Crystal’s One Night of Love

Chapter 272

Chapter 272 Long Awaited Reunion.

Crystal watched the clip again and again, and Skyler was equally still.

It's Daddy! Daddy looks so handsome when he smiles!

Nestling in Crystal's embrace, Skyler murmured, "Mommy, is Daddy coming back?"

"Mhm." Crystal quietly hummed. Patting the top of the girl's head, she said in a soothing tone, "But Daddy's unwell, so let's give him some time, shall we?"

Skyler understood more than her tender years might suggest.

Though Crystal hadn't explicitly said it, Skyler had noticed the changes after her father was hospitalized. back then. His presence became less frequent, and his grasp of the present slipped occasionally when he was reading bedtime stories to her.

So he was sick!

Bounding back to her room, Skyler then returned clutching a box.

With eager hands, she unveiled a plastic toy stethoscope, her chestnut curls bouncing with excitement.

Her voice was earnest as she said, "I'm going to make Daddy better!"

Crystal's arms encircled her daughter as she pressed a kiss to the girl's forehead, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears.

Skyler was the most beautiful gift Henry had left behind for her.

Autumn settled deep into its rhythm.

The air bore the crisp essence of autumn, and sycamore leaves fluttered to the ground like confetti. Amidst the changing foliage, the maples blazed in fiery red, casting an ethereal glow like dancing flames against the sky.

At the airport, a hum of anticipation coursed through the crowd.

Reporters gathered, poised with cameras and microphones, ready to capture the long-awaited return of the legal world's enigmatic demon king.

Amidst the crowd was Crystal, who had come without Skyler but with the Miller family's driver, Joel

Time seemed to stretch. Crystal's palms grew clammy as they rested together.

What will it be like reuniting with you, Henry? Do you still remember me at all?

Then came a sudden surge of excitement sweeping through the crowd like a wave, and reporters jostled in a single direction.

Flashes erupted from cameras as reporters fought to capture the best shot of the scene.

Henry had appeared.

Henry emerged from the security checkpoint, encircled by his retinue of bodyguards. The camera lenses fixed on him could not shake his poised demeanor. With practiced case, he fielded questions with



nonchalant replies, his departure marked by an air of dignified composure.

The bodyguards held the press at bay, creating a path for his exit.

Meanwhile, Crystal stood by the exit, her heart racing as she watched the figure pass by her. An unexpected chill overtook her, as though a gust of icy wind had swept away her strength, leaving her vulnerable and exposed.

The realization struck her like a blow-Henry didn't remember her.

Right as the thought formed in her mind, Henry halted in his tracks and fixed his gaze on her face.

There was no recognition in his gaze, but Crystal could not contain herself as she called out, "Henry!"

With a purse of his lips, Henry spared her a curt response. "We'll talk in the car."

Crystal froze.

However, Joel nudged her, his tone merry as he said, "Mr. Miller wants to talk to you!"

With Joel's assistance, Crystal made her way to the parking lot.

By then, Henry was already in the black sedan, the window of the backseat rolled down. He had taken off his jacket, revealing the impeccably tailored white shirt accentuating the contours of his form. The casual grace with which he lounged against his elbow belied the gravity of the situation.

Upon his knee rested a file-records of his missing five years of memories.

Within its pages lay their shared history, the marriage they had built, their child named Skyler, their numerous separations, and... Audrey's death.

These details, while accessible to outsiders, felt alien to the man who had lost five years of his memories.

Crystal was nothing but a stranger to him now, and the idea of his passionate love for a woman he barely recognized was beyond his grasp.

Five years ago, he had been someone who rejected the notion of marriage.

Crystal slid into the car, a silent presence beside him.

Her eyes flickered to the documents resting on his lap. She surmised that his interest in those five years. before his return to the country had driven him to conduct some research. However, the absence of warmth in his gaze toward her cast a shadow of doubt on her hopes.

Henry's gaze lingered on Crystal, taking in her delicate features and fair complexion. Despite her pregnancy, her figure retained its graceful proportions.

He found himself inexplicably drawn to her growing belly.

This should be my baby.

Averting his eyes, he instructed the driver, "To the condominium."

His decisions were unwavering and left no room for protest. Crystal suppressed her yearning, enduring the heartache as she sat in silence beside him.



Though the physical distance between them was palpable, an intangible connection lingered-a residual warmth that had not entirely faded. Crystal's gaze turned to the window, her eyes reddening with unshed tears.

An hour later, the car came to a halt outside the condominium. The driver unloaded the luggage and departed.

Henry picked up his luggage, his gaze briefly touching Crystal before he led the way to the elevator. Throughout it all, he remained indifferent.

Crystal's heart ached, but she reminded herself that this was their new normal, for his love for her was gone, along with those five years of memories.

However, when they walked into the condominium, and when Crystal took in the interior, she could not halt the emotions that crashed over her. Her voice quivering, she asked, "You were here?"

The interior had been returned to its previous theme of black and white-elegant yet impersonal, akin to a showroom display.

Henry placed his luggage down with a sense of purpose, then changed his shoes and gestured for Crystal

to take a seat.

Considerate of her pregnancy, he poured a glass of water for her and a glass of red wine for himself. After that, he leaned casually against the bar counter while taking delicate sips.

Crystal knew that he was pondering how he should deal with her-with the uninvited presence in his life.

As he neared the halfway mark of his wine, Henry set the glass down with a contemplative look in his eyes. "These past five years... Though I've made my own investigation, I'd like to hear your perspective." Crystal met his intense gaze.

It was different from the tender and loving way he used to look at her.

Yet, her cheeks flushed.

Henry caught her reaction.

He moved closer to take a seat beside her. With a playful glint in his eyes, he brushed his fingers gently across her delicate features. "So, tell me."

Crystal could not resist him.

Her expression remained serene as she recounted the events of the past five years.

When she finished, Henry chuckled and said, "Quite the tale, Miss Winters.... You could give celebrities a run for their money with your storytelling skills."

Her surprise was evident.

Henry's hand continued its gentle exploration of her face, his voice taking on a husky note. "Say, do you love me deeply?"

Before she could fully react, he pressed her down onto the couch.



Her position may have lacked dignity, but as her eyes met his, an undeniable desire surged within her.

She could not stop herself from reaching out to trace the contours of his handsome face, from his brows to his nose. Her voice trembled slightly as she admitted, "Yes, I do," Henry grabbed her hand, not letting her touch continue to wander.

Then, her dress was pulled aside to reveal her swollen belly, fair and soft.

Henry's finger traced the curve of her belly, a playful glint dancing in his eyes as he teased her with his


Crystal had not done it for a long time.

The man she had loved so deeply stood before her, making it impossible to feign indifference.

Her body quivered slightly.

"Do you want it?"


His voice, husky and teasing, danced near her ear. "I've heard that women your age tend to have quite an appetite."

Crystal felt a mix of embarrassment and irritation. She wasn't afraid of him becoming distant, but he was proving himself not just distant but also rather tactless.

In the next moment, he released her, casually adjusting his shirt as he spoke in an almost nonchalant manner: "Miss Winters, what are you after? A husband or simply someone to satisfy your desires? Think it over carefully. Only then can we proceed to the next stage of discussion."

The vein by Crystal's brow vaguely popped.

With a trembling hand, she lifted her dress and softly asked, "Do you want to get a divorce from me?"

Henry stared at the faint patch of green.

Her fair skin gave it an almost artistic quality, like a watercolor painting brought to life.

He could not resist the urge to brush his fingers lightly over it, yet his words were far from tender. "No, I won't be divorcing you. After all, we have two children to raise." Henry's gaze remained on Crystal, taking in her undeniable beauty. Even with the added charm of her pregnancy, he felt no inclination toward a romantic relationship.

He stood, making his way into the study. Upon his return, he held a set of documents in his hand.

Placing the papers gently in Crystal's palm, he resumed his seat on the opposite sofa, his demeanor transformed from before. Now, he exuded a sense of dignity and restraint.

His eyes locked onto hers, and he shifted to a businesslike tone. "Miss Winters, I'm prepared to co-parent our two children. The condition is that we sign this separation agreement. Once signed, I will provide

the necessary child support and visit them once a week."

Crystal found herself in a perplexing situation.

What was the distinction between this arrangement and a divorce?


Her lips parted, yet no words emerged. She understood that any entreaty at this moment would likely only repel him further.

In truth, a sense of relief should have washed over her.

At the very least, he was not denying the existence of their children.

Despite this, her heart was heavy with sorrow.

Before her stood the husband she loved dearly, but she did not even dare to hug him, fearing that he would find her touch repulsive. His thoughts about her and Audrey remained a mystery, locked behind at mask of indifference.

After all, the most invincible adversary was the deceased.

Crystal leafed through the separation agreement he had laid out.

In the document, he had stipulated a monthly child support payment of two million. He would spend one. night each week with the children at her place, maintaining no other contact in the interim. However, they would cooperate without question if important events necessitated them to appear as a couple. Additionally, he had made a pointed request for her to remain faithful to the appearance of their marriage. Henry stood up and spoke calmly. "There's no rush. Take your time to think it over."

Having business matters to attend to at his law firm, he retreated to the master bedroom's walk-in closet to change.

Just as he was removing his shirt, Crystal entered.

She did not beat around the bush as she said, "Henry, I won't agree to the separation."

He drew his brows together.

One hand paused on his belt, and as he noticed her still standing there-face flushed, eyes watery-it was clear she had been crying.

At that moment, she seemed fragile, an easy target.

Taking a few steps toward her, he towered over her, his voice low and husky. "Are you here to watch a man. change, Mrs. Miller? It seems it's been quite a while since you've had some excitement. If you're up for it, we could indulge ourselves."

Of course, Crystal rejected the idea outright.

She knew his feelings for her had waned, leaving her to be treated as nothing more than a plaything.

Yet, Henry was already starting to kiss her. Inexperienced from the loss of his memories but driven by instinct, he pressed her against the wardrobe door, his fingers pinching her delicate chin to deepen and

then lighten the kiss.

Before the mirror, man and woman merged.

Tears traced their way down her cheeks.

Finally releasing her, Henry sneered. "What a disappointment."




Holding onto her chin, he let his lithe finger toy with the pink tip of her tongue and muttered, "Don't ask for more. Isn't it enough that we take what we need?"

Despite his aversion to marriage, the union between them was now a reality.

For a lawyer of his stature, maintaining his reputation was imperative.

He could not simply divorce her and become fodder for gossip and mockery from the world around him. Thus, the most practical solution was to keep up the facade of a marriage. If she consented, they could. even occasionally fulfill each other's physical needs.

In the separation agreement, the commitment to spending a night at her place with the children each. week was secondary; the primary underlying intention was that he also had physical needs.

Henry believed that, if she was sensible, she would find this agreement amenable.



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