
Chapter 69: Explain

He entered the open door. He saw me crying on the floor.

"Tara, tell me what happened? Whò made you like this?" He asked confused of what is happening.

"It was you..." I hit him on his chest and kicked him away. "You fooled me again."

"Please Tara let's talk about it. How did I fool you again?" He is still pretending to be innocent. But the proofs are overwhelming.

"You cheated on me again. Siera came to me and told me about your incoming baby. Are you still gonna deny this. How many more times did you trick me. How many more women are you hiding?"

"I did not cheat on you Tara." He explained he is trying to be calm to explain to me. But I'm so angry my mind is clouded with anger.

"What? Then how is Siera claiming that she's carrying your child."

"I don't know how to tell you about her and the child so I chose not to tell you about it until we get married because I don't want you to get confused.

"I am not confused. I know what is happening and I know what I'm about to do." I challenge him.

"Tara, don't decide yet. Me and Siera we don't have a relationship. I don't even like her. It just happened one time when you left me before. You broke up with me. I wasn't careful. I stayed at the office drunk and she was there trying to comfort me. Then she somehow offered herself to me. I was so sad, so even though I'm with someone I don't like I accepted her advances and gave in. I'm sorry! But we are not together then. I am choosing you. You're the one I want to marry. I tried so hard to tell you about her and the child but I'm scared that you will react this way. I'm scared to lose you Tara." He tried to touch my hand and kiss it but i took it right away. My mind is closed to any of his explanation. My ears are deaf to any words he said. I continued crying thinking of what to do with Franco.

"And yet you're losing me again with your lies and with your tricks. I can't marry a guy like you Franco." My head hurts already from crying. I'm losing all my strenght.

"Please Tara, what happened to Siera was a mistake. Don't decide so fast about destroying the things we planned. I love you I am sure about that."

"But you keep on commiting mistakes Franco. That's the same line you said about Lisa. It was a mistake. How many more mistake did you do. And how many more are you going to commit?" I said angrily, I finally look at him straight showing my anger.

"Tara I tried my best to show you my love. So this is me now Tara. I don't want to be separated with you. You are still the one I want to be with the rest of my life. Please try to find it in your heart to forgive me again." He hugged me from the back and tried to kiss me but I elbowed him forcefully. I don't wan't to get swayed by his seduction. Those kisses won't change my mind anymore.

"I already heared you explanation and yet I'm feeling the same way. I can't marry you Franco. You need to be responsible of your action. I want to be happy I thought I can get it from you but I was wrong." His aura is starting to change.

"I already explained to you. I did not cheat on you. The baby was made when we are not in a relationship. That baby won't stop our wedding. We can still be together. You just have to open your mind." "My mind is open Franco. But I cannot accept that there is somebody else. I can't share you with anybody even to that child. So just go choose them."

"But I chose you Tara. I don't care about that child. We can make our own." He answered with finality. I am even more disgusted of how he disregard his own child. How could he just not care about it. That's his own blood. Even though he explains to me that he is choosing me over them for sure later on he will fall in love with that kid. And I will go crazy jealous of the time he will spend with that kid. So better not go that far. I better end this cycle of pain with Franco.

"Franco I love you. I am so mad at you right now. Maybe tomorrow I won't be mad anymore. But that child will still be there. I want you whole Franco. I can't accept you like this." The night went that way me crying and being mad at him then Franco explaining so hard his love to me. That he is choosing me. I didn't realize I already fallen asleep. I woke up in the bed with Franco. His strong arms covering me. I looked at his face. He is sleeping like an angel. Should I give you up or should I fight some more. My eyes started to tear again. I immediately wipe it out. I kissed him softly on his cheeks and whispered "I love you!" He awakens because of that kiss.

"I love you!" He answered. He answered my kisses and he remind me of how much we love each other. On that bed our bodies burn, our mind finally stopped thinking of our current problem.☐☐☐☐

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