
Chapter 98: Dinner with A

Mom prepared to kinds of Sinigang Pork sinigang for me since I like it more and Shrimp sinigang for my brother. Andre arrived with flowers for my Mom and Scotch for my Dad. They introduced each other then we head to the dinner table. My Mom can't hide her excitement.

"Ow my gosh. I never thought you are so handsome Andre. My gosh if I'm same age as Tara I will look nowhere if you are around." Andre smiled at my Mom's comment.

"Please Mom you said just dinner no other b.s. Can we just eat peacefully with no malicious comment or anything." I said stopping my Mom to her wishful thinking that me and Andre can be a thing. "Thanks for the compliment Tita. Your sinigang is the best. It made me remember my parents cooking." Andre comment. I hope Andre won't use this opportunity again to push this him and me-together-idea coz it's impossible.

"Ow where are your parents? Where are your province?"

"Mmm we don't have a province actually. They settled in the U.S. After my university studies they got their citizenship so they stayed in the U.S. now. They pretty much ofw since the beginning. They took my brother last year. They want me as well but I'm doing well right now so I think I'm staying in Manila."

"How often do they come backto Philippines? It's hard to be an ofw. They surely miss you and the Philippine' food. That's usual to ofws."Said Mom.

"Yeap that's true we always talk of food when where on the phone."Andre seemed to be natural talking to Mom. They will just end up laughing at one topic to another.

"Tara are you allergic to seafood?I never saw you eating shrimps." Commented Andre.

"Ow she is so lazy cleaning the shrimp skin. Here baby I cleaned some for you." Dad answered right away he is right though.

"Daddy, your so sweet. Thanks..!"

"You know what. I so scared cooking dishes with shell to her coz when she like it so much and she can't open the shell shes bitting them. Hahahaha" Said father making fun of me. He gathered lots of laughs from that though.

"I'm here. i can here you. Please no more embarrassing stories." Andre is just listening while look at me from time to time he cleaned some shrimps too and placed it on my plate. He made me noticed it then add me more soup and vegetables. I tried not to blush on his action coz its critical to do so in front of Mom.

"You know Andre I'm so proud of my successful kids. I have to tell you this but both of them are now on their 30's but nobody is planning to give me grand kids. So tell me news of any kind if my dream of having grand kids will come into light in the future. Please.!!!" Andre is answered with a smile. He doesn't know what to say.

"Mom grand kids will just come you will see Drake probably have kids already we just don't know. I day someone will just knock on the door and introduce themself as Drake's kid. You will see I'm telling you. I will bet Dad's tractor to that.

"Not my tractor please! Leave my tractor out of it."

We already started drinking I tried to hold back I added alot of ice on my glass so nobody won't notice i'm cheating on the alcohol measurement. I can't believe my parents can still drink like teenagers. Drake end up drunk he is already at the couch where he sleeps. I'm sending my parents to their room(the room previously used by Drake and Andre).

Now Andre has no place to sleep. I woke him up and send him home. The problem is he is too drunk to drive.

Mom and Dad talking on their bed.

"Honey Andre is too drunk he can't go home and we don't have space for him." Said my father puzzled.

"Ssshhh that's not our problem. We are drunk here. That's Tara's problem so just close your eyes." Answered Mom trying to silenced Dad.

"But..." Dad is trying to talk again but my mom stop his mouth from talking.

"Let Tara decide it's either she let Andre sleep on her bed or drive him home. Go figure! Go to sleep! Both situation is in favor of Andre if he doesn't win tonight that means he is not the one." Back to the living room...

"Hey you need to go home. We have no space for you." I tried to level my head to his while slapping his face slightly so he can see me

"Tara I can't drive I'm so drunk. Let me stay for tonight. If you want to stay on that smal sofa that will not be a problem or sleep on the floor. take your pick." I gave him all bad options so he leaves. "Can you drive me home please.!!!"

"I had a shot too. I'm scared to drive right now. i will make you a cup of coffee maybe after 30 minutes you will feel better." I tried to sit him up. The coffee is now ready but he doesn't wanna take it. "Just give me water. Coffee won't help me. I'm so dizzy right now." He explained. I'm so impatient now i just wanna sleep. I'm tired too now I'm taking care of a drunk man. I then gave him water maybe that would indeed help and make him leave.

"I need to puke." Andre said i low voice


"I need to pee." He said again.

"What do you really want?" I asked impatiently.

"I need to go to the toilet." I lead him to my room where the toilet is. I can here him puking indeed. He doesn't seem to show any desire to go out of the toilet. I knock the door slightly and asked "Are you ok?" I prepared my biggest shirt to give him when he go out of the toilet.

He looks way better when he go out. I gave him the shirt. He sat down my bed while changing his shirt.

"Do you fell better now?" I asked. He is not answering my question. He is staring at me. I don't know what is on his mind. He then put his hands on his head thinking.

"Is your head hurting. I will get you paracetamol for that."

"Forget it I don't want any medicine."

"Then tell me you feel better now so you can go." I told him. he look at me and stand.

"Do you honestly want me to go on this condition. I'm still dizzy, If i meet an accident that will be on your concience."

"It's not my fault you drunk so much. You should have save some strenght for your way home." He didn't answer but he wears his gloomy face again. I always win over him he will never win an argument over


"If that what you want I'm going. You

don't care about me. Not even a little bit. If I die tonight its your fault." He walk close to me and whisper. "I wish to die tonight so you will regret letting me go. Forever i will be in your conscience. I will visit you as a ghost and haunt you. Coz your heartless." I don't onow if I'm gonna

laugh or what.

I followed him to make sure he will leave. He took his keys on the table. He is still indeed wobbly. He is looking around for his wallet which is on the floor. I took it to give him. I gave his shirt as well on a paper bag.

"Here put all your belongings on the paper bag so you won't drop any."

"Yeah whatever.. Thanks heartless...." He finally went down. I followed him to see if his ok and to make sure he is leaving. He is walking so slow. Now inside his car. He's been there for 10 minutes he has no plan to leave. I went up and back already he still there. I knock on his window and check on him he seem to be sleeping on the driver seat.

"Are you sleeping here? You can't stay here. Just go home. "I ordered him.

"Tara I can't. I really can't I'm so sleepy. I can't drive." He answered then close his eyes back again. I opened hìs door and ask him to move on the passenger seat.

"Move I'm driving you home." He followed my ordered and sleep on the passenger seat. I woke him up again when we reach his building. I gave him a slight slap. "We are here". He turn around like a kid and answered, "Just let me sleep."

"Go to your unit and sleep on your own bed." He is not moving I can't carry this big guy if his not moving i can't carry him.

I gave him a stronger slap. He got surprised and awaken. His face is mad. "Don't do that again."

"Then wake up and go."

"Just go. You did your part you can go. I don't have money. give me money for the taxi or let me borrow your car.

"I have no cash on my wallet, maybe I have money upstairs. Send me up. Your here anyway. Maybe i will rate your morw heart."

"Yeah Yeah let's go." I assisted him

up. "Can you please carry yourself. Your heavy don't put your weight to much on my shoulder. We haven't reach the final stairs befor the elevator but I'm already giving up: Andre is heavy. "Are you kidding me. You look better earlier. Are you pranking me. Stop it already please. Carry yourself." I beg of him. I'm giving up of his heavy arm. I think he is doing it on purpose he is just pretending.

We manage to get to the elevator i pressed the button for his floor then took his wallet to check for money. He smirked as he proved himself without cash on his wallet. "I'm not lying to you. I don't have no cash" I put back his wallet on the paperbag with his dirty shirt. "Ding" where here. I took his keys to open the door. The moment I get in I asked for the money already. Andre turn the lights on and is now sitted on his couch relaxing.

"Hey give me my taxi money now. I'm tired to I wanna go home." He didn't answer right away. But he laugh.

"hahaha I don't have money here either. I stopped using cash." He looked at me while smiling devilishly.

"Are you bullshitting me. Your wasting my time. Give me back your car keys." I tried to get it back from the paper bag but he took it away fast.

"No Tara you are not going home tonight." So this is what he planned to act pitiful to appeal on my conscience pretend drunk then corner me here. "He grabbed my hand and pulled me down the couch. "Stay with me tonight. Please!"

"No i want to go home." I tried to push him but his whole body is on top of me he is too heavy. I can't get out of his arms. I kicked his leg.

"Ouch" he reacted. "That hurts. If you don't want me to lose my patience then you better behave yourself Tara." The light is going on my eyes so i looked away. "I'd been so nice to you Andre and this is what you're planning to pay my kindness. Your bullshit. Let me go!" I trued kicking and using my elbow so he would let me go.

"For once let me win. Please!!! Stop fighting." He started kissing me. I rejected it and move my head side by side while kicking. Andre is a rapist. He is forcing himself to me.

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