Coming Home For Christmas

Chapter 42(s2)

"Cass?..Cassie baby, talk to me, tell me what's going on...Cassie..GODDAMMIT CASSIDY, f*****g ANSWER ME!!" “I'm sorry, Cassie, please forgive me" I heard Vanessa say before the call ended ngeagit “What? what'sgoing on?" “Cassie..she's in trouble” "WHAT?" Benjamin shouts sounding very angry and panicked

"Come on" I grab Benjamin's bicep and drag him upstairs I don't remember what room exactly Katerina was being held captive in but I do remember my brother telling me it was on the top floor to the left

There are four floors in this place and we're currently on the second floor, hopefully, this place isnt riddled with secret doors and getaways and we can get to them before Vanessa can do any real damage to my wife, my brother and my cousin I'd like to think she'd never hurt them but then again, [ never would've thought in a million years that she'd be the one to betray me either

“Klay, what are we gonna do when we get there?" "We save Cassie, Marcus and Katerina, obviously Benj" I'say ina duh tone Chapter 42 - Klayton’s Gift What kind of question is that? “I know that dumbass, what I mean is, what are we gonna do with Ness when we get there? [ know you guys are tight, Klay"

“Were Benjamin, we were tight, there ceased to be anything between us the moment she decided to betray me for that scumbag cousin of mine"

Benjamin and I finally made it to the fourth floor just as Vanessa walked out of the room holding an unconscious Cassidy in her arms “Klayton,'s not what it looks like" ENE e—— Benjamin growled under his breath He wsn't happy seeing his one and only baby sister unconscious and in our enemy's arms and neither was I I wanted nothing more than to take my wife from Vanessa and ripmy former friend to shreds but I knew that I had to

tread lightly here because this b***h has got my entire world in her arms and she knows it, so I don't wanna risk my wife's safety any more than I already have by making a rash decision Ineed to think and act like a Don right now and not as a husband, it's the only way to get Cassie back to me safely “I'm gonna f**k you up, b***h" Benjamin attempted to go after Vanessa but I quickly stopped him by placing my hand on his chest “What the f**k, Klayton? why did you stop me?" "Just wait"

I mutter tohim before turning to face Vanessa “Klayton, please let me explain, L.." Chapter 42 - Klayton's Gift “Shut the f**k up, b***h" I growl at her and she flinches “Put my wife down right now, Vanessa” “Klayton..." “I SAID NOW, VANESSA!"

I'shouted and she once again flinched, she then slowly bent down and placed Cassidy on the floor When she stood back up again, I gave my orders to my brother in law who didn't hesitate to carry them out “Benjamin® I'say and Benji fires a shot at the traitor shooting her right in the shoulder "AAHHHIL, fii" Vanessa screamed in pain as she fell to the ground holding her bleeding shoulder

As soon as she was subdued, I went straight to my wife to make sure she's ok whereas Benjamin went over to Vanessa and stripped her of every weapon she's got on her body “You're 50 lucky my mom and dad raised me right, b***h and they taught me to never hurt a woman because if they hadn't then I would've made it rain with bullets on your pathetic body with or without Klayton's permission”

Benjamin said through gritted teeth as he kept his gun pointed at Vanessa

"Where the hell is my brother and cousin, Vanessa?" "They've gone out to the cars” She says and I narrow my eyes at her unsure if I believe her or not Chapter 42 - Klayton's Gift Ithen looked down at my wife who looked like she was sleeping but that didn't ease the fear and panic that was rising deep within me because I didn't know what she was given and if whatever it is was harming her in any way

Just this thought alone unlocked a new level of fear and anger in me and I became even angrier as [ narrowed my eyes at the traitorous b***h in front of me “What did you do to my wife?" "K.Klayton, pl..please...” "ANSWER THE f*****g QUESTION, VANESSA OR I'LL SHOOT YOU IN THE f*****g TEMPLE!!" Benjamin shouted as he held his gun tight against Vanessa's head causing her to wince in both pain and fear “Ch..chloroform, I gave her chloroform” rok,

"Why?" Iasked her and she remained silent as she looked guiltily at my wife “How long will it last?" “L.L.1 don't know, Trevor said it should knock her out long enough to hide her in his secret room” She says and I close my eyes tightly to try and reign in my anger but it was damn near impossible There are only three people in this world who can calm me down completely and unfortunately, two of those people are at home fast asleep in bed and the other one is currently unconscious

"Benji, grab that b***h and take her out to the van, make sure she's Chapter 42 - Klayton's Gift cuffed up before we set off” I tell Benjamin as I picked my wife up bridal style and held her as close to me as possible “You got it, brother" “Klayton please listen to me, it's really not what it looks like" Vanessa tried to plead her case one more time with me but

Iwasn't interested in hearing what she's got to say just yet "I don't wanna hear it, Vanessa, now let's get the f**k out of here” Benjamin and I take the girls out to the cars Vanessa was taken to a van where she'll be watched over by our men until we arrive back at my estate while I took Cassidy over to the car we'll be sharing with Kat, Marcus and Benjamin I wasn't ready or prepared for the questions I was no doubt going to have thrown at me by Kat and Marcus and I honestly didn't know what I was going to tell them but I knew I had to say something because I can't keep them,

especially my cousin hanging “Oh my god, Cassie, what the f**k happened to her, Klay?" “Where's Nessa, Klayton? is she ok? did she get hurt as well? oh my god, let me out” Marcus and Katerina ask in a panic as I place Cassidy down on the back seat of my car “She's fine, they're both fine” “And Ness? where is she? please tell me she's ok, Klay" “I'said she’s fine, didn't 12°

1 growled inadvertently at my cousin but quickly regretted it when! saw her flinch in fear “Sorry Kat, I didn't mean to shout..are you ok?" Chapter 42 - Klayton's Gift “I'm fine, where's my wife?" “She's in another car” "Why?" "BECAUSE..." I'shouted but stopped myself so that I could calm down and not shout at Kat again

she's already experienced god knows what at the hands of her i***t brother, she doesn't deserve to be treated like s**t by me as well “Because theres no room in this car, Kat" Itell her and she drops her head with a sad expression on her face “Don't worry, sweetheart, the drive home isn't that long” “Are you sure?" She asks me and I smile at her

“Yes, now get some rest, you've had a rough week, kid" Kat smiles back at me as she nods her head before resting her head against Marcus's shoulder and closing her eyes Ifelt guilty for lying to her because she deserves to know the truth but I can't just dump it on her that her wife is the mole who has been plotting against us

She's been through enough I'turn back around and wrap one of my arms around my wife as I grabbed hold of my phone from my pocket with my free hand and called one of my men "Boss" “Did you do as I asked?" “Yes sit, Trevor won't know what's hit him when he gets home" He says and I smirk

"Good" Isaid before hanging up I'then called Logan to see if Lacey was ok and I was relieved to hear she was fine and was fast asleep on the couch in their bedroom According to Logan, Lacey had waited for as long as she could for news from us but gave up in the end and succumbed to the land of slumber which [ was grateful for because as much as I love my baby cousin and want to keep her updated with what's happened, I'm not really in the mood or the right state of mind to deal with her twenty questions right now “There's something you should know about, wife doesn't want me to tell you about this but I can't not

tellyou” "What is it?" Logan takes a breath before telling me what he needs to tell me “You know she had that meeting today with the studio executive to discuss turning her books into a movie?" "Yeah" “Well, it turned out the guy was a dirtbag and he spiked Lacey's drink”

"WHAT?" I growled “Is this some kind of joke, Logan?" “wish it was, brother..according to Lacey, their waitress faked a phone call from me so that she could separate her from the two men and tell her about the drugged drink” Motherfuckers “Did she say who this guy was by any chance?”

She said his name was Caleb Rojas" "Is she ok?" “She's fine and she's putting on a strong front for the kids and me but / know that deep down she's devastated Klay, she really thought this was the next big step in her career” He says and my heart hurts for my little principessa “There'll be other opportunities, Lo" “Yeah, I know, I just feel bad for her" Logan says sadly as a thought struck me “What did you say the guy's name was again, Lo?"

“Caleb Rojas, why?" Caleb Rojas? why does that name sound so familiar? Trevor's PO “Urght! f**k, why isn't she answering her phone?" "Who?" “Vanessa, I've called her umpteen times now and she isn't answering me" “Maybe she's busy”

Antonio says and I narrow my eyes at him “Busy with what? the only thing that girl seems to be busy With these past few days is growing a f*****g conscience” “Well, we did kidnap her wife, Trev" He says and I scoff “Yeah, a wife who she helped us to kidnap, Tony..after all, if it wasn't for her getting us into Klayton's gala in the first place then we would never have had the opportunity to grab Kat and bring her back home"

“Hmm, I guess so" Antonio mutters under his breath “Anyway, I told her to always make sre she answers my calls if she knows what's good for her, so why isn't she answering me?” “Idon't know" Antonio said sounding exasperated before his voice turned to anger and panic “What the hell?" "What?"

Tlooked forward and I was shocked when I saw the gate to our mansion were wide open when they should be closed and none of our guards were anywhere in sight Antonio drove up to the front of the mansion at full speed and for some strange reason, my heart started to race even faster the closer we got to our home “What the fk?" “Where is everyone?” Antonio and I ask as we get out of the car

1 had this place locked down like Fort Knox and I made sure guards were everywhere but there's noone around We headed inside and went looking for our men but unfortunately, all we found were a bunch of dead bodies and our dogs who were unconscious but breathing “What the f**k happened here? who did this?" Antonio asked me and I only had the one answer Klayton Antonelli Ithought to myself as I rushed upstairs to the top floor

Iwas already angry but my anger spiked even higher and panic filled my entire being when I saw the door to my sister's room was wide open “Oh no, KAT!I, KATERINA" Istood in the doorway with wide eyes as my nails dug into the wood of the doorframe Katerina's gone “PKI PK, PKI" I growled as I trashed the room, destroying everything I put my hands on

During my rampage, my phone started to ring but I ignored it as I continued to turn this room upside down I didn't think things could get any worse but I was proven wrong when after the fourth or fifth ring, I answered the call and was met with a very anxious Antonio's voice "WHAT?" "You need to get to your office, Trevor, you're not gonna believe what's in here” Antonio says confusing me, not just becuase of what he said but also because of the tone of his voice lend the call and immediately headed downstairs to my

office Twas barely a few feet away from my office when the smell of death wafted to my nose forcing me to cover it, I then entered the room where I was met with the biggest shock of my life Holy F**8g s**t This isn't real, it can't be real "Tell me that's not what I think it is"

“wish I could, Trev" I hesitantly stepped into the room where my father's old, muddy and moulded coffin was lying in the middle of the floor and in front of it is my father's white marble tombstone which was standing up straight but that wasn't the worst part The worst part is that whoever did this has arranged and set up what I assume is my father's bones to look like he's sitting upright in my office chair “He left you this as well, Trevor” Antonio said as he hands me a piece of paper

“Play stupid games and you win stupid prizes, maybe next time you should consider being the man you claim you are and come after me instead of targeting my girls because next time it won't be your father I dig up, dear cousin, no next time itl be your precious mother’ MOTHERFUCKER! I growled to myself as I gripped the note in my hand “Take this as a warning, Trevor, if you attempt to come after my family again then I swear to god on everything I love that I'll make sure to torture you so badly when I get my hands on you that you'l feel the pain of my wrath in every single one of your lifetimes, try me motherfucker, I dare you:

I finished reading the note and smirked evilly to myself Challenge accepted cousin You just crossed the f****g line, Klayton Antonelli

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