Convincing her (Jen and Lucas)

Chapter 425: Boy or Girl?

Leanna felt like her life has made a tremendous change that she was still adjusting to. She was still going to university, but she felt like she should take leave soon, just from how much she was being nagged by her husband to do so.

She was always sleepy, and her feet swelled. She would need to go to the bathroom several times a day whenever her child was in a weird position. Her stomach had also grown a lot, she couldn't see her feet anymore. She had also gained some weight.

She felt that if she had to go through this alone, she would have become very haggard. But Ethan was very attentive to her and even hired a few maids to help her out. So regardless of how shitty she felt, she always looked flawless.

Her hair was always neatly done, her clothes were comfortable and stylish. Her face was always made up and Ethan had even ordered pregnancy-safe cosmetics and personally inspected them after they had arrived.

She felt spoilt and was afraid that this was going to make her lazy. A driver would always drop her off at university and would be on standby until she got out, just in case anything happened that would require her to go somewhere.

Now she had just woken up from her nap and found herself in someone's arms. Ethan managed to hug her in her sleep regardless of how big her stomach was. Leanna moved a bit because one of her legs was feeling numb and unintentionally woke Ethan up. Ethan looked down at her as he sleepily blinked.

"Awake?" he asked in a low voice and Leanna looked up at him, their eyes meeting before she nodded at him. Ethan hugged her tighter, placing his chin on her head as he took in her scent.

"I missed you when I was at work," Ethan murmured, but Leanna heard him.

"Mmmh, that's why you came home so early?" she asked as she rubbed his waist. 

"Mmmh," Ethan answered.

"It wasn't because you did not want to do another surgery?" Leanna asked, her voice sounding a bit flat. She had started getting accustomed to Ethan's personality. He was very considerate and polite to her. But he did and said whatever he was thinking with everyone else.

He is polite and distant with strangers; his acquaintances have mixed feelings about him; he takes care of his friends and family and those he holds close to his heart. She sometimes felt like she got more than she had bargained for.

"That too," Ethan said and smiled at her, making Leanna laugh.  contemporary romance

"I have to get out of bed, or I'll fall asleep again," Leanna said and tried to sit up. Ethan quickly sat up and helped her up. 

"I miss sleeping on my stomach," Leanna complained and Ethan became speechless. He was not sure of how he was supposed to respond.

"And my back," she added as she sat on the bed with her legs spread apart to accommodate her stomach and stretched her arms over her head.

She was going to have her baby the following month, and she was both excited and nervous. She had heard that she would experience pain like never before. But she was also looking forward to her backache going away and her legs to stop swelling.

"DO you want to go to the living room?" Ethan asked. Their house was huge, and they had stayed in the room upstairs before, but when it got uncomfortable for Leanna to go up and down the stairs, they had to move temporarily.

"Mmmh, let's go," Leanna said and turned to get out of bed. Ethan hovered around her to make sure she doesn't accidentally trip or knock herself against something. Leanna only calmly watched as he fretted and a small smile appeared on her lips. The two walked out of the bedroom and went to sit in the living room.

"Do you want to eat anything?" Ethan asked her and she shook her head. She rarely ever said yes when he asked this question. The only reason she did not deteriorate was because of his efforts!

"Is there anything you think you can eat?" he asked her, and Leanna became thoughtful.

"Apples, the Green ones," she said and looked at him with her big brown eyes. Ethan stood up himself, and Leanna caught his wrist.

"Just send someone to bring it," she said as she pulled him. He frowned and hesitated a bit before beckoning on one of the maids that were on standby to get the apples. He was going to peel them for her himself!

Ethan sat back down, and Leanna snuggled up to him. She already knew what he wanted to do, and she wasn't going to let him. He left home at 3:30 am for a five-hour surgery, then had one that was six hours long after it. She can't make him slave away for her.

When the maid brought the apples and everything he would need in a tray, Ethan found himself unable to carry out the task he had planned to do. Before he could say anything, Leanna interrupted him and asked the maid to peel them for her. Seeing Ethan's skeptical look, she asked her to do it in front of them. 

The maid who was forced to watch PDA by her bosses: …

The maid left to wash her hands as she dared not to before she went to sit somewhere they could see her and skillfully peeled and cut the apples into bite-sized pieces. Only when Ethan saw how careful she was being, did he relax.

"You must be tired, just relax, okay?" Leanna said to him and placed a hand on his chest.

"Mmmh," Ethan responded. He could not argue with his wife.

"Will you be busy tomorrow?" Leanna asked him as she absent-mindedly watched tv.

"Not really. I applied for half day so I can accompany you for your checkup," Ethan said before a plate of neatly cut fruit was placed in front of them.

The maid quickly took everything unnecessary and disappeared. She has never felt so single in her life! She also wanted to snuggle against someone and have him peel some fruit for her!

Ethan carefully reached forward and took the plate and held it in his hand so Leanna could access it easily. Leanna picked up the fruit fork and stabbed an apple and gave it to Ethan. Ethan cooperated and ate the apple.

The sweet and sour taste made him salivate, and crisp juiciness was refreshing. Any fog he had from sleep seemed to disappear.

"How is it?" Leanna asked as she too took a bite.

"Sweet," Ethan said and looked at Leanna with honey in his eyes. Leanna felt goosebumps erupt on her skin and almost choked on her apple. How could he look at her like that and say something like that without any hesitation? Even the spectators felt the same.

Seeing her reaction, Ethan laughed helplessly before leaning down and pecking her lips. He pushed her hair away from her face and stroked her cheek with his thumb.

"Really sweet," Ethan said, and Leanna was grateful she was done swallowing her apple. Her eyes seemed to ask him, "Why are you like this though?" but her cheeks were flushed pink from both the sweetness and embarrassment. Her head and heart were obviously not cooperating.

Ethan chuckled and stopped fooling around as he urged her to eat her fruits. Who knew when her desire for them would go away? Leanna ate most of the apples before she put down the small fork.

"Done?" Ethan asked, and she nodded. Ethan finished off the rest and placed the plate back on the table in front of them.

"Should we go take a walk outside?" he asked her after a few minutes. It wasn't like they were seriously watching the program on TV, they were just accompanying each other. Leanna who had started feeling drowsy nodded. 

Ethan stood up and supported Leanna before they handed him a light sweater. He helped her put it on and the two of them went to take a walk in the garden. The two walked leisurely and made a few laps around the extensive garden.

Ethan had been told to make sure she gets some light exercise, so he never missed a day and always accompanied her. When Leanna got tired, the two sat on the bench and watched the sunset together. 

"Do you think it's going to be a boy or a girl?" Ethan asked her, and a faint smile appeared on her lips.

"We could have told them to tell us the gender if you are curious," Leanna said and looked at him. Ethan draped his arm over her shoulders and pulled her to him just in case she got cold. 

"I wanted it to be a surprise," Ethan said as he played with her hair.

"It would have still been a surprise," Leanna said and tilted her head.

"It's different," Ethan said, and Leanna chose not to argue with him.

"I think it'll be a boy," Leanna said.

"I'm hoping for a girl," Ethan said, and there was a brief pause before they both laughed.

"I was too, but I think I want a boy. Hopefully, he'll have your eyes," Leanna said and brought up her hand and caressed his face. His eyes, which were like the setting sun, drew her in and she became dazed.

After being looked at like this, Ethan could not help himself but lean down and kiss her. The two made quite the picture with the setting sun creating a halo around them with the flowers acting as a background.

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