antidote. But such thoughts were futile; Reno was not there to lend his expertise.

He doubted that his red Qi pill's would also be able to be effective against the poison, but only delay what would happen.

His gaze wandered to the small, barred window that offered a narrow view of the world beyond his confinement.

'These physicians won't simply hand me this potion and leave. They'll watch me drink it, maybe even check that I've really swallowed it as well.' he surmised, his mind racing to find a viable strategy.

Raze's thoughts then turned to Safa, a healer that had the skill to heal her own problems, and her strength was only growing.

'Safa could heal me, yes, but that healing would be too complete. Bringing me back to the way I was before. I need to retain my current state for now.'

He contemplated the various ways he could handle the liquid without arousing suspicion.

'Could I feign drinking it? Or perhaps induce vomiting shortly after? But each plan carries its own risks, and the margin for error is razor-thin. If I used Dark Magic to try and destroy the poison it would injure me internally as well. Freezing the liquid would be an impossibility, maybe If I had more magic at my disposal.'

Every scenario he played out in his mind ended with the same realization: his options were perilous at best. He was caught in a web of danger, every decision leading to another layer of complexity.

It was within this maelstrom of thoughts that a chilling solution crystallized in his mind.

'To truly ensure my safety, and that of others, I may have no choice but to eliminate the threat at its source.'

His reverie was abruptly interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching. The door to his room creaked open, admitting the Physicians back into his world of dim light and cold stone.

Their return marked the end of his brief respite. Notably absent was their usual overseer, the teacher, a fact that did not escape Raze's keen observation.

He studied their faces, each etched with an expression of guilt and unease.

'They are as trapped in this situation as I am,' Raze thought, recognizing the conflict in their eyes. 'This is something that they have no choice but to do, if not then it will be death for them as well.'

The lead Physician, a man whose sharp features belied a mind accustomed to calculation and control, stepped forward.

"We have come up with a solution!" he proclaimed, attempting to infuse his voice with a semblance of enthusiasm. He held out a clay drinking container, its ancient design a stark contrast to the sterile environment of the room. The cork sealing the top seemed to Raze like a metaphorical lid on his fate.

Observing the Physician's hand, Raze noted a slight tremor. 'Is it fear, doubt, or something more sinister?' he wondered, accepting the container. Its weight felt significant in his hands, as if it held more than just liquid – it held the key to his immediate future.

He remained silent, letting the weight of his unspoken thoughts hang in the air. 'I need to convey that I will take this potion, but at a later time, that will be for the best,' he strategized, hoping his silence and demeanor would communicate his intent.

Raze's inability to voice his thoughts was becoming increasingly problematic. The Physicians seemed unable to decipher his non-verbal cues, their focus narrowed by their own objectives.

"The medicine must be taken now," one Physician urged, his voice laced with urgency. "Its efficacy diminishes over time. The ingredients are rare and precious. We are doing a lot for you, it's all for your sake."

Without a word, Raze placed the bottle on a side table. It was a clear message, yet the Physicians seemed oblivious to his intent.

"Is something wrong?" another Physician asked, his tone tinged with concern.

The reality of the situation was not lost on Raze. Drinking the potion meant certain death. He needed these men to leave, to give him a moment to plan, but they remained steadfast, unwilling to deviate from their mission.

He considered his limited options. Pretending to drink and then expelling the liquid was fraught with danger. The container was quite large so it wasn't something he could hide in his mouth somehow.

Safa's healing powers, though effective, weren't so much so at the current stage either and it might not be enough to counteract the effects.

The room felt increasingly oppressive, the air thick with the unspoken tension between them. Raze's inability to speak added to the complexity of the situation.

"The potion must be consumed immediately," the Physician insisted, his patience wearing thin. "Delay could compromise your recovery. We will have to report your refusal to the principal."

In that moment, Raze realized he needed to make his stance unequivocally clear. He moved the bottle to the side table and shook his head decisively, leaving no room for misinterpretation.

The realization slowly dawned on the Physicians – the student they were dealing with knew more than they had anticipated. A heavy silence filled the room, laden with unspoken accusations and palpable fear.

One Physician, in a sudden shift of energy, feigned a move towards the door. But in an unexpected twist, he lunged for the bottle on the table, his true intentions laid bare.

"Keep him still!" he shouted, his voice reverberating through the small room.

These Physicians were not mere healers; they were also Pagna warriors, trained in the ancient art of Qi manipulation. They had underestimated Raze, believing him to be an easy target. They were about to learn the extent of his latent powers.

As one Physician launched a flurry of needles aimed at incapacitating Raze, the room seemed to warp with a surge of energy. With a mere flick of his wrist, Raze summoned a powerful gust of wind, redirecting the needles upwards, embedding them harmlessly in the ceiling.contemporary romance

The Physician stared in disbelief, his confidence shaken to its core. 'This is impossible. His Qi should be in disarray. He shouldn't be capable of such feats,' he thought, panic beginning to set in.

In that moment of doubt, Raze seized the opportunity. Dark energy swirled around his hand, gathering into a pulsating beam of sheer force. With a swift motion, he unleashed the energy, shattering the container and striking the Physician in the chest. The man collapsed, lifeless, to the stone floor.

The remaining Physician, witnessing the demise of his comrade, was paralyzed with fear. In a desperate attempt to escape, he dashed towards the door, only to be stopped by a barrier of ice that Raze conjured, sealing the exit.

The Physician, now trapped and alone, turned to face Raze, his eyes wide with terror and disbelief. He had never witnessed such raw power, even in the most advanced cultivation techniques he had studied.

Raze, his expression impassive, released another pulse of dark energy, striking the last Physician directly in the chest. The life drained from his eyes as he slumped to the ground, joining his fallen peers.

Standing amidst the aftermath of the confrontation, Raze's breathing was slightly labored. His use of magic, though limited by his current condition, had proven to be decisive. He had eliminated three skilled Physicians, a testament to his untapped power and resolve.

'All three Physicians sent to end me are now dead,' Raze thought, a mix of relief and urgency coursing through him. 'But this is far from over. I need to find a way out of this predicament, and quickly. If anyone see this, then a fight will be on our hands, but how can I even cover this up?'

As he contemplated his next move, the gravity of his situation weighed heavily on him. He was alone, hunted, and with limited resources at his disposal. Yet, in the face of adversity, his determination only grew stronger. Raze knew that survival was merely the beginning. The real battle, the fight for truth and justice, lay ahead.

'I think I've found a way, I just need to go through with my plan from before, and cause a bit of chaos.'


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