Dangerous Invincible

Chapter 9

Meryl's Pov
The next thing I know I was seeing the world upside down.
I squealed in shock, i quickly held his shirt to steady myself and i felt him move.
"What are you doing?"
I asked in shock when he started walking out of the classroom with me hoisted up on his shoulder without any care in the world
or the people around us.
Alpha king didn't answer me instead he continued walking.
I tried to look at Lisa from my current position as much as I could and when I finally got a look at her, she was gaping and looked
like she was watching some kind of horror show.
I gave her a pleading look to help me somehow but she was busy looking at Alpha king and not me.
I chose the next person who I thought would help me from among the people present here but she was in the same state as
Our art teacher saw me looking at her but she avoided eye contact with me as she looked anywhere but me.
Everyone in the classroom had that same scared and shock expression and none of them tried to even question him.
They just let him carry me on his shoulder like a caveman.
"Can you...let me..down?"
I asked trying my best not to stutter but the slight tremble in my voice gave it away.
I squirmed a little to show my discomfort and also dislike at being held like this but his next action made me stiffen in my place
that is his shoulder.
He smacked my butt and his hold on me tighten.
My mouth flew open but nothing come out of it.

I was both shock and speechless at his action.
"Shut up."
He commanded which I obliged wordlessly.
From my upside down position I saw the school floors changed to a concrete path and I realised we were outside now.
He continued his walk and I saw him walking towards the parking lot.
Even before I can fully comprehend what was going to happen he put me down and pushed me up against his car.
A surprise, unrestraint gasped escaped from me at his action.
Every part of him was touching me.
His large frame covered mine completely and if someone was standing behind him then they wouldn't know I was even there.
I couldn't even move from this position that he had caged me in.
My hands were laying uselessly at my sides as his hands were beside my head.
When I finally look up at him from his chest and to his eyes, another gasped left from me.
His eyes were shifting from brown to golden and then he closed his eyes, breathed in deeply and opened them again.
It was now back to his brown eyes but there was so much anger in them that made me whimper without my knowledge.
My wolf too felt that as she cower away in fear, leaving me alone to face him and his anger.
I gulped trying to maintain eye contact with him.
My breathing grew heavy due to our close proximity and also due to fear of his anger.
"I...I..."I Opened my mouth but couldn't utter a sensible word other then I.
He made a low rumbling sound from his throat and then his face was buried on my neck.
I blinked in surprise as he suddenly started nuzzling my neck and running his lips along my collarbone.

He growled out, his face still on my neck but I couldn't answer him or really wrap my head around what he was asking because it
felt good, whatever he was doing to me.
This felt good.
He said my name in a low rumble and I closed my eyes unknowingly as my name sounded good coming from his mouth.
His one hand gripped my hair and titled my head to the side so that he can get a better access to my neck.
But this moment was short-lived as he pulled away abruptly.
I blinked in surprise at the lost of his lips on my neck.
He was now staring down at me with some unknown emotion in his eyes.
Raw and dark.
"Why did you lie?"
He asked slowly as he trailed his index finger from my jaw to my lips.
Even though the feel of his finger trailing on my jaw was distracting it was not so distracting to make me not listen to what he had
just asked me.
"I...I..." I tried again to say something, anything.
But I don't know what I had lied to begin with.
His expression didn’t change, it was that same stoic face that he carry around everyday.
"Don't make me repeat the same question."
He gritted out and it took me back to that night when he had ordered me to answer him whenever he asked something and not to
let him repeat.

"I do-don't know...I didn't I-lie"
I somehow uttered those words out to make him understand.
Gone was the previous gooey feeling that I was feeling when he was kissing my neck and now it was replaced with fear and
terror at his anger which was towards me.
He slammed his right hand that was beside my head on his car making me jump a little in fright at the noise.
He gritted his teeth in annoyance and pulled back away from me.
He held my wrist in a dead grip and pulled me towards the passenger seat of which I am assuming is his car and also the same
car I was sandwiched in.
He opened the car door and pushed me inside, not so roughly but not gentle at the same time.
He strapped the seat belt for me and said.
"We will talk about this at home"
With that he pulled away and closed the car door with forced that was not needed.
I blew out a breath which I didn’t knew was holding and leaned back on the seat.
I was scared at the thought of what I had lied about.
He got in the car and started driving.
I looked at him from the corner of my eye, he was gripping the steering wheel and his face held that same stony expression.
I tried to remember what I might have lied about but nothing come to my mind.
In fact, I had not seen him after he left in the morning after breakfast.
My eyes grew wide when I finally realised what I had just done.
Why did I lie? Oh yes, because I wanted to go to school and experience high school life.

I closed my eyes tightly at my own stupidity.
Did i really thought i could get away with this? He is ‘The Alpha King’ and he is bound to know about me not going to high school
one day or the other.I decided to come clean and to tell him everything.
"I can explain..."
He didn't let me finish my sentence.
"I said we will talk about this at home."
He gritted the words out as if controlling himself not to do something reckless.
His words made me snap my mouth shut and I leaned back on the seat, scared and anxious of what will happen once we
reached his house.
The car ride to his place was short and silent, he parked his car at his driveway.
"Stay here."
He ordered in a low voice and he didn't have to tell me twice.
He got out of his car and opened the car door for me.
He unbuckled the seatbelt for me and held my hand in a dead grip, he pulled me out of the car and then into his mansion that he
called house.
He let us in then up the stairs and then pulled me towards his bedroom.
He let go of my hand as soon as we entered his room.
He locked the door and then turned to me with his face dark and filled with anger.
He didn’t say anything but crossed his arms and stood there watching me like a predator and me as his prey.
I gulped at the intensity of his stare, making me look down at my shoes.
"You should know that, I hate and punish who lie to me."

He started making his way towards me slowly.
"I...I can explain." I was scared of him and the way he was talking and looking at me.
"Then explain."
He voice was hard and he stopped walking a couple of meters away from me.
I swallowed hard and tried to tell him.
"I was home schooled back at my old pack...I..I...And I wanted to go to school so...I..."
I broke down into tears not able to stand his hard glare and also the harsh look on his face.
I've never felt so scared in my life not since that day.
I quickly shook my head to get rid of that thought.
I don’t wanna think about that day.
I held myself instinctively when he took a step forward while I took one back.
My action seems to anger him more as he sneer at me making me let out a whimper and look down holding myself even tighter if
I gulped down the lump that was forming in my throat due to the situation at hand and also due to fear and helpless of not having
a way out of it.
I didn’t dare look up at him or move an inch when I saw his feet walking towards me.
My breathing become irregular and I know he can hear my heart beat which sounded like it will leap out any moment now.
I stayed still until he was standing in front of me.
"I'm sorry, I didn't...didn't mean to."
I whispered again shutting my eyes tightly as tears leaked out of my eyes uncontrollably.
"I-I'm so-sorry"

My shoulders shook as a sob broke out of me even though I tried to held it back.
His cold fingers on my chin and then the force he used to lift my face up made me gasp in shock and surprise.
I blinked up at him with teary eyes but that didn't seem to effect him one bit as his gaze was still ice cold.
"Did you thought I wouldn't find out and you could get away with lying to me..
on my face?"
He said the last part with an anger growl making me jump a little in fright.
At this moment I was practically rooted to my place.
I couldn't move or talk, I couldn't think or even analyse what's going on, all I could do was stare at him in fear and terror.
"Answer me."
He demanded with his same chilly tone making me release a unintentional whimper.
I shook my head as an answer to his question.
His grip on my chin loosen and then he let me go.
He took a step back from me and racked his hand through his hair sighing heavily and angrily.
The room was silent for what felt like hours but it's only being a few minutes.
I slowly sat down on his bed, my face soaked with tears and I repeatedly wipe my eyes to get rid of the never ending flow of
Alpha king had his back towards me and I dare a peek at him from under my lashes.
His shoulders were stiff and he was breathing heavily.
I didn't know what he was thinking or what he will do next but my mind was running to all sorts of punishment that he had
mention earlier.
Would he beat me for lying? But I don’t think he would hit a woman.

Would he starve me? Or make me do all the household work? The curiosity of what my punishment will be had the best of me
and before I could stop myself I found myself asking in my soft, bearing audible voice.
"Wo-would I really be pu-punished?° At my question he turned around slowly and faced me fully.
He smirked at my question and looked like he had the punishment already planned out for me.
I was wringing my fingers that were on my lap in anticipation of my punishment.
All sorts of things ran in my head.
What if he let me stay outside for one day? What if he- "Oh yes I have."
He said and his voice somewhat held that dark tone making me shiver in fear at the possibility of what kind of punishment would
I get.
He slowly made his way towards me and bent down at my level keeping both of his hands on either side of me on his bed.
He eyes flickered from brown to golden once as he licked his lips, moistening them.
My wolf made her presence known again as she purred at the closeness.
She was more than happy at being this close with her mate but I was not because I was scared of the punishment that was yet
to come.
He trailed his index finger from the side of my head to my jaw and then to my neck and all the time my wolf my purring and
enjoying his touch inside of me and i was kinda enjoying it too.
I felt tingles and warm everywhere his finger touched but that was cut short by his next words.
"All the things I could do with you"
He growled these words out and his eyes flickered golden again before it turned back to normal.
I couldn't understand what he was saying but was also not able to asked him when his lips met my neck for the second time
today making me gasp at the feel of his lips on my neck.

Butterflies fluttered in my tummy at his touch and the next thing I know I was laying on my back on his bed with him hovering
above me.
He didn’t give me anytime to think of our position we were currently in as he once again latched his lips on my neck, making me
release a sound which sounded more like a mewil.
He groaned in my neck as he peppered kisses on my neck and then his lips travelled downward until they were so close to my
I was breathing heavily and all the senses flew out of the window as soon he had touched me, his lips touch me.
He started kissing his way up again and on my neck.
His right hand found my left breast and he squeezed it making me gasped loudly as all the senses came back to me ina flash
and what I was doing.
"Wh-what are you do-doing?"
I tried to move a little and also to get him off of me.
Mortified when he squeezed my breast again.
I know I would be red from embarrassment now.
I tried again to get him off of me and he groaned on my neck.
He pulled back a little but not before sucking and biting on my neck making me whimper a little when it stunk.
His eyes was bright golden as he looked down at me.
I couldn't do anything else but stare back at his bright, shiny and beautiful golden eyes.
He gritted his teeth together as if he was controlling himself.
"w-will you make me st-starve?"
I asked him meekly.
"Why would i?"

He looked confused at my question.
"My pu-punishment: I bit my lips as a look of understanding flash in his face and he shook his head.
"You thought that will be your punishment?"
He know it but still he asked.
I nodded my head and he gave me a dark look as his lips curled up ina sinister smile making me wonder what exactly would be
my punishment.
My wolf who was purring and gooey before from his touch now disappeared when mentioned about punishment.
"Your punishment is far from that."
His eyes was still golden and the sinister smile on his face was making him look dangerous yet so appealing at the same time.
I dared to asked but regretted as soon as his smile turned even more sinister than before if that was even possible.
"I've a lot of things on my mind."
He eyes gleam dangerously as he said this words.

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