Clone Earth : MELVIN

Chapter Deviates

“That’s a sword.” It was almost a laugh. “You’re going to attack that thing, out there, with a sword? It will tear you apart!”

“Sounds about right.” She flashed a grim smile. “Not much of a choice, really … that armor they’re wearing is constructed specifically to repel gun and laser-fire.”

Ari frowned. She hadn’t noticed it. Consumed as she was in a living nightmare, but now she remembered a glint of protective armor on the beast’s torso. Squinting past the broken glass Ari managed to get better look. Military-grade metal and Kevlar breastplates, arm bands, thigh and shin guards. This creature was as securely protected as any special forces operative would be. “How does something like that, get such high-tech gear?”

The girl shook her head, understanding the look on Ari’s face. “I don’t know, but there are a few breaks in its construction. Right now, close combat is the best way to connect with those weak spots.” She made a noise like a snort. “Really, what do they teach you at that school?”

Ari barely managed to keep her face blank. “What school?”

“Oh please, you have Arrogant Military Academy Brat written all over you. Which of course means you’ll follow me no matter what I say.” She flapped a dismissive hand. “Your little gun might keep you alive. Just try not to shoot me in the back; gunshots burn like hell.”

Ari decided not to correct her, in fact she was slightly flattered to be identified as a military brat. She kept the smile from her face and instead watched. The girl jumped to her feet, keeping low, she slinked her way across the wall to the front. Bewildered, Ari followed.

The creature stalked further down the street. Picking her way through the glass-strewn entry, the girl slipped through the broken window with barely a sound -- at least, until the heel of her boot crunched against one of the larger shards of glass.

The creature whipped around and launched itself at its new target. With six long strides, it quickly closed the distance between them, with frightening speed. The girl didn’t flinch. She waited for the creature to reach her. Then slicing upward with all her might, the blade caught the cat across the nose. It recoiled, hissing, then swiped a heavy armored paw at her head. She ducked and retaliated by throwing the butt of her sword into the creature’s gut.

The impact was greater than Ari had expected - the force actually managed to push the beast away from her and almost to the opposite side of the street. Considering the fact that it towered over her by a good two or three feet, this was no small accomplishment. Clawing its way back onto its feet, the creature bared its teeth. Its hot breath steaming from its mouth into the cold winter air, just in time for the small girl to lung at it again.

Ari frowned. It was clear this girl had ability but Ari couldn’t see how it would be enough. The creature was relentless in its attacks, barreling down on the girl at every opportunity, almost always keeping her forever on the defensive. Ari tightened her grip on the pistol. Bracing it in both hands, she stepped through the broken window out onto the sidewalk. Sticking close to the building Ari watched for any opening where she could be of help.

The girl ducked a wide swing, rolling closer to her attacker. Thrusting the sword up through the creature’s armor, and pushing until the blade came through on the other side of its neck.

No, Ari corrected, not through the armor. Into one of the breaks the girl had mentioned earlier. A weak point at the joint of the chest and throat. Ari could see more of the breaks now that she knew what to look for; at the shoulders, waist, anywhere joints needed to move freely.

The creature howled, scrabbling at the ground and trying to pull away from the sword. Its cries were deafening but not nearly as much as when the girl ripped the sword from her victim. Blood rushed from its wounds, adding a gurgling gasp to its desperation. The girl backed away preparing for the moment the creature regained its direction, if it could. However it wasn’t the only thing they needed to worry about.

Something scaly and brown burst out of the alley, screeching as it knocked the girl and her victim to the ground. The new, lizard-like creature wore similar armor. It grabbed hold of the girl’s legs and threw her down the street before taking off after her in almost a single motion. The wounded creature moved to follow.


The gun’s recoil knocked Ari back into the wall. Shaking her head she refocused on the cat. The bullet had grazed the top of its head, sending blood into its eyes. The creature threw its head back trying to throw the pain away, but somehow it was easily back on its hind legs. Solidifying her stance Ari took more careful aim. The head had proven too small a target for her level of skill, but there was a weak point at the belly that looked easier to hit. Squeezing the trigger and releasing three shots in a row, this time managing to keep the kick of the gun steady between both hands.

There was a direct hit and the animal fell to the street, writhing and snarling as it still tried to reach Ari. She shot it again and again - six, five, four, it twitched, three, two - it finally stopped moving. Rapidly blinking Ari’s mind started thinking again. Realizing the creature had gotten much closer to her than she was comfortable with, Ari back away from the bloodied body turning her focus to the other fight.

The lizard used its tail to keep the girl and her blade at bay. Not that it needed to worry about the weapon; the sword bounced off its scaly exterior, every time the girl managed to get a swing in.

Ari moved farther onto the street, trying to judge where the weakest point would be in the creature’s natural armor. If she’d counted correctly she had one shot left. However, even that remaining bullet wouldn’t matter if she couldn’t get a clear shot. The other girl kept dodging and ducking staying out of danger but always blocking any opening Ari might have.

The motion of the fast moving fight, mixed with the smell of the dead creature behind her, made Ari’s stomach lurch. Where is help? Ari started to wonder. There was no way this girl could keep clear for much longer. With each swipe of its claws the lizard inched closer. Until it was just close enough.

The lizard lashed out with its long scaly tail at the same times as it swept down with its claws. The girl successfully dodged the sweeping arm but missed the tail. She tripped falling forward - right onto its open claws.

Ari could hear the sudden gasp for air, could see the spasm that shook the girl’s weapon from her hand, could practically feel the reverberation of the blade as it clattered on the street.

But she couldn’t move. Couldn’t react. Ari could barely even think.

Pale, bloody hands reached forward and grabbed at the metal armor around the lizard’s neck. There was a metallic ripple... The same ripple Ari had seen when the girl turned the cooling unit into a sword. This time, she pulled at the metal, dragging a shimmering length away from the collar. The collar constricted each time she pulled, crushing the lizard’s throat, its screams turning into a shriek, turning into a whine, turning into...

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