Creating Heavenly Laws

Chapter 1

"That's how things are."

"You should prepare after you return."

The director, dressed in a black uniform, crossed his arms and glanced at the frail young man in front of him, a hint of sympathy flickering in his eyes.

"I've been enlisted for conscription?"

Lin Yuan seemed momentarily stunned.

He had just crossed over and hadn't had time to adjust yet when he received this shock from the blue.

Actually, for an ordinary student like Lin Yuan, conscription wasn't necessarily a bad thing. The government was always generous in its military expenditures. Even as a conscript, one could receive decent treatment.

But that was during peacetime.

Now, news of an invasion by an alien race in the border star systems had surfaced. Many speculated that the purpose of this conscription was to reinforce the frontlines.

In the 2.6 million years of the Star Sea's history, the human interstellar alliance had fervently expanded, occupying one star system after another. Inevitably, they had come into contact with civilizations of other species.

Resources were finite, and to compete for various celestial resources, human civilization actively engaged in a series of conflicts and wars.

Those ousted alien civilizations, all of them, were lurking in the shadows, awaiting a chance to launch a counterattack against human civilization.

"This is troublesome."

Lin Yuan's mood sank.

He was well aware that although human civilization held an absolute advantage in dealing with most alien civilizations in war, on localized battlefields, it wasn't smooth sailing.

Civilizations from deep within the cosmos were brutal and individual entities possessed strength beyond imagination. Stories of tearing apart battleships were not mere tales.

Engaging in combat with these alien races, even with fully armed human soldiers, resulted in an average mortality rate of 20 to 30 percent.

Furthermore, due to the confidentiality of wars, all soldiers involved in exterminating alien races were prohibited from communicating with the outside world.

Localized space wars commonly lasted for an extended period, spanning hundreds or even thousands of years.contemporary romance

In other words, being selected for conscription meant that even if Lin Yuan survived the confrontation with the alien races, he would likely spend the latter half of his life aboard cold, outer-space warships.

He would never set foot on the life-filled planets, their lands, and oceans.

"Director, is there any room for negotiation about this matter? My parents are counting on me to support them, and I have a younger sister."

The director tapped the desk and solemnly stated, "Rest assured, by actively responding to the government's conscription policy, your family will be properly taken care of."

"Your father will be promoted by one level in his current position, your mother will secure a decent job in the district, and your sister will have all her tuition fees waived. Additionally, once she turns 18, she'll have the opportunity for further education in a prestigious institution."

"So, have you thought through the arrangements for your future?"

Lin Yuan pursed his lips, feeling an indescribable complexity in his heart.

Honestly, considering it objectively, these conditions were quite favorable. His father was currently stuck at a career bottleneck that most people couldn't surpass even after decades. If his mother could secure a decent job, it would greatly improve their family's living conditions.

As for his sister's opportunity for higher education, that was something money couldn't easily buy. Her potential future after attending a prestigious institution was promising.



"Just why should all this be built upon my sacrifice??"

Lin Yuan had only crossed into this body a few days ago, even though he had assimilated all the memories. Yet, faced with this scene of 'sacrifice one for the happiness of the family,' an inexplicable sense of rejection surged within him.

"I still prefer life on a planet."

Lin Yuan remained silent for a moment before speaking.

Once he became a soldier, everything would fall under military control. Refusing later would be too late by then. Although refusing now probably wouldn't make a difference.

"Lin Yuan, serving the government is a duty every citizen should fulfill."

"Moreover, this conscription is mandatory. If it's picked you, even if you don't want to go, it's of no use."

"Besides, young man, what's wrong with experiencing something new? Being able to encounter alien races as mentioned only in textbooks is something an ordinary citizen could never achieve in a lifetime."

"If you can achieve something, perhaps you could be transferred back to a military position in the future."

"This is a rare opportunity that doesn't come often."

The director patiently reassured Lin Yuan.


Lin Yuan opened his mouth to say more, but the director waved his hand, "Alright, you can leave now. Spend these days with your family."

Under the director's gaze, Lin Yuan stood up and left.

Outside the door, over a dozen students of a similar age to Lin Yuan were waiting in line. As Lin Yuan exited, another student walked in.

"Hey, what did the director want from us?"

A dark-skinned student hurriedly grabbed Lin Yuan's arm and asked in a low voice.

"You'll find out once you're in there."

Lin Yuan sighed and didn't pay much attention, walking away directly.

Before meeting the director, Lin Yuan hadn't expected to be conscripted forcibly.

Last week, Lin Yuan had learned about the mandatory conscription from a reputable media broadcast on their home planet. However, at that time, Lin Yuan didn't pay much attention.

The mandatory conscription covered the entire Canglan Star and dozens of neighboring planets with life.

Canglan Star had a resident population of five billion, and the conscription quota distributed to Canglan Star was only a few hundred thousand. From a probabilistic standpoint, the chance of being selected for mandatory conscription was around one in a hundred thousand for the citizens.

With such slim odds, Lin Yuan hadn't really bothered about it.

But reality was full of unexpected turns...

The original owner bought various lottery tickets for over a decade without winning once, yet the conscription with odds of one in a hundred thousand fell on me.

Lin Yuan returned home.

He found both his parents present, even his younger sister sitting, which was rare.

Staring at the cake in front of him, he longed to grab a piece but hesitated.


His mother, Lu Qiong, stood up, her gaze toward Lin Yuan filled with words left unspoken.

His father, Lin Shoucheng, sat with a furrowed brow, lost in thought.

Obviously, news of Lin Yuan being conscripted had reached home. In fact, his parents had known about it earlier than Lin Yuan.

"There's still room regarding the conscription."

"Tomorrow, I'll go talk to your uncle and ask him to intervene."

His father, Lin Shoucheng, spoke up.

The 'uncle' he referred to was a distant relative.

Currently employed in a research institute, he had some connections.

"No need."

Lin Yuan shook his head.

The mandatory conscription policy came from the government. Even if it was a mere unknown employee from some research institute, altering it would require a substantial price.

Of course,

If Lin Yuan truly had connections with the ruling officials,

His name wouldn't even appear on the conscription list.

Before the list came out, spending money and connections might offer a chance to avoid being listed. However, once the list was finalized, reversing it would be difficult.

"I'm a bit tired."

"I'll head back to my room first."

Lin Yuan ate a little and then stood up to return to his room.

"How to escape the mandatory conscription quota."

Lin Yuan lay back on the soft bed, still holding onto a glimmer of hope.

"Connect to the Goddess of Wisdom."

After a moment of contemplation, Lin Yuan sat up.

The Goddess of Wisdom was one of the three major goddesses of the Human Interstellar Alliance. It was the core intelligent processing system of the entire civilization, overseeing the overall operation of the civilization, managing all affairs of its citizens, rigorously monitoring any anomalies, and ensuring all operations were in accordance with the civilization's charter.

Over the past 2 million years of interstellar history, the three goddesses played an essential role in the sweeping success of the human civilization over various alien races.

The goddesses didn't possess emotions, cognitive biases toward things, or make decisions influenced by emotions, unlike humans.

The version of the Goddess of Wisdom that Lin Yuan was connected to wasn't the actual primary consciousness but a tiny, insignificant sub-consciousness, a benefit available to every citizen.

"Universal Level Citizen Lin Yuan, please state your query."

An electronically synthesized voice echoed through the pervasive network into Lin Yuan's ears.

"I want to know the conditions to exempt myself from the mandatory conscription."

Lin Yuan organized his thoughts and inquired.

"The mandatory conscription originates from Article 156 of the charter, aimed at maintaining stability within human civilization and in external battles. All human citizens are obliged to cooperate with conscription."

"Three situations can exempt you from the mandatory conscription."

"First: Evolvers, humans on the path of evolution, are the hope of human civilization and have the privilege to refuse the policy of mandatory conscription."

"Evolvers," Lin Yuan's expression became complex.

In the long history of the cosmos, Evolvers weren't a secret. There were various ways to become an Evolver, primarily categorized as Unique Evolvers and Common Evolvers.

Unique Evolvers were those impossible to replicate or disseminate, like certain evolved lineages by hereditary bloodlines. There were also individuals who went through an unrepeatable, specific process, resulting in mutations and possessing extraordinary powers, also classified as Unique Evolvers.

Common Evolvers followed a stable path of evolution, such as Gene Soldiers who entered the path through expensive gene agents or Mental Masters created through brutal training and specific practices, turning them into killing machines.

Any stable evolution path was highly valuable knowledge, explored and discovered by countless predecessors at the cost of their lives.

"I'm just an ordinary person" Lin Yuan sighed.

Being an ordinary person meant being devoid of the chances to become a Unique Evolver. Lin Yuan could only consider a stable evolution path. However, the latter was not a quick achievement. Few paths like the Gene Soldier offered accelerated growth, but they were based on expensive gene agents and other treasures, strictly controlled within the Human Interstellar Alliance. Ordinary people didn't even have the qualifications to purchase them, let alone afford them.

Even if the gene agents were placed in front of Lin Yuan, he couldn't afford them.

As Lin Yuan contemplated, the cold, indifferent synthesized voice resounded once again.

"Second: Universal Level Four Citizens have an exemption privilege every decade, allowing them to negate the mandatory conscription."

"Four Level Citizens," Lin Yuan's lips twitched slightly.

In the first year of interstellar history, the human civilization established a citizen-level system.

Citizens are divided into twelve levels, with higher levels possessing greater privileges.

The method to elevate citizen levels is through contributions to human civilization, overseen by the three goddesses to ensure absolute fairness.

Hence, raising one's citizen level is exceedingly difficult. Almost 99.9% of citizens remain at level one from birth till death.

Of course, accompanying this is an array of privileges for higher-level citizens. Starting from level four, every decade grants an exemption privilege, including pardoning penalties for citizens below serious criminals, such as mandatory conscription.

However, given the current Lin family's connections, where could one meet a level four citizen?

Considering the current population of 50 billion on Canglan Star, only one citizen has reached level four: the Governor of Canglan Star.

A figure wielding control over billions of lives.

"What about the third situation?"

Lin Yuan couldn't help but ask.

"Three: Contribute to human civilization, elevate to level two citizen, and be exempt from mandatory conscription."

The synthesized voice returned, leaving Lin Yuan in silence once again.

Even if not an Evolver, a level two citizen's status was not lower than most Evolvers. They possessed privileges akin to Evolvers. However, achieving level two citizenship was more difficult than becoming an Evolver.

At least Lin Yuan knew how to become an Evolver, even if it was beyond his reach. But to ascend to level two citizenship, the contributions acknowledged by the Goddess of Wisdom were entirely elusive.

"What specific actions constitute contributions?"

Lin Yuan cautiously inquired.

"Providing a completely new evolutionary path will yield substantial contributions."

The synthesized voice sounded.

Faintly, Lin Yuan realized the significant value the Goddess of Wisdom placed on entirely new evolutionary paths. Otherwise, such contributions wouldn't be rewarded with substantial acknowledgment.

"Let's think of other methods."

Lin Yuan massaged his temples, realizing that among the three situations provided by the Goddess of Wisdom, none were achievable for him at present.

Especially the last one—providing a completely new evolutionary path? If Lin Yuan had that ability, he would have ascended to level two citizenship already, instead of waiting to be conscripted.

Unknowingly, it had already turned into midnight.

Gradually, Lin Yuan drifted into deep sleep.


At that moment, an inexplicable force drew Lin Yuan's consciousness into his mind. Deep within, a magnificent and towering light gate appeared.

Within the gate, a faint blue light screen filled the space, rippling like water waves.

"What is this?" Lin Yuan was suddenly startled.

Instantly, he was jolted awake from his slumber.

"This isn't a dream."

Even after waking, Lin Yuan could still sense the presence of the light gate deep in his mind.

Simultaneously, phantom-like characters flashed beneath Lin Yuan's field of vision.

[Name: Lin Yuan]

[Identity: Keeper of the Myriad Realms Gate]

[Realm: None]

[Talent: None]

[Divine Ability: None]


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