Convincing her (Jen and Lucas)

Chapter 498: Not Feeling Well.

The couple's life soon fell into a routine. Lucas would wake up early in the morning and Jen would accompany him in the morning before he went to work. Jen would then go back to bed and visit her restaurant later in the day before bringing lunch for Lucas. She would then go back home after lunch and take a short nap before preparing dinner for Lucas who would come home late because of his night classes.

Fortunately, Lucas became even more demanding at work therefore freeing up his weekends so that he could spend more time with her. Everything was going well for a while. Just like this, two weeks passed peacefully. 

On Friday morning, Lucas was woken up early and as usual, he ignored his alarm as he had become spoiled by his fiancée who would turn off the alarm and wake him up himself. But that morning, something was weird. Jen did not wake up.

Lucas reluctantly opened his sleepy eyes and saw Jen who was tucked into his arms frowning deeply with her eyes closed. He immediately became even more awake and brushed her hair away from her face. He touched her forehead and fortunately she did not have a fever.

"Jen," Lucas called as he gently shook her awake. This only made her frown become deeper increasing his worries.

"Jen," Lucas called again and patted her awake. Jen opened her eyes and dazedly looked at his worried face and she sobered up a bit.

"What's wrong?" Jen asked and tried to get up but was hit by a wave of dizziness and laid back down. 

"What's wrong with you? Are you feeling sick?" Lucas asked worriedly when he saw her close her eyes again and fall back into bed.

"Just a headache," Jen said, although she had a headache, it was more than a headache. She was feeling nauseous and dizzy too.

"Should we go to the hospital?" Lucas asked and Jen shook her head. It was not so serious.

"But what if it gets worse?" Lucas asked and Jen finally opened her eyes to look at him. She stroked his cheek in comfort because she could see how worried he was.

"I'll be fine, if it gets worse i'll go to the hospital, okay? It's just a headache," Jen comforted. Lucas was hesitant to leave her the way she was. He only went to take a shower after a lot of coaxing from Jen's side.contemporary romance

Lucas got up and went to take a shower and got dressed. He didn't think of having breakfast because he had wasted a lot of time in bed that morning. After he was ready, he went to the bed to check on Jen again. He was not feeling reassured at all, but she kept insisting that she was going to get better after sleeping for longer.

He played with her hair before checking her temperature again. He was very reluctant to leave her home. When had she been unwell since they started dating? Jen was woken up by his action and was met with his worried expression again.

"Are you really fine?" Lucas asked as his thumb rubbed against her flushed cheek.

"Babe, it's just a headache," Jen said feeling bad that she was making him worry so much. Lucas stood up and went to the bathroom and rummaged through the cabinets there and came back with painkillers. He opened the small fridge in the room and took out a bottle of water before going to sit down next to her.

"Here, take one, it'll make you feel better," Lucas said and helped her sit up before handing her the pill and opening the water bottle for her.

Jen took the pill and finished half the bottle of water. Lucas put the bottle on the side table before putting her back in bed and covering her up with the comforted.

"If anything happens give me a call, okay?" Lucas said as he smoothened out her hair.

"Mmmh, I'll definitely give you a call in case of anything," Jen said as she smiled to reassure him.

"Okay, I'm going to work now, take care of yourself," Lucas said and pecked her lips before he stood up. He kept looking at her as he left the bedroom. 

The driver was wondering why the boss was late to come out when Lucas walked out of the hotel. From the look on his face, he could tell that today, no one was going to have it easy at work.

Lucas got in the car and quietly sat in the back seat and started going through his work. He was not planning on working at night, in fact, if he could finish early it would be better, he might have time to stop by at home before attending his classes at the university.

When Martin saw Lucas's expressionless face he felt like calling in sick. He became completely demotivated to work. He knew that he was not going to get into trouble for his work. It was just that when Lucas was like this, everyone made him take their mess into his office and he would have to deal with watching his deteriorating mood.

"Good morning sir," Martin greeted and received a grunt in response. Even when the lady boss was not around, Lucas would at least answer him. He had never received a grunt in response to his greeting. Martin did not know that he was about to have his eyes opened that day.

As the other employees greeted Lucas, Lucas passed like he did not hear them. If he was being honest, he really couldn't hear them as he was already thinking of how to improve everyone's efficiency today. Martin was already filled with dread by the time they got into the elevator.

"Don't I have a schedule today?" Lucas asked Martin who had gotten lost in his own thoughts.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Martin said and started reading off his planner.

"I hope you won't be like this for the rest of the day," Lucas said as he walked out of the elevator. His smile made him look like a villain. Martin pursed his lips together, determined not to act like he just did. 

Jen on the other hand ended up sleeping for another three hours before waking up. She was still feeling nauseous but her headache was no longer there, most probably because of the painkillers she had earlier.

She took her time waking up and went to take a quick shower. She felt better after she took a shower and got dressed. She made the bed and left the bedroom. She made a beeline for the kitchen and made herself a glass of lemonade in an attempt to stave off her nausea. 

She went to sit in front of the TV as she slowly sipped on her lemonade. The last thing on her mind was food. She just wanted to feel normal again. She texted Lucas to tell him that she was feeling better before relaxing on the sofa to watch TV. Jen was unaware that her actions managed to gain a bunch of people amnesty.

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