Crystal’s One Night of Love

Chapter 349

Chapter 349 Robert Is Dead 1

It was already close to midnight when Henry arrived home.

The house was quiet, illuminated only by a lamp in the living room.

After checking on the kids upstairs, he loosened his tie and went into the master bedroom. Crystal was already asleep. The room was dimly lit by the moonlight.

Henry stood by the end of the bed and eyed her for a moment before stepping into the shower.

He took off his jacket and shirt, which were saturated with the scent of tobacco and alcohol, and discarded. them into the laundry basket.

After showering, he slid into bed behind Crystal.

Her breathing was even, but Henry knew she was awake. She was pretending to be asleep to avoid conversation.

"Aren't you going to ask me?" Henry whispered, kissing the nape of her neck.

Crystal stiffened but remained silent,

Annoyed by the comments he had heard tonight and thinking about her insinuations for him to look for younger women, he pulled her slender waist closer to him, sealing their bodies together in tense intimacy. Their lovemaking was silent but heavy with unspoken words, like a hushed tempest.

That was a first for both of them.

Henry did not forget to take the necessary precautions. When it was over, Crystal did not shower. She simply remained there on her side as she dozed off to sleep.

Henry tossed back the covers and left the bed.

As he showered, thoughts swirled in his mind. How did we become like this?

She had given nothing away. The supposed intimate moment had soured his mood instead.

In the morning. Crystal stayed in to do household chores.

She bagged up Henry's clothes from the previous night, intending to send them off for dry cleaning. Lifting his shirt, she caught a faint whiff of perfume-something a young woman would wear. Crystal was stunned.

Returning late last night and deliberately letting a woman get near him-was this his method of retaliation or a declaration of war?

As she examined the garments, she found no lipstick marks but discovered a fragrant business card in the pocket of his coat. Geant Corporation, Saige Carr.

After half an hour, Saige's information was laid out before her.


Twenty-one years old, up-and-coming star, young and talented actress.

Crystal clutched the photo of the starlet in her hand.

Saige looked like a younger version of her, albeit with evident signs of plastic surgery. It went without saying that Saige was targeting Henry,

And Henry brought her scent home,

Perhaps Henry was not unaware when Saige slipped her name card into his pocket and had deliberately left it in his pocket to ascertain Crystal's attitude in the matter.

After Crystal was done parsing through Saige's information, she burned it all.

Edith lowered her voice as she said, "Géant Corporation is a new company. The owner's name is... Clementine Dynah."

Crystal eyed the flickering light before her, propping her chin in thought.

Edith hesitated before whispering. "Miss Winters, shall we teach her a little lesson? She's just a newbie, nothing to be worried about."

Crystal then asked flatly, "Do we kidnap her or find someone to make a sex tape with her?"

Edith agreed heartily with her boss' suggestions.

Crystal shot a glare at her.

After a moment, she said softly, "Not only am I not going to deal with her, I'm going to support her instead."

Doesn't she want fame? I'll help Clementine make her a star, then.

Edith was taken aback.

Crystal's lips curled into a half-smile. "Utilize my connections to get her some high-profile opportunities. Make her a sensation in record time. Oh, and look up any cosmetic procedures she has had, as well as her past."

Edith swallowed hard at the sight of her boss' serene countenance.

Without a second's delay, she set the wheels in motion.

By day's end, Saige received an invitation to a hit variety show. Part of her thought it was due to Henry's influence, so she planned to call him and thank him, but all she had was the company's number. Hence, she could only call the office number to reach him.

After a few phone transfers, a secretary named Jamie picked up, speaking politely. "I will pass along your thanks to Mr. Miller."

Saige hastily expressed her gratitude.

Clementine was right beside her, pulling languidly at a slender cigarette.

"You're still too green compared to Crystal. Don't think youth will save you. You can't match the grace she's



acquired from years of high-society grooming. But once you're an A-list actress, you won't be less than her."

Saige was Clementine's trump card.

Clementine was planning to invest heavily in Saige to catapult the latter to stardom.

The choice between a young and stunning lover or a wife who was always acting against his wishes was an easy choice for any man to make.

As Clementine exited the office building, her phone buzzed.

She thought her eyes were playing a trick on her when she saw the caller ID-Robert.

In the end, she picked up the call and answered with a sharp tone, "Well, Mr. Sloan, what brings you to call? I thought I had become a forgotten footnote in your life." "Let's meet."

With that, Robert ended the call.

His fingers danced around a locket, a returned birthday gift from Crystal via her assistant.

Crystal hadn't even left a message for him. He couldn't fathom her reasoning. She was not living a blissful life, so why not consider him?

Robert lifted his head, staring at the video playing on his laptop.

It was the video that had played on their alma mater's anniversary.

He had watched the video countless times in the past few days, yet Crystal remained unfazed.

After about ten minutes, Robert headed out the door.

He had asked Clementine to meet him at a hotel.

In the plush hotel suite, Clementine leaned against the couch in silky sleepwear, sipping red wine with an allure that was hard to dismiss.

Robert entered the room.

"So, have you come pleading for your beloved?" she teased.

He took a seat opposite her.

Since they had a past together, Robert went ahead and poured himself a glass of wine.

Clementine watched his every move.

She used to feel inferior before him when she was in her twenties because she was Zachary's mistress. Hence, when she got together with Robert, she was also his secret lover. However, things were different now.

At her age, she understood that whoever had the money could speak the loudest.



Robert downed two glasses of wine and eyed Clementine. "You better not let your girl ruin Crystal's marriage."

Holding a glass of wine in her hand, she threw her head back with a hysterical laugh.

"Oh? Are you afraid she'll cry in secret?

Clementine edged closer, her delicate fingers dancing on his skin. "Robert, how many times must I say this for you to believe me? The Crystal today is a far cry from the pitiful girl of yesteryears. Otherwise, how would she be able to maintain her status as Mrs. Miller?

"Which is why you shouldn't mess with her," he said in a clipped tone.

"What to do? I really can't stand her. Because of her, Jerry is in prison, and my wealth has shrunk by more than half. How could I not loathe her?"

Gritting her teeth, she uttered, "I will surpass her one day!"

Robert had seen it all.

He had experienced firsthand how capable the Millers and Alfred were. Even when Crystal was leading Seeas Corporation, Robert also suffered losses in her hand. Hence, he never believed that Clementine could ever rival Crystal.

However, Robert was worried that Saige might really hurt Crystal.

Clementine cupped his face, her voice slightly shaky as she said, "Robert, stay and sleep with me, and I won't let Saige go near Henry."

Robert was no fool, but he didn't really mind bedding Clementine.

After all, it wouldn't make a difference who he slept with.

He did have the intention to sleep with her when he decided to come to the hotel. Somehow, he felt that a despicable man like him was a perfect match for Clementine. He need not hide his true nature in front of her and could unabashedly vent all his deepest desires as a man with her.

The few hours of unbridled passion managed to patch up the void in his soul.

As night fell, Robert leaned back on the couch and lit a cigarette. Clementine curled up beside him, whispering, "Stay tonight."

Robert pushed her away and started to get dressed.

He was only looking to bed her.

She was delusional to think that he would stay to cuddle.

Robert's departure made Clementine toss the pillows in vexation.

While he sat in his car, Robert could sense his body was sated, but his soul remained hollow.

He was haunted by the realization that he would never get the person he wanted anymore.

Crystal... Crystal....


He sped along the road in his black sports car, feeling dazed.

Robert had never believed in reincarnation.

However, at that moment, he desperately hoped there really was reincarnation. If there was a next life, he would treasure Crystal and make her happy, never letting her suffer.

It was drizzling in the late autumn night.

He headed toward Crystal's mansion, and there was a warm glow at her place.

He imagined her in the mansion-teaching her kids how to play piano and making little cakes for them.

On the way home, Chelsea called, telling Robert about the trivial matters at home and about his sister's unhappy marriage.

The windshield wiper swept from left to right and back again.

The rain intensified, swelling into a torrential downpour, making it impossible for Robert to clearly see the road ahead.

Clutching the phone in his hand, Robert listened as his mother droned on and did not notice the dump. truck tipping over until it was too late. The sounds of screeching tires filled the air, and the dump truck. squashed the black sports car.

Blood trickled down Robert's forehead, blocking his view.

He felt pain everywhere and found it almost impossible to move his body.

It was pitch-black all around. Robert knew he would not live for long.

He struggled to undo his safety belt before his blood-soaked hand reached into his pocket to retrieve a pouch.

With shaky hands, he took the locket out of the pouch,

He was relieved that the locket remained intact.

Robert had gotten the locket blessed before giving it to Crystal, and he was glad it did not break.

All along, he had been oblivious of his own feelings toward Crystal, that was, until the day of their alma mater's anniversary. Realization dawned on him that the girl he had missed out on was sitting right beside him, living a miserable life.

Robert then realized that it must have been karma.

Crystal, a wretched man like me does not deserve your tears. I just wish you could accept my token. Perhaps you may not believe it, but I was once in love too.

The veil of darkness descended, and he revisited a night from his memory-a warm meal made by Crystal was awaiting him when he pushed open the door. The woman was sprawled on the table beneath a comforting glow, waiting for him to return.



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