Cultivation Online

Chapter 1424

1424 Engagement
"Your Majesty, since this conversation is related to Princess Xiu's future, we should have the person in question here with us. I'd like to hear her opinion on this matter, as well." The Royal Treasurer said.
"No! I don't care what you guys say! You will not convince me to sell my beloved daughter!" Emperor Xiu exclaimed, remaining adamant.
"But nobody is telling Your Majesty to sell Princess Xiu... If the Princess fancies Tian Xian, everything is fine. Or does Your Majesty plan on keeping Princess Xiu single for the rest of her life...?" One of the Generals asked.
Emperor Xiu clenched his teeth in frustration, but he was unable to answer the General's question. Naturally, he couldn't let Xiu Mei remain alone forever, but he also couldn't imagine anyone being worthy of her.
After spending several hours convincing the Emperor, they summoned Xiu Mei's presence into the room and explained the situation to her.
"So, in order to ensure that Tian Xian's loyalty remains with the Xiu Family, we have decided to find him a partner-"
"I will marry him!" Xiu Mei gave her response before they could even finish explaining the situation.
"L-let us finish-"
"No! I will be the one to marry him! That's why you called me here, right?! My answer is yes!" Xiu Mei spoke without hesitation, her eyes flickering with excitement.
Xiu Mei's enthusiasm left the Emperor utterly speechless, even devastated. However, he was unable to find the strength to talk her out of it.
"Why him...?" Emperor Xiu eventually found the courage to ask her this simple question.
"Why...? I don't know when I started looking at him with interest, but I have been watching him grow ever since he was brought back by the other soldiers. He's a very earnest and hardworking individual, but his real charms only appear when you really get to know him." Xiu Mei closed her eyes and recalled the first time she coincidentally laid eyes on Tian Xian, who was training alone even before the morning sun rose.
Tian Xian's young presence piqued her interest, so she asked around and learned of his background as an abandoned child who was adopted by mountain bandits. Since then, she occasionally checked in on Tian Xian's progress, and before she knew it, they were chatting and laughing together like best friends.
"Honestly, I think it was love at first sight. I already decided to make him my husband years ago, so I won't allow another woman to have him!" Xiu Mei glared at her father with a serious expression.
Seeing this, Emperor Xiu worried that Mei Xiu might do something drastic like last time if he meddled with her love affairs.
"If you're this stubborn about it, I will have no choice but to allow it..."
In the end, Emperor Xiu waved the white flag and approved of their relationship.
"Thank you, father!" Xiu Mei immediately stormed out of the room and went to look for Tian Xian.
Since Tian Xian could always be seen training in the same area, Xiu Mei had no trouble and found him instantly.
"Tian Xian!" she called out to him.
Tian Xian was startled by her sudden voice and dropped the weapon he was training with and turned around to see Mei Xiu standing right behind him with a bashful smile on her face.
"Y-Your Royal Highness...? Why are you here?" he asked her, looking truly puzzled by her presence. After all, they haven't seen each other in almost three years.
Mei Xiu raised her hands with two fingers pressed together into a cross and said, "Bu, bu! I told you to stop addressing me so coldly! Call me Xiu Mei!"
Tian Xian was utterly speechless. In the three years that he hadn't seen her, Xiu Mei had grown into a devastating beauty that could collapse even cities with her smile alone. Yet, her character remained almost the same as three years ago.
"Your-Xiu Mei, you need to leave before someone sees you here with me. I don't want to get you in trouble again." Tian Xian picked up his weapon and returned to training, acting like he never even noticed her.
However, Xiu Mei pounced on his body and embraced him from behind.
"Xiu Mei?! What are you doing?!" he cried out loud, feeling two soft objects pressing against his sweaty back.
"You don't need to worry about that anymore. I have received my father's permission to see you again. Let's go somewhere to catch up. We haven't spoken to each other in almost three years, after all!"
Before Tian Xian could even respond, Xiu Mei had already dragged him away from his training spot.
Tian Xian could only wear a bittersweet smile on his face as he allowed her to drag him off without any resistance.
Xiu Mei took Tian Xian to an old spot where they used to meet frequently. They spent several hours catching up on their lives, with Xiu Mei doing most of the talking, as Tian Xian's days were primarily consumed by training.
However, Xiu Mei did not bring up their marriage the entire time from the beginning to end. In her mind, even without Emperor Xiu's approval, they would've ended up together, as if it was her fate to be with him.
Over the next two years, Xiu Mei spent nearly every day by Tian Xian's side. Whether she was quietly observing him train from a distance or sharing laughter with him, every moment they spent together held equal significance in her heart.
In two years, their relationship underwent a significant transformation, culminating in an engagement. However, it was Xiu Mei who took the bold step of proposing to Tian Xian.
Tian Xian refused at first due to the difference in their status and Xiu Mei's
exalted background, but Xiu Mei reassured him that they would have the
Emperor's blessing.
Sure enough, Emperor Xiu personally approached Tian Xian that very day to congratulate him on their engagement.
"I will leave my daughter in your hands, Tian Xian. If you dare make her cry or fail
to protect her, I will come after you even after death!"
"I swear that I will protect her with my life, Your Majesty."
"Who are you calling Your Majesty?! I am your father-in-law now! Call me father!"
"Y-yes, father..."

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