Coming Home For Christmas

Chapter 14(s2)

Logan's PO “Fine” Lacey huffed and I smiled at her “Good girl" Ikissed my wife's lips and watched as she walked away from us with an annoyed and pissed-off expression on her face Don't worry baby, you're not the only one who is angry because lam as well

“I can make that promise, nonno because I know exactly who the bastard is that's doing all of this and was already gunning for the motherfucker for what he put my wife and our son through but he's signed his own death certificate with his own goddamn blood by putting a target on our little principessas head" What the fk? “Wait, you know who's doing this?" I ask and Klayton closes his eyes and sighs before looking at me “I had a feeling who it was when we received the first threat but now I'm almost certain it's him" “Him?...him who?"

Lask and Klayton sighed in frustration as he ran his hand down his face He then walked over to his bar and poured us both a glass of bourbon Klayton handed me the crystal glass and I downed the brown liquid in one go ignoring the burning sensation in my throat as I became determined to get to the bottom of this bullshit “Explain everything to me right now, Klayton before I lose my s**t" “ok Klayton lets out a breath as he sits down on the arm of his couch

“Like I said earlier, my grandfather and I had received another threat this morning and this one made me realise just how personal this was” “What did this threat say?" “See for yourself" Giuseppe said as he handed me an envelope with Klayton and Giuseppes name and address on it I'took the envelope from him and I was horrified when [ pulled out the contents and I saw one of our wedding invitations with what looked like blood splatter all over it and on the back of it, itsaid —f/can't have your wife then I WILL have your cousin, I know how much your little princesa means to you, Klayton’

Isnapped my head up to look at Klayton who looked like a bomb ready to explode “What's going on, Klayton? who the f**k have you pissed off so badly that they want both of our wives?" Chapter 14 - Heated Discussions “It's a long story, Logan” “I'm all ears” Isa sternly and I could tell he wasn't happy with my tone but don't care Some asshole is out there threatening my wife's life and this fucker knows who it is and he's not telling me, so I honestly

don't give a s**t if he's not happy with me because right now, I'm not happy with him “There are two very powerful and influential mafia families in this world, Logan, the first is obviously us and the second is la familia Lopez which is run by their Jefe Trevor Lopez who just so happens to be my cousin through our mothers" What? “Are you being serious, Klay?" “Unfortunately” Klayton said while downing his drink “But why would your cousin be out to get you like this?..1

don't understand” “Long story short..from a very young age, Trevor was manipulated by his mom who made him think that he could not only be the leader of the Lopez family mafia but also the Antonelli family mafia via eliminating me and that's what he tried to do by messing with the one thing on this planet that nobody should ever and I mean EVER mess with, he messed with my wife and child, Logan" Klayton growled and I noticed his hands which were clenched together were turning white and red from how tight they were “What did he do?"

Tasked him and he scoffed Chapter 14 - Heated Discussions “What didn't he do? is the better question, Lo" Klayton said as he ran a hand through his hair He then explained everything Trevor has done from causing a near-fatal car crash which almost killed Cassidy and her son, kidnapping Cassius after he was born via a C-section and keeping him from them for four whole years and also trying to tempt the Williams family to his side by offering to buy their daughter from them which ultimately pissed them

off, not that I can blame them Twas shocked at the lengths this man was willing to go to so that he could destroy Klayton but it turns out that the worst is yet to come “My parents-in-law warned Trevor to stay away from Cassie and our entire family which he did until four years ago and that's when things took a dark turn for us” “What do you mean? what happened?" Task Klayton who inhaled deeply before explaining the rest of the story to me "Trevor stalked our families and he took advantage of

Cassidy when she was vulnerable and trying to come to terms with losing Tommy and also me showing back up in her life like a crazy ass tornado which made her even more vulnerable...anyway, something happened and I ended up hurting my wife again and she ran away to London for a break and to rehabilitate herself but Trevor followed her and he used his charms to seduce her so that he could kidnap her and take her to his territory in Madrid where he revealed everything to her, he also took great joy and pride in telling my woman that he killed Tommy because he wouldn't do as he said, I think his words to her were he was gonna die anyway, so / ended his miserable life for him before the cancer could * Oh my god

That last one really threw me for six because I always thought Tommy had died from cancer but it seems that's not the case “Wait, so if this guy is obsessed with Cassidy then why..why is he all of a sudden coming after my wife? I don't get it" “frek knows” Klayton growls as he rubs his forehead in frustration “It's because he knows Klayton's weaknesses are the women in his life and his children and he also knows that by targeting Lacey instead of Cassie it gives him more of a chance to gain all of the influence, power and money than he ever could if he continued to go after Cassidy because now he can gain all of yours as well as all

Ithought to myself as I narrowed my eyes from my retreating wife to my cousin-in-law “This had better be important, Klayton® “Oh it is, brother, trust me..follow me” Klayton said the last part after he had briefly looked around the gardens We then headed inside of his mansion and took the elevator to his floor where his office is “Is this about the threat against Lacey?"

of ours" Giuseppe said as he caressed his stubbly chin “It also helps his libido that Cassidy and Lacey are stunningly beautiful young women who he wouldn't mind having on his arm if he succeeds which he won't" Ilet out a sigh as I sit down in a chair resting my arms on my knees as I run a hand through my hair “How is this guy still on the loose?" Task as I look up at Klayton

“I know you, Klay and I know that you'd never let someone like this go without severely hurting or killing him...shit, I remember when you disfigured that guy's face in college for smacking Cassie's ass in a club” “You did what now?" Giuseppe asks as he looks at his grandson in amusement “didn't disfigure him" Klayton scoffed and I looked at him like really? “No, you didn't, you just broke his nose, jaw and both of his orbital

bones as well as both of his hands and you said and I quote next time you'll think twice before you touch my girl's ass * I'said and he smirked as Giuseppe chuckled whilst muttering sounds like Klayton under his breath “So, tell me why is this guy still in the wind if he's caused you and Cassie so much heartache?"

"Because he's a little rat who escaped my clutches four years ago and he's been MIA ever since” “How did he escape Fort Knox?" ask confused Klayton has got one of the tightest security systems I've ever seen and nobody until this guy at least has ever managed to escape him, so I'm shocked to hear that he was able to be successful “Trevor and his f**k buddy Antonio escaped during a fire and ever since then, we've been doing everything we can to find the little motherfuckers and get revenge on them for my wife, my son and my best friend but the slimy snakes

have successfully managed to stay hidden" “And now he's after my Lacey..why? how does he even know about her?” Lask while resting my chin on my palm “I don't know, maybe he's done his research while he's been living his life as Splinter in the sewers” Klayton says and I chuckle “Wait.” I drifted off when I remembered something Klayton had said earlier

"Did you say he had a business in London?" Chapter 14 - Heated Discussions "Yeah, according to Cass, he's got a club out there..why?" “Lacey was in London” I say earning shocked looks from Klayton and Giuseppe “She lived in London for five years and was probably there the same time he was..maybe they met at one point" "That makes no sense, Trevor doesn't mess about when he sets his eyes on something or someone, so if he knew she was there then he would've taken her right there and then"

"Not if he knew she had three kids and was all on her oown..maybe he decided to wait until Carmella was there or wait for her to come back home to New York to make his move which he has done” "Yeah, three years later" He says and I huff in frustration "You've got an answer for everything, haven't you?" Task while glaring at him and he smirks at me “Seriously Klayton, nobody knows what's going on in that psycho's head, to be fair, only a psycho knows what's going on in a psycho's head, so who knows what this guy's plans are or why he's waiting to make his move..what I do know is that Lacey was in London and so was Trevor, I think we

should question Lacey and see if she knows him, I mean we're gonna tell her about this bullshit anyway, so it wouldn't hurt, right?” “Actually...” Klayton drifted off as he looked at his grandfather Ilooked at the pair confused as they shared a wary look with each other “What..what's going on? why are you looking at each other like that?”

"We've decided to keep this from Lacey for the time being, Logan" “What? why?" Task shocked “We just think it's for the best, that's all" Klayton said pissing me off "THE BEST? THE BEST FOR WHO EXACTLY?"

1 growl but neither of them answers me I then stood up from my seat and started to pace the floor as I ran my hands through my hair and roughly tugged on it Twanted to be calm but I couldn't because we all agreed that we should tell Lacey about this, not just because it's the right thing to do but because I didn't want to keep any secrets from her Now Klayton and Giuseppe have changed their minds for whatever reason, making me feel absolutely livid "Watch your f*****g tone with me, Logan, you may be Lacey's husband but that doesn't mean I won't kick your ass for disrespecting me"

Task Klayton who nods his head whilst pouting his lips in anger My heart skipped a beat looking at him because he looked like a ticking time bomb who was about to explode which means that what he wants to talk to me about is bad

Klayton growls at me and I scoff “b***h please, I think you forget who you're talking to Klayton" I'stopped pacing and crossed my arms over my chest as I glared at my cousin-in-law “Have you forgotten that I used to fight and that I used to be a viper in the octagon because of how vicious and nasty Iwas when I fought my opponents? oh and don't get me started on the nice little fortune I helped you make when I won EVERY single fight even though you never needed the frrrrig money” I'say and Klayton glares at me as I glared right back at him

“Alright you two, knock it off" Giuseppe said as he stood up “Look Logan, I know you're angry and I understand how you feel, trust me Ido but you need to trust us and trust our decision” “Why should I, hmm? why should I trust you when you're asking me to keep something so important from my wife?"

“Its only for now, Logan” “But why?"

“Klayton, this guy literally messaged you saying he was playing Russian roulette with Lacey's life and you wanna keep that from her?'s her life that's on the line here, Klay" “"LKNOw!!" He growls startling both myself and Giuseppe “Tknow, Logan, trust me I know and I wouldn't keep this from her unless I absolutely had to" “And you absolutely have to?" Task him and he nods his head “Yeah, I do"

Ilook away and nod my head to try and keep myself calm and composed even though I wanted nothing more than to pound Klaytons ass into the ground “Are we done here? I wanna go and spend the night with my wife" “Yes, we're done” I once again nod my head and leave Klayton's office I'then head towards mine and Lacey's bedroom taking deep breaths in and out to calm myself down

Twas still really angry when I got to our room but all of my anger quickly dissipated when I entered our room and I saw my beautiful wife standing on our balcony wearing nothing but a silk white robe rk I groaned as I took off my jacket before making my way over to my wife and wrapped my arms around her waist as I nuzzled my face in her neck “Shit..Jesus Logan, you nearly gave me a heart attack" “Sorry, babe" Isaid while kissing her neck “When did you get back?"

“Just now, what are you doing out here?" “I was just enjoying the view as I thought about us and our wonderful day, that's all” She says and I smile “It was a f*****g amazing day, wasn't it?" "It was the best day ever” Lacey looked up at me and I couldn't resist leaning in and placing a chaste kiss on her lips before brushing my lips against hers “Ilove you, Lace, I love you so freaking much” I'say against her lips as I rest my forehead against hers

“Ilove you too, babe" Lacey said with a smile as she closed her eyes “I see you've got a wedding gift for me, love and I really can't wait to unwrap it" “Gift? what gift?" Chapter 14 - Heated Discussions Lacey asks confused “This one” Ismirked as I untied the sash on Lacey's robe revealing her voluptuous body to me which has been donned in some.

very sexy white lingerie “Damn baby, are you trying to give me a heart attack?" "You're so dramatic, Logan" Lacey chuckled and I smiled at her “Can you blame me, babe? you always look so breathtakingly beautiful and sexy when you wear lingerie for me" “So, do you want me to keep it on? or do you wanna help me take it off?" Lacey asked in a seductive tone as she bit down on her

lower lip which instantly made my d**k hard “What do you think, Lace? I'said with a smirk as I picked Lacey up and threw her over my shoulders smacking her hard on her juicy ass as I did “Logan” Lacey squealed and I chuckled “Itold you I wanted to unwrap my gift and I plan to not only unwrap it but enjoy it all night long, my love"

" grandfather and I received a new threat this morning and today while you were dancing with Lace, I received this from the bastard” Chapter 14 - Heated Discussions. * Klayton said whilst pulling his phone out of his pocket and showing me a text message which had a picture of Lacey and me during our first dance and underneath it, it said “such a beautiful couple, it's such a shame they won't last long, isn't it?” “What the fk?" I growled

And that's exactly what I did I had the perfect ending to the perfect day with my perfect woman

“Is this some kind of joke?" “Unfortunately, it's not and that's not all either, brother...scroll down” I briefly looked up at Klayton before doing what he said and my eyes widened and rage filled my entire being when I read the last text

next time?..what the f**k does he mean by this?" “I think we both know what it means, Lo" Klayton said while sighing “He called me during the wedding today to taunt me about Lacey and how he knew what made me tick and who and what could make me fall to my knees...he sent me this message after Lacey had gone skeet shooting and he'd made me believe that he had shot her" “Is that why you were running around the gardens like a maniac?” Task him and he glares at me “Yeah. it was"

Klayton says as the elevator pings We then walked out of the elevator and headed towards Klayton's office where Giuseppe Antonelli was sitting behind the desk with a cigar in one hand and a glass of bourbon in the other He looked up at us and I was shocked when I saw the state this big, Chapter 14 - Heated Discussions bad former mafia Don was in Giuseppe was clearly drunk but he also looked heartbroken, angry and stressed as well which isn't surprising if you think about it

“Nonno..." “What are we gonna do?...what are we gonna do about this, Klayton? we can't have our famiglia being in danger like this” Giuseppe interrupted his grandson sounding vulnerable which was odd for us to hear “Everything's gonna be ok, nonno, I promise you" Klayton says and I believe him but Giuseppe doesn't seem convinced “You can't make that promise, son, not with a psycho out there who is after our principessa”

"Oh trust me, nonno, I can and I will make that promise" Klayton says in a deadly tone as he rests his hands on his desk and leans in close to his gramps

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