Convincing her (Jen and Lucas)

Chapter 15: His heart was Beating like Crazy!

Jen watched as Lucas drove away and turned to go to her faculty building. As she was walking she was thinking about Lucas' strange behaviour, she wasn't sure if she did something that put him in such a mood.

She started thinking about their interaction since he arrived at her house but she couldn't figure anything out. He seemed normal, that is until after the kiss they shared. Jen realised that she didn't actively do anything to cause him to be like this.

(A/N: It's not like you kissed or anything right?)

This whole situation made her feel complicated. She remembered how Tyler used to get into one of his moods and would get angry at even the most insignificant things she did. His behaviour used to stress her out and she always felt like she did something wrong although she never did anything to warrant his shitty attitude towards her.contemporary romance

She silently hoped that Lucas was not like him because she knew she was not ready to experience the emotional roller coaster she did with Tyler. She figured that if Lucas was angry then he wouldn't have asked her out on a date… right?

At this time she was already seated in the lecture hall. She mechanically took out her books and at the time that their lecturer arrived she was still absent-minded, although as the class progressed she regained her focus and concentrated.

The day progressed normally with her going to the library after her lecture. She stayed there to study for a couple of hours before she received a phone call from Lucas at exactly 6:30 pm. After a short conversation, she packed all her things in her bag and left the building to go to the parking lot. The university campus was not crowded like the day before, probably because it is slightly later in the day.

She arrived at the parking lot before looking around before she spotted Lucas get out of his car with a bright smile and a wave of her hand she walked towards him. She did not realise how happy she looked at that moment.

Lucas watched her as she approached him her eyes becoming smaller from the smile she had on her face. A few hairs had escaped her braid and framed her face and for the nth time, he couldn't believe how beautiful she was.

During the day he had been contemplating on how he wanted this relationship to go because he had not taken it very seriously since he was swept off his feet by her boldness that night of the party, and their chemistry was off the charts.

He simply wanted to be with her and hoped that everything else would just take its own course he wasn't exactly looking to have anything serious since that never worked out for him. The two previous relationships he had were very superficial as the girls seemed to be looking for benefits from him and he had to admit that he took advantage of that.

However, Jen was very different. she was self-sufficient and very smart, she did not exactly need anything from him because she was a self-made woman, if she was the sort of person to take advantage of other people she would not have worked so hard for her family.

Taking into consideration the interactions that he had with her lately, and the information he learned about her, and also with what happened that morning he realised that whatever his initial feelings for her were, they were already developing into something that was much more serious. Seeing as at that moment as she is walking towards him, his heart was beating like crazy.

He was standing in front of his car absent-mindedly with a slight smile on his face as he followed her. She finally arrived in front of him and toned down her smile because she realised she looked very excited about their date. Watching her try to calm herself down made his smile grow wider.

"How was your day?" Lucas asked as he took her bag from her since it looked heavy.

"It was okay, pretty much studied the whole day," Jen said nonchalantly.

"I see, so you're a bookworm huh?" Lucas asked trying to tease her.

"I've always enjoyed learning, but I had to put my life on hold to sort some things out, but now that I have that freedom once more I feel like I'm probably compensating for lost time," Jen said simply.

"Is that so? Then did you miss me today?" Lucas asked while feeling a bit playful. He really enjoyed teasing her. He pulled her closer to himself as he asked her this and she couldn't hide the blush that had already spread on her face. When Lucas saw this he felt very happy, he slightly lifted her chin so that he could look at her properly.

"Well?" He asked seriously, anticipating her answer. She turned her face to the side from embarrassment. Lucas almost laughed but he figured it might just upset her so he held it in.

"Okay then, why-"

"Yes" Jen said in a barely audible voice.


"I did miss you, just a bit," Jen said holding her index and thumb finger close to show him how little she missed him. He thought she was very adorable and her admission really warmed his heart. He slightly bent his head and kissed her forehead, his lips lingering there for a tad bit longer than normal.

"I missed you too, a lot, I thought about you all day," Lucas said shamelessly causing Jen to look at him incredulously. Her expression was a bit funny making Lucas chuckle.

"Okay then, let's go for our date," Lucas said with a wide smile that showed off his dimples. He opened the car door for her before she got in and put her bag in the back seat. He walked over to the driver's side and got in the car.

He put on his seat belt and started the car but he didn't drive off. Jen looked at him in question but when she did their eyes met as he was already looking at her.

"Is something wrong? Why aren't we going?" Jen asked feeling slightly perplexed from his gaze.

"Did I tell you how beautiful you look today?" Lucas said effectively shutting her up. Jen looked outside the window determined not to look at him for the rest of the car ride. Her reaction amused Lucas and he decided not to further embarrass her before he drove off.

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