Coming Home For Christmas

Chapter 32(s2)

Chapter 32 - Trouble At The Gala - Part 1 Logan's POV “Maybe we can go to Greece or Thailand, I've heard they've got some lovely beaches in Thailand" “Sounds good" "Ooh, what about the Seychelles? no kids, no internet just you and me naked for two weeks sounds blissfully amazing, right?” "Mmm-hmm, sure"

with someone and when she locked eyes with me, she went into a blind panic and hung up” “So?..maybe it was a friend” I'say and she sighs “Maybe but why would Katerina tell this person that Klayton would be pissed with her if he were to find out they were in contact? not to mention, there was that time I went into town to pick up my dress for tonight and [ saw her with some guy but she didn't seem happy or comfortable with him" “Do you know what the guy looked like?"

Lask her and she shakes her head “No, he had his back to me" “Have you told Klayton about this?" Lacey scoffed and rolled her eyes at my question “Yeah, I have but he just brushed me off and told me he knew Kat better than I do and that he'd know if something was off with her" Asshole

Hasn't this dickhead learned that Lacey's gut is as strong as.

steel? and nine times out of ten when her gut is telling her something then that Chapter 32 - Trouble At The Gal. 7 generally means she's right

“Maybe I am putting too much stock into this but I don't think Iam Logan, I think Kat's in trouble and for whatever reason, she's too scared to ask for help” She says and I nod my head Ithen looked down at my watch and realised we had to leave in an hour and a half “We've gotta get ready otherwise we're gonna be late, babe" I'tell Lacey who sighs in frustration as she mutters something along the lines of / knew you'd brush me offas well under her breath

She then stood up to leave but I was still holding her hand which I used to pull her close to me until she was straddling my body “Logan, what the hell?" Lacey growled before moaning when I shut her up with a kiss Our kiss was only brief and when I pulled away from her, I rested my forehead against hers hoping to give her some form of comfort “I'm not brushing you off, baby, I promise you I'm not, I'm just saying that we need to get ready otherwise we'll be

late” "But what about Kat?" “Trust me, love, Kat's gonna be fine, I'l make sure of it" I'say and Lacey nods her head as she kisses my lips before heading upstairs with me hot on her tail Klayton may be willing to shrug off my wife's feelings but I'm not and I'm gonna make that i***t cousin-in-law of mine see that her feelings are valid tonight Later That Night.

God, I don't feel good about tonight Even though it's supposed to be a great night for an incredible cause, I still can't help but feel... don't know, like something bad is gonna happen but I'm really hoping it doesn't Tonight, Klayton and Cassidy are hosting a charity masquerade gala in honour of their friend who died from cancer and all of the proceeds will be split up and shared between multiple different cancer charities For this gala, I've decided to wear an emerald green satin strapless gown with a split in the thigh and silver strappy heels with a matching mask

My hair has been curled into deep waves with some hair tucked behind my ears and several little crystals scattered sporadically on top of the front of my hair My make-up is an emerald smokey eye look with nude lips and my nails have been done with a different iridescent style on each finger “You look stunning, my love” Logan whispered in my ear as he wrapped his arms around my waist “Thank you, sweetheart, you look good too” Isaid as I turned around in his arms and checked him out

He's wearing a black and dark green mask, a black suit and shirt with an emerald green tie to match my outfit but you wouldn't notice it unless you were up close like I am “I've got something for you" "Ooh, what is it?" "This"

Logan held out a black jewellery box in front of me and T knew exactly Chapter 32 - Trouble At The Gal o/ what was inside of it “Logan, is this what I think it is?" "Yeah, it's my great-grandmother's favourite jewellery set" "It's my favourite as well, every time I'd go over to your house I'd always ask your mom to show me it" I'say breathlessly as I look down at the beautiful diamond and emerald necklace, earrings, ring and bracelet set

Lacey says and I narrow my eyes at her “Or maybe we can go to Australia and bring home one of those Black Widow spiders as a pet for the kids" "Yeah, that sounds fabulous" What the hell? Did my wife who is highly and I mean HIGHLY afraid of spiders or anything with more legs than her just say it would be fabulous if we made one of the most venomous spiders on the planet a pet in our home? For the past hour or so, I've been pitching new destination ideas for Lacey and me to go on for our honeymoon when

“I know and so did my mom which is why she gave this to me so that I could give it to you" "Give?" Task sceptically and Logan's smile turns into a smirk “Yes baby, my mom is giving it to you" “What? no, Logan, I can't take this, it's a family heirloom" "'re family, my love and I don't know about in the Carpenter family but in the Black family and most other families in the world, heirlooms are normally given to the firstborn child or the wife of the firstborn child"

Logan says happily “Logan, I really can't accept this" "Yes, you can, now turn around, so I can help you put this necklace on” "Ok, fine" I turned around and Logan put on my necklace as I put on the earrings, bracelet and ring Even though I wasn't keen on wearing this jewellery set because of how expensive it is and also because it's an

antique, I can't find it in my heart to take it off because of how much it completes my outfit Chapter 32 - Trouble At The Gal “You look perfect, my love" Logan kisses my temple and I smile “Good, let's just hope nobody at the auction thinks this is for sale because I'm really not in the mood to turn down money which could go to a good cause, I'm also not in the mood to kick someone's ass if they try me

like a free sample to get it" I'say and Logan chuckles as he kisses my lips “Come on let's go before Klayton starts to wonder where we are” I quickly grab my silver clutch and we leave our mansion after checking on the kids to make sure they're all ok We got in the car that was sent by Klayton and we headed towards the manor where the gala is being held

“Are you ok, love? you're not still worried about Kat, are you?" Logan asks me and I shake my head “No, I mean, I am but not right now" "Then what's with the face?" Ilook at Logan and smile "I'm just wondering if food will be served before or after the auction, I'm bluddy starving” 1say and Logan laughs

“It'll probably be afterwards, babe" “Urghit” I groaned in annoyance The drive to the manor was a good half an hour away from our home and I was left in awe when we arrived “Wow, Cassie really knows how to plan an event” “Yeah, she does"

Chapter 32 - Trouble At The Gal ad When the car pulled up, Logan got out and came around to my side offering me his hand “Thank you, baby" "You're welcome Logan kissed my lips as he entwined our hands We then headed inside of the manor and a slight gasp left my mouth when I saw the beautiful black and gold decor

"Wow, principessa, you look amazing" Klayton says while hugging me “Thanks, cousin” “You're welcome, now change” “Klayton"

1 groaned whilst rolling my eyes “I'm being serious, Lace” “Oh, I know you are” “Baby, leave her alone, she looks fabulous, besides, what do you expect her to change into a tablecloth? you're being ridiculous” Cassie says and I smile as I watch her walk away with Klayton trailing behind her trying to talk sense” into her about my outfit The funny thing is that my outfit is quite tame compared to Cassidy's outfit, so why is he getting pissy over mine?

“I need to go and see my dad, babe, will you be alright on your own for a few minutes?” “Idon't think I will babe, I think I'm gonna be totally lost without my big, strong husband here to protect me from all of the snooty rich people” Chapter 32 - Trouble At The Gal 7 I'say with a smile and he chuckles “Be good, babe, stay away from men" Logan kissed my lips and I nodded my head

all of this bullshit with Trevor is over and done with but she seems way too lost in her own world to care about what I'm saying

"Yes, master” Logan growled at me before quickly pecking my lips and leaving me to my own devices, so I decided to go and check out what's on auction completely unaware of the dark eyes that were watching me Trevor's PO “She's stunning, isn't she? that green really brings out the green in her eyes” “If you say so”

Antonio grunted Ilooked at him and rolled my eyes when I saw him messing with his wig “Will you stop messing with that thing? you're gonna mess it up and give away our cover” “But it's itchy” “Yeah, well being itchy will be the last thing on your list of worries if Klayton finds out we're here and he drags us to his dungeons” I'say and Antonio huffs in annoyance

I narrowed my eyes back at Lacey who was gracefully and elegantly walking around whilst looking at some of the antiques on display for the auction “Excuse me" “Wait, where are you going?" Antonio asked as he grabbed hold of my bicep "To see Lacey” Chapter 32 - Trouble At The Gal I'said in a duh tone “Are you joking, Trevor? what if she recognises you?"

“She won't, I'm wearing a wig, a fake beard and a mask, remember?” Isay while rolling my eyes After we found out about Klayton and Cassie's charity gala from Katerina who had inadvertently spilled the beans to Tony during a chance meeting, Antonio and I decided to create a disguise for ourselves to hide our real identities so that we could attend tonight without being noticed by our enemies “And what about your accent dumb-dumb? don't you think she's gonna remember that sexy accent of yours? it's not a voice anyone can forget that easily, Trev"

"T know, babe but I'm not the only person on the planet with a Spanish/English hybrid accent now, am 17° Task whilst taking a sip of my champagne “Besides, it's been a while since our last meeting, Tony, I highly doubt my little Lacey is gonna remember me after all this time” “Yeah because who's gonna remember some hot guy asking her for a kinky threesome in a s*x dungeon?” Antonio asks cockily so I slapped him in his c**k before walking over to Lacey

"Good luck, big boy" / don't need luck, Tony, I'm Trevor Lopez, for f++*s sake

"Or maybe we can go to Saudi Arabia and I can find myself a couple of more wives” “Whatever makes you happy, baby" What the fk? “Ok, that's it Lace, what is going on with you?" Chapter 32 - Trouble At The Gal 7 Lask startling my wife “Nothing's wrong, I'm fine”

“You're fine? are you being for real right now?" “Yes, 1 am, why are you getting so angry with me?" She asks confused “Because you're not listening to me, sweetheart, I've just suggested bringing a spider as well as two more women into our home and marriage and you didn't even flinch at my..." I'said but was cut off by my wife “A spider? where? oh my god, where did it go?"

Lacey panicked as she pulled her feet up onto the couch Oh, now youre scared of spiders, Lace “There's no spider, love but you thinking there is, is just further proof that you haven't been listening to me” Lacey looks at me and closes her eyes while sighing as she runs a hand through her hair

"I'm sorry, babe, I've just got a lot on my mind, that's all" "Care to share?” I ask with a smile and she shrugs her shoulders whilst looking down “What's the point? nobody else is taking my feelings seriously, so why should you?"

Lacey asks which not only pissed me off but it confused me “Because I'm your husband, Lacey..I'm your confidant, remember?” Task her as I grab hold of her hand and hold it close to me and trapped between both of my hands Chapter 32 - Trouble At The Gal ~/

Lacey looked down at our hands before narrowing her eyes back at me “I'm worried about Kat, she's been acting really strange and out of character lately" "How so?" “Well, she's been quiet and closed off, she's been very on edge and paranoid like she always feels like she has to look over her shoulders, I also heard her on the phone the other day having a very heated conversation

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