Crystal’s One Night of Love

Chapter 362

Chapter 362 Meeting Crystal In His Dream

At twenty years old, Crystal radiated vitality. Her cheeks were plumper, and her legs were fairer and more slender than they were now. The shorts she wore accentuated the illusion of astonishingly long legs, and at faint pink hue graced the back of her knees.

Even her waist was thinner than he had imagined.

Despite being aware it was a dream, the vividness of the moment made Henry's scalp tingle. His emotions. surged, and an overwhelming desire welled up within him to reach out and grab her hand, to stop her.

Crystal, it's been seven days since I last spoke to you.

Crystal brushed past him.

Perhaps it was because of his exceptional looks or refined demeanor, but she couldn't resist stealing another glance at Henry.

Henry stared at her intently, the corner of his lips curving into a slight smile.

Just then, someone called out. "Crystal!"

Madison sprinted over, with Zachary in close pursuit.

When Madison reached them, she studied Henry from head to toe before turning her gaze to Crystal, the look in her eyes inexplicable.

She recognized the man before her as an upstart in the legal community.

He has an outstanding background and a regal appearance. How exciting!

Crystal stopped in her tracks.

Zachary shot Henry a look of surprise. "What brings you to Barnwood's Royal Academy of Music, Mr.


However, the latter never took his eyes off Crystal, merely uttering slowly, "I came here to find a book in the library, but I don't know how to get there." Zachary turned to Madison. "Why don't we take Mr. Miller there?"

With a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, Madison held Zachary's arm. "Let Crystal lead the way. She's free anyway. Didn't you say you'd take me out for ice cream?" Zachary flashed a smile at Crystal, carrying himself with the air of a scion. "Well then, Crystal, would you mind escorting Mr. Miller over? He's a friend of mine." Crystal shifted her gaze to Henry.

This man appears to be twenty-four years old and a lawyer. Why did he come to our music academy looking for a


Henry willingly allowed her to scrutinize him.

His dark eyes remained locked onto her as he flashed a faint grin. With a smooth, practiced motion, he retrieved a cigarette from his coat pocket, inclined his head, and ignited it. He took a drag with ag air of


masculinity that exuded both coolness and dignity.

Crystal was mesmerized.

She used to think Robert was good-looking, but now she realized there was someone even more attractive. than him.

"Let's go!" Henry gestured.

Instinctively, Crystal followed him, momentarily forgetting that even though he claimed not to know the way, he was indeed heading in the right direction.

Behind them, Zachary had his arms wrapped around Madison. She commented with a smile, "Zachary, there's something peculiar about the way Mr. Miller looks at Crystal. It's almost as if he's gazing at his wife. His eyes have drifted down her legs more than once."

Zachary gave her a light flick on the forehead.

"Impossible! Mr. Miller just recently split up with his girlfriend and is heartbroken. Although Crystal is attractive, she's not his type. He's very picky! The son of the richest family in Barnwood is never short of girlfriends!"

Madison, clearly displeased, snorted coldly. "Is his ex-girlfriend some sort of goddess in terms of beauty?"

Zachary quickly uttered an apology.

Crystal brought Henry to the library.

The twenty-year-old girl looked charming even without makeup, her lips adorned with a natural rosy hue, and her teeth gleaming pearly white.

She gazed at the attractive man and spoke in a soft tone, "Mr. Miller, please take your time browsing for the book you're searching for. The library doesn't close until nine in the evening."

Without uttering a word in response, Henry walked silently to one of the library's seats. He couldn't help but recall this place-it was where he had seen Crystal sprawled across the table, being kissed by Robert back then.

Henry tenderly caressed the back of the chair with his slender fingers, his actions carrying a sense of gentleness, as though he were caressing a lover.

For some reason, it made Crystal blush.


Henry raised his gaze, his dark eyes locking onto hers as he spoke in a slightly raspy voice, "Could you for me, Crystal? I'm worried I might lose my way trying to find the exit after delving into these books." Crystal snickered inwardly. Is he a fool or what? Has the bar for becoming a lawyer really sunk so low these days?

However, considering that he was Zachary's friend, she forced a smile. "All right, but I have to be home by eight"

Henry let out a soft chuckle as he pulled out a chair and turned his gaze back to her.

Crystal couldn't help but feel a flutter in her heart.

I always prefer sitting here whenever I come over. How did he know? It must be just a coincidence!


Crystal didn't decline his offer. She casually selected a book, settled into the seat, and began reading it in silence.

The library remained tranquil. Henry ventured off to select some legal books and, as a thoughtful gesture, he bought Crystal a cup of Mandheling coffee from the small bar within the library.

Mandheling coffee happened to be her favorite. In response, Crystal couldn't help but cast another glance at Henry, surprised that he knew her coffee preference.

Henry ordered a cup of black coffee and took a seat, savoring it while silently perusing the books. Numerous eyes were drawn to him, likely because of his composed presence, which appeared somewhat out of place, coupled with his striking good looks.

However, he remained unperturbed, seemingly indifferent to the multitude of curious onlookers.

Crystal couldn't help but wonder just how suave one had to be to disregard those admiring looks and remain unaffected by them.

She found herself studying his features.

His features are attractive, particularly his prominent nose. Will his nose clash with a woman's when he kisses her? Crystal, what on earth are you thinking? Don't you like Robert? Why are you even imagining a stranger's kisses?

She hastily averted her gaze.

Yet, Henry lifted his eyes and silently observed her.

His wife was sitting right across from him. The twenty-year-old Crystal, still pure and innocent, and had yet to be involved with Robert for four years, was a great temptation to him.

He harbored a desire to pursue a romantic relationship with her, one that would eventually lead to more intimate connections.

Adept at resisting temptation, Henry flipped the pages of the book slowly.

He remained at the library from four in the afternoon until seven in the evening, showing no signs of any intention to leave.

Feeling a bit drowsy, Crystal stretched out on the table and drifted off to sleep.

After carefully placing the book he had been reading on the table, Henry rose from his seat and quietly. approached her. With gentle care, he lifted her long, silky brown hair, revealing half of her delicate face. He knew that many people around him were watching.

He was well aware that many onlookers had their eyes on him, but he refused to be deterred. He yearned

to kiss her.

I'm Crystal's husband. It's perfectly justified for me to kiss her...

He landed a light kiss on her lips.

Faint gasps sounded all around them.

Doesn't Crystal like Robert from the other campus? Who is this man?


Someone discreetly captured the moment and posted it on the academy's web forum, featuring Crystal's face and a clear profile of Henry. It didn't take long for someone to uncover Henry's identity.-

It wasn't long before everyone discovered that he was none other than Henry Miller, the heir to the Miller Corporation, the founder of the Adroit Law Firm, and a graduate of a prestigious institution known worldwide.

The academy's web forum instantly flooded with discussions.

Madison, casually enjoying her ice cream while scrolling through her phone, nearly sprayed a mouthful of it in Zachary's direction. She hastily swallowed and clutched her phone, exclaiming, "D"mn! This is absolutely ridiculous! Crystal's first kiss is gone, her innocence tarnished. How can she pursue Robert in

the future?"

I can't believe Mr. Miller! I knew he harbored bad intentions since he kept staring at Crystal's legs! Zachary was also dumbfounded.

How's that possible? Isn't Henry extremely picky? Hasn't he been completely scandal-free? He's never spared a second glance at any girl, except for Audrey. How could he kiss Crystal right after meeting her? Is he for real?

Zachary cleared his throat. "I bet he wasn't thinking straight."

His comment infuriated Madison, and she stormed out, bumping his shoulder in the process. "What do you mean by that? Are you suggesting that Crystal is inferior, and only Mr. Miller is exceptional? Ha! If that were true, why did he kiss her secretly?"

Zachary hurriedly ran after her.

Despite causing a sensation, Crystal was totally unaware of it.

Within the library's cozy ambiance, under the gentle glow of the lights, she gradually opened her eyes to find a handsome face adorned with a subtle smile. After a momentary pause, she recollected that he was Zachary's friend.

But, he's leaning way too close to me!

With a book held delicately between his slender fingers, he offered a faint smile. "Crystal, could you lend me two hundred? I left my wallet behind when I came out."

A slight blush tinted Crystal's delicate face.

Is he not a wealthy scion? Yet he still needs to borrow money from me?

Henry didn't seem the least bit embarrassed. He returned the book with a determined expression, as if he had resolved to seek assistance from Crystal.

Crystal checked her pockets and realized that she had also left her wallet behind.

With his keen eyes, Henry quickly discerned that she didn't have any money. Therefore, he said with a hint of a drawl, "I had enough money for a taxi back, but I used it to buy you coffee." Crystal was at a loss for words.

She bit her lip. "I'll Venmo you some money."


Henry flashed her a smile. "I didn't bring my phone."

"What did you bring then?" she asked.

Henry raised his arm to check the time on his wrist, adorned with a several-million-dollar Patek Philippe watch. "Here's an idea," he suggested. "I'll give you a ride home on my bicycle. You must have some pocket money, don't you?"

Henry's words successfully infuriated Crystal, a twenty-year-old from an affluent family in the prime of her youth. "Fine. Come home with me, and I'll give you the money!"

What the f*ck! Is that how all capitalists get rich?

She was so angry that she chose to walk ahead, refusing to walk beside him.

Many students looked at her with sympathy.

Someone called her, trying to tell her that her first kiss had been stolen.

Henry pocketed his hands and cast a slow, piercing glance in that student's direction. The student dared not utter a word. In an arrogant manner, he extracted a stack of banknotes from his wallet and tossed them onto the desk.

The students in the library exchanged glances.

Only after Henry had departed did they dare to discuss in hushed tones. "He's pursuing Crystal, isn't he? He gave us several thousand. How generous! In fact, when Crystal fell asleep, I counted. He looked at her one hundred and eight times."

"It was one hundred and twelve times," someone argued.

"Love is so beautiful!"

As they were engrossed in their gossip, Madison rushed over and asked, "Where's Crystal?"

"She just left with someone."

"Mr. Miller sent her home."

Madison gasped inwardly. So fast?

As the sky darkened, Henry trailed behind Crystal, smoking leisurely.

Crystal suddenly turned around and looked at him.

This guy is always smoking. Aside from his youthful appearance, I really can't tell he's twenty-four!

Henry likely discerned the reason behind her frown, and he let out a light chuckle as he extinguished his cigarette. Then, he rolled out a bicycle and requested Crystal to scan the code. She muttered while complying, "You better pay me back!"

Henry got on the bicycle.

Crystal sat behind him, fuming and grumbling softly.

Some people nearby noticed them and turned their attention in their direction. Henry swiftly removed



his coat and tossed it to her, saying, "Use this to cover your legs."

Crystal hugged the coat, which was covered with a masculine scent.

She did not want to cover her legs.

"It's not that hot today, so why the short pants?" Henry remarked in a low voice.

Crystal retorted, "It's none of your business. Just pedal faster. I'll give you the money when we reach my


After that, we'll never cross paths with each other again.

Naturally, Henry was aware of her anger. She's young, so it's understandable that her temper can easily flare up.

He did not mind and started pedaling.

All around, people continued to scrutinize them as though they were observing a live specimen.

Crystal let out an inward sigh. It seemed like she would need to provide an explanation tomorrow. After all, Henry was simply Zachary's friend..

The night was surprisingly cool.

Henry pedaled leisurely, taking Crystal through the streets and alleys of Barnwood. He could feel the young girl's heart beating rapidly behind him. These were experiences he had never encountered before in

the past.

Growing bored in the back seat, Crystal initiated a conversation with him, saying, "Someone as petty as you might have a tough time finding a girlfriend."

Henry smiled faintly. "I already have a wife."

"Yeah, right."

Henry smiled and didn't offer a rebuttal. Instead, he inquired, "What about you? Do you have a boyfriend? Zachary mentioned that you're interested in a boy from the neighboring school named Robert."

Words eluded Crystal. Are all lawyers that gossipy?

Henry did not say anything more.

He pedaled for half an hour to send Crystal home.

After dismounting the bicycle, Crystal handed the coat back to him and bit her lip. "Wait for me downstairs. I'll go upstairs to get you the money."

Henry had originally intended to take his time, but John coincidentally returned home from work and caught sight of Henry and Crystal.

John was extremely surprised.

Why is the heir to Miller Corporation with Crystal?

However, being an open-minded father, he approached and asked gently, "Crys, is he your friend?"


Encountering the deceased man again stirred a whirlwind of mixed emotions within Henry.

With teary eyes, he gazed at John and uttered softly, "Mr. Winters, I'm Crystal's boyfriend."

Crystal was shocked.

She looked at Henry, whispering through gritted teeth, What nonsense are you talking about?" Nevertheless, Henry placed his arm around her shoulders. "You know, Mr. Winters, Crystal and I have been in a relationship for several months now. She often spoke about you, and I wanted to come over and

meet you, but she didn't allow me."

This caught John by surprise.

The whole family knew Crystal's feelings for Robert. It was hard for him to believe that out of nowhere, she had a boyfriend.

Henry smiled. "Crystal mentioned that you enjoy playing chess. I thought we could have a game while waiting for Madam Anna to prepare dinner."

John snorted inwardly. This young man even knows my wife.

He looked at his daughter and scolded gently, "If you have a boyfriend, you should introduce him to me and your Aunt Anna. Why keep it a secret? Look, you've made Henry upset!"

"I'm all right, Mr. Winters. But I came here in a hurry and didn't bring any gifts," Henry said in a gentlemanly manner.

"Your presence here is more than enough!",

John patted Henry's shoulder in an easygoing manner. "Henry, from now on, you're one of us, so there's no need to be so formal."

The two men hit it off immediately.

Crystal scoffed inwardly as she followed behind. Henry? I can't believe he's calling his name like he's already his son! This jerk always finds ways to take advantage of me!

She walked at a leisurely pace, and Henry, who was ahead of her, suddenly stopped and waited for her to catch up. He then gently took her hand and said, "What's so special about Robert? Be with me from



Crystal was rendered speechless.

His last sentence was enough to keep her up all night, with the phrase "Be with me" echoing continuously in her mind.

As dawn broke, Crystal lay on her back, nervously biting the edge of the quilt when her cell phone rang. It was a call from Madison.

Her friend's voice burst into her ears as soon as she answered the call.

"Crystal, why did you turn off your phone the entire night? Did you know something major happened? Henry kissed you in the library yesterday, and now the photos are circulating everywhere, not only on the

campus website but also on the trending news of the finance and economics network legal newspaper. Congratulations! You've made it onto a legal newspaper for being kissed by a lawyer. You're going to be



celebrity from now on!"

Madison was on the verge of tears as she spoke.

Her dear best friend had been kissed, and the news had spread far and wide. She couldn't help but wonder if, should Crystal not end up with Henry, anyone would still want her.



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