Coming Home For Christmas

Chapter 49(s2)

“I'm sorry, sir, you want me to do what?" “You heard me, Eduardo, I want you to make sure Lacey comes to my club opening next week" /s he being serious? “Boss, you do realise what you're asking me to do is practically impossible, right? I can't make sure Lacey attends the club opening without arousing suspicion and alerting the Antonelli's” “I don't care, Eduardo just make sure Lacey is at my club opening, otherwise you can say goodbye to your parents”

Trevor hangs up and I throw my phone down on the couch in frustration as I run both of my hands through my hair roughly tugging on it as I did How the f**k does Trevor expect me to make sure Lacey attends his bluddy club opening next week without alerting everyone and letting them know that I'm working for the other side? “Hey Eddie, the boss is looking for you" Stan, one of Klayton's men says startling me but I didn't show it “Why's the boss looking for me?”

“I don't know but you should get there before his mood gets worse, there's nothing worse than getting on your boss's already bad side, trust me” “Why's the Don in a bad mood?” Lask confused Chapter 49 - Caught In 4K

Stanley briefly looked behind him to make sure no one was in sight before telling me the reason why he believes our boss is in such a foul mood “Well, word on the grapevine is that he's pissed because his cousin Lacey refuses to talk to him or accept any of the gifts he's sent to her and he's sent her a lot of s**t from a diamond jewellery set to chocolates, fancy wines and allegedly two tickets to the Maldives for her and her husband" “And all of this has put him in a bad mood?” Task him and he narrows his eyes at me “Of course it has, Eddie. Jesus even God almighty in the

heavens above knows how much the Don adores his younger cousin and dotes on her like she's the queen of his world” That's true Lalways thought it was kind of cute and sweet the way Klayton treated Lacey and also because of how over-protective he is of her but now, I think it's weird

Don't get me wrong, I get wanting to look after and protect your family and I also understand being close to your family members but with Klayton, he seems to take things one step further with her which is creepy and strange, in my opinion “Ok fine, Il go and see him now" Ileave my office and head up to the floor which is solely for Klayton, his wife, Cade and his personal assistant Iwas feeling nervous and anxious as I patiently waited for the elevator to stop on the top floor and when it finally did, Iwas confused and shocked when the doors opened and 1 heard the sound of glass smashing along with some pretty angry voices


pretty amped up “Yeah I am because they're proof that you don't know me as well as you think you do” "What are you talking about, Lace? I." “I'm talking about you sending these piece of s**t flowers to me as a f****g peace offering after what happened with Carmella and you couldn't even send me my favourite flowers” “Wait, carnations aren't your favourite flower?" Klayton asks sounding confused and my eyes widened as my mouth formed into a very shocked O Oh s**t, this isn't good, well, for Klayton it isn't

"YOU KNOW DAMN WELL CARNATIONS AREN'T MY FAVOURITE FLOWER YOU JACKASS, I LOVE ROSES!" Lacey shouted as a loud thud was heard "Well, how am I supposed to know that?" “Maybe because you're my cousin and you know better than anyone that I've loved roses ever since I first saw our nonna's rose bushes in Sicily" Chapter 49 - Caught In 4K. of Lacey said sounding like she was close to tears “I'm sorry, principessa, I really am"

“You can shove your apologies up your stupid ass because I'm done with you, Klayton" She says shocking both myself and Klayton “You're done? what do you mean you're done?” “I mean what I say, Klayton, I'm done with you and I want nothing more to do with you anymore" "You don't mean that Lacey” “Actually, yes I do, I'm fed up with all of this bullshit, Klay and I'm sick and tired of seeing the people I love getting hurt because of degenerates like you and Trevor..I mean, who's gonna be next, huh? Logan? my parents? my grandparents? my brothers? or maybe he'll hurt one of my

kids instead" Lacey said with a slight quiver in her voice “I can't let that happen, Klayton and I can't just sit around and wait while Trevor plays Russian roulette with my family and friends lives” “But that doesn't mean you have to cut me out, Lacey..." Klayton said sounding panicked and kinda afraid which is incredibly rare for a mafia Don only to be cut off by his cousin “Yes I do, Klayton because as long as you and the mafia are a part of our lives, we're never gonna be safe”

"lace..." “Goodbye, Klayton" Lacey said before rushing out of Klayton's office and leaving his floor as Klayton shouted her name and chased after her Luckily for me, I was able to quickly hide in an alcove close to me so Chapter 49 - Caught In 4K. A that the feuding cousins wouldn't see me

wouldn't see me After watching Klayton furiously leave his floor leaving me all alone up here, I smirked as I pulled my phone from out of my pocket and quickly called Trevor Speak” "T've found a way to get Lacey to your club opening, boss" “Really? how?" Trevor asks with excitement in his tone “Don't worry about that, boss just know that I've got a plan and it's foolproof”

I'smirked as I thought about finally destroying Klayton through his most prized possession Klayton's PO “Don't worry about that, boss just know that I've got a plan and it's foolproof” That motherfucker Ithought to myself as I glared at the computer screen which was showing Eddie smirking as he talked with who I assume is my bastard cousin on the phone Iswear if [ wasn't holding my little principessa then 1 probably would've stormed back up to my floor and kicked this asshole's ass that's how angry I was feeling

"Erm Klay, can you let me go, please?" No I pouted like a child not wanting to let her go Even though our argument was fake and everything we said was s**t we made up to trick Eddie into thinking we were arguing, it still didn't sit Chapter 49 - Caught In 4K. —) right with me that this could've been real and I truly could've lost my cousin because of Trevor “But you're hurting me" "What?"

Ilooked down and my heart hurt when I saw the pained look on her face “s**t, I'm sorry, principessa” Isaid whilst loosening my hold on Lacey but still keeping her within my embrace

I could tell she wasn't happy with me still keeping hold of her but I didn't care and she was just gonna have to suck it up until 1 was happy and satisfied that I wasn't gonna lose her “So, it seems Eddie's gonna use you guys fighting and also Lacey's vulnerability to get her to this party..question is, how do we stop him?" Connor asks whilst continuing to glare at the computer screen “We don't" Lacey says and my grip tightens on her as my jaw clenches together

“We don't? what do you mean, Lace?" “I mean what I say, Connor, we don't stop him and we let Eddie believe that he's luring me into going to this party when in fact it's us who are luring him as well as his bosses to their early demise” Connor repeatedly narrowed his eyes between myself and Lacey in disbelief before settling his eyes firmly on me “Is this a joke, Klay?" He asks me and I shake my head “No, it's not, we decided to use Lacey as bait whilst infiltrating

Chapter 49 - Caught In 4K. _ Trevor's opening so that we can finally nail this asshole for good” I'say through gritted teeth and Connor's eyes widen in shock “Is this Cassie's dumbass idea? actually, why am I even asking that question? this has clearly got Cassidy's name written all over it" “Why do you say that?" Lacey asks confused “Because she’s the Donna who thinks every mission should

be run by women because she says andl quote women know how to get s**t done and still be home in time to make dinner and tuck their babies into bed whereas men think with either their d***s or their egos both of which always get in the way and screw everything up * Connor said whilst imitating my feisty little wife and 1 smiled as Lacey chuckled “Well, shes not wrong but you are” "Huh, how so?" “Because Cassie didn't come up with this idea, I did" Lacey says and Connor's eyes once again widen in shock

“What? why? I don't understand” Connor stuttered "You don't need to understand, Connor, all you need to know is that Cassie made a point when she said men mostly think with their d***s and that's exactly how we're gonna trap Trevor” Lacey said with a smirk “And you've agreed with this, Klay?" “Yes, I have"

1 say while nodding my head as Connor looks at me in disbelief “Anyway, I've gotta go guys, I need to go and see Carmella at the Chapter 49 - Caught In 4K. ~) hospital” “Ok, be safe” “Lalways am” Lacey and I kiss each other's cheeks and hug one another before bidding each other goodbye as she leaves the security room

Now that Lacey was gone, Connor wasted no time in voicing his real opinions on the situation and questioning me about mine "Ok, she's gone now, you can tell me why?" “Why what?" “Why you've agreed to this insanity, Klayton? are you seriously gonna use Lacey as bait to get this asshole?" He asks me and I let out a breath "I.don't want to trust me I don't but Lacey pitched a great idea to me and I had no other choice but to agree to it" “You had no other choice? you could've f*****g said no,

Klayton" “First of all, don't speak to me like that, Connor, 1 am your Don and I won't take any form of disrespect from anyone including you, do you understand me?" I growl at him and he quickly backs down while lowering his head out of respect “And secondly, unless you've got a better idea, this is our only option” “I can't believe this” Connor sighed as he ran his hand through his hair

“I can't f****g believe you'd put Lacey in harm's way like this, have you forgotten what that bastard put Cassidy through”

"Of course, I haven't forgotten, Connor” Chapter 49 - Caught In 4K. — I growl as I snap my head up to look at him “Then why would you agree to this insanity, Klay?" “Because I've got no other option, Connor..look, what Trevor did to Cassie has been living rent-free in my head for the past four years and I've had to live every day of these past four years feeling not only guilty for not being able to kill him while I had the chance to but I've also been feeling determined to find and destroy that bastard and get revenge for everyone he's ever hurt and if using Lacey as bait is the only way I can finally end this

motherfucker for good then that's a risk I'm gonna have to take" Connor didn't look happy with my decision, in fact, he looked upset and worried about it which I don't blame him for because we all saw how badly Cassidy was affected by what happened with Trevor and we don't wanna see this happen with anyone else, especially not my little cousin Trust me, if there was any other way that I could nail this fucker without putting someone I love in danger then I'd happily take it in a freaking heartbeat, the last thing I want is to put my Lacey in danger “Hey guys, what are you doing in here?" Benjamin's voice brought me out of my thoughts

"We're spying on Trevor's spy" Connor said and Benjamin nodded his head as I narrowed my eyes to the file in his hand “Please tell me that's what I think it is, Benj" “Yes and you'll never believe what I found, brother” He hands me the file and I look through it feeling my eyes widen and my anger grow the more I read it “How accurate is this, Benj?"

"One hundred percent, there are copies of his birth certificate, his driver's licence and his passport as well which all say the same thing” Connor looked over my shoulder and I could tell from the tone of his voice when he spoke that he was just as confused as I was when he saw the information in the file “Wait, are you telling me this dumbass came to us using his real name?" “Yeah, he did" “Why would he do that if he's working for the enemy?" Connor asks and Benjamin shrugs his shoulders “I don't know, maybe he's not as smart as we thought he

was" “Or not smart at all, this says that he was a high school dropout and he never even applied to college let alone graduated from one” “What? that's impossible, he showed us the certificates he received after he'd graduated from MIT" Connor said sounding shocked “Well, they must've been fakes" “fk, how did this happen? how did we let this fucker fool us?"

"Because someone we trusted allowed him to fool us?" Huh “What do you mean, Benj?" lask him and he lets out a breath “Do you remember who recommended Eddie to us?" Benjamin asked us and my body immediately stiffened “Yeah, it was Vanessa"

“Exactly and do you know why she recommended him to us?" Chapter 49 - Caught In 4K “Maybe because they're both working for Trevor, Benj" Connor says in a duh tone “Well, yeah but no, she recommended him to us because he's her older brother” ‘WHAT?

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