Creating Heavenly Laws

Chapter 15

"The immediate priority now is to restore my full strength as soon as possible," Lin Yuan thought to himself as he sat cross-legged on the bed.

With Lin Yuan's level of cultivation, as long as he had sufficient external energy, he could quickly return to his peak in the shortest time possible. External energy, in this context, referred to various nutrients, supplements, and the like.

However, the prerequisite was having enough money. As a student, Lin Yuan naturally didn't have much money. Although his parents had some savings, it was undoubtedly far from enough to purchase the quantity of nutritional supplements he needed.

"Evolutionary Path of Martial Dao."

If Lin Yuan could upload this evolutionary path, given the support from the Interstellar Human Alliance for developing new evolutionary paths, he would undoubtedly receive substantial rewards. Not only rewards, but he would also gain a prestigious status.

Lin Yuan had seen numerous stories on the internet about evolutionary scholars who opened up new evolutionary paths. However, before uploading the Martial Dao evolutionary path, Lin Yuan needed to make subtle modifications.

After all, the human anatomy in the Martial Dao world was not necessarily identical to that of humans in the main world, leading to the possibility that Martial Arts from the Martial Dao world might not be practicable for citizens of the main world.

This difference undoubtedly greatly diminished the value of the evolutionary path.

One of the criteria for determining the value of an evolutionary path was its popularity.

Nevertheless, for Lin Yuan, this issue was simpler than it seemed. With a broadly similar framework, he could use his extraordinary insight to slightly modify the Martial Dao evolutionary path to make it suitable for citizens of the main world.

[Your Insight is unrivaled, and you've started to improve the Evolutionary Path of Martial Dao, with significant success.]

[Your Insight is unrivaled, and you've started to improve the Evolutionary Path of Martial Dao, with significant success.]

[Your Insight is unrivaled, and you've started to improve the Evolutionary Path of Martial Dao, with significant success.]

Compared to deducing the subsequent path of a newly created Martial Dao evolutionary path, this process of modification was undoubtedly much easier. In just two hours, Lin Yuan completed the modifications for the Pre-Natal and Master chapters.

At the same time, he integrated everything he had realized in the Martial Dao world over the past twenty years, forming a complete cultivation system.

"War Scripture."

Lin Yuan named it the 'War Scripture.'

After completing all this, Lin Yuan chose to connect to the 'Goddess of Wisdom.' As one of the three ultimate intelligences of the Interstellar Human Alliance, the Goddess of Wisdom was absolutely impartial and free from any ulterior motives.

Uploading the evolutionary path to the Goddess of Wisdom would not result in any unexpected 'interruption.' The Goddess of Wisdom would fairly assess its value.

After dozens of seconds, the familiar electronic synthesized voice echoed in Lin Yuan's ears.

"Universal Level Citizen Lin Yuan, please state your request. Remember, you have connected to the Goddess of Wisdom twice this month, and you have eight chances left. Please use them wisely."

"I want to upload a completely new evolutionary path," Lin Yuan said directly.

"Uploading a completely new evolutionary path."

The electronic synthesized voice showed no fluctuations. In fact, not to mention the entire Interstellar Human Alliance, even on the Canglan Star...

Every moment, countless citizens would upload what they believed to be their 'evolutionary paths.'

What is an evolutionary path? It is a guide that allows the essence of life to make a leap. This kind of leap needs to be stable and positive. Most of the 'evolutionary paths' uploaded by citizens are extremely one-sided and highly volatile. There might not even be specific cases. It's basically a waste of the Goddess of Wisdom's judgment time. However, a completely new evolutionary path is crucial for the Interstellar Human Alliance, as it is related to the emergence of new powerhouses. Therefore, whether it's the Human Alliance or the three Goddesses of Wisdom, they spare no effort in encouraging citizens to explore and develop new evolutionary paths, even if it leads to some resource wastage.

"Just this much."

Lin Yuan translated the 'War Scripture's' Pre-Natal and Master chapters into the language of human civilization, then began uploading.

"Evolutionary path reception in progress."

"Begin preliminary assessment."

In almost an instant, the Pre-Natal and Master chapters of the War Scripture were continuously simulated and deduced under the immense computing power.

"Preliminary judgment: this evolutionary path is genuine."

"Preliminary judgment: this evolutionary path appears for the first time."

"Preliminary judgment: this evolutionary path has extremely high popularity."

After a few seconds, while Lin Yuan was considering the following Grandmaster and Mythical chapters, the voice of the Goddess of Wisdom once again entered his ears.

However, compared to the electronic synthesized voice in front of him, this time's voice seemed solemn and cold, even with a hint of an 'emotion' that shouldn't exist.

"Respected Universal Level Citizen Lin Yuan, the evolutionary path you uploaded is undergoing a deeper level of judgment. Please wait."

"Hmm?" Lin Yuan was slightly stunned.

He naturally noticed the change in the Goddess of Wisdom's tone.

"Could it be that the one contacting me now is one of the main consciousnesses of the Goddess of Wisdom?"

Lin Yuan thought to himself. The Interstellar Human Alliance governed vast star regions, making it difficult to estimate the number of citizens. Therefore, the Goddess of Wisdom allocated to each citizen, considered as a welfare, was just an insignificant sub-consciousness of the true Goddess of Wisdom.

It was similar to ordinary artificial intelligence.

The only difference was that it could contact the true Goddess of Wisdom at any time.

It was said that when encountering significant decision-making moments, the main consciousness of the Goddess of Wisdom would appear, but Lin Yuan had never experienced it.

What Lin Yuan didn't know was that at this moment, in a mysterious space many light-years away from the Canglan Star, a massive light screen was rapidly flickering, frantically evaluating the value of the 'War Scripture.'contemporary romance

"Deep judgment: this evolutionary path meets the standards in terms of completeness and stability."

"Deep judgment: the potential upper limit of this evolutionary path reaches Tier Three."

"Deep judgment: there is no similar evolutionary path in the current database."

"Deep judgment: this item complies with Article 3 of the Alliance Constitution; initiate the corresponding protocol, and approval request will begin shortly."

"Querying the highest authority in the star region near Canglan Star, which is Governor Song Wuyang."

"Initiating contact with Governor Song Wuyang."

At the highest point of Canglan Star...

Song Wuyang stretched lazily, preparing to end his day's work. As the planetary governor of Canglan Star, Song Wuyang had too many responsibilities. Canglan Star was a mid-tier life-bearing planet with a resident population of five billion. Moreover, there were citizens from other planets coming for tourism and business. All of this required Song Wuyang's oversight.

"Prepare to rest and shut down all communication devices."

Song Wuyang instructed his intelligent assistant, stood up, and rubbed his forehead. This had been his habit for many years. Once he decided to rest, he wouldn't touch any work-related matters.

Of course, Song Wuyang's rest time was short, only two hours a day. However, during these two hours, he absolutely avoided any contact with work-related affairs.

Just as Song Wuyang was about to rest, an electronic synthesized sound suddenly echoed in his ears.

"Governor, someone is requesting communication."

"Didn't I say to shut down all communication devices? When I'm resting, no one should contact me about work."

Song Wuyang suddenly opened his eyes, furrowing his brows with clear displeasure.

"The requester has the highest authority level in the nearby star region. It cannot be refused."

"Highest authority level in the nearby star region?" Song Wuyang raised an eyebrow, quickly calming down. "Is it one of the starlords?"

"No, it's the Goddess of Wisdom."

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