Claimed By The Dangerous Alpha King: Betrayed Luna Novel by Gorgeous Aliyah

Chapter 88

I was seething with anger as 1 paced back and forth in my room. That little brat Kira had no idea what she had gotten herself into. I had been so lenient with her that she now thought that she could treat me however she wanted or say whatever she wanted to my face. Her disrespect was unmatched and I intended to make her understand that I was not to be toyed with. She thought she could speak to me the way she wanted and get away with it just because sex with her was the best time of

my entire life.

She thought she could just flaunt her relationship with Brax in front of me? Me, Aston, the most powerful man in this f**g clan? It’s laughable. And she had no idea what was coming for her.

And to make matters even worse, I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy. I, Aston, the man who never gets jealous, the man who could not be affected by emotions, But there was something about Kira that just got under my skin. Maybe it was her defiance, her refusal to bow down to me. Whatever it was, I needed to get her out of my system. She was bad for me and I knew it, she was going to slow me down and I didn’t really need that in my life now or ever.

That’s why I’ve decided to take her on this trip with me. It was an incredibly spontaneous decision that I made on the spot. I had intended to go on the trip, be far away, get her out of my head and come back with a clear head but I guess **g her out of my system was a much better idea. I was going to do that instead. I was going to give my d**k what it wanted so it could give my brain a f**g rest

I’ll keep her away from Brax, and I’ll show her who’s boss. I’ll make her see that I’m the only man who can give her what she needs. And maybe, just maybe, I’ll get her out of my system once and for all. That’s if I f**k her enough to get her out of my head. I was going to find out howto get into her panties again.

But Mara is being a problem. She thinks she can come with me on the trip, that she can replace Kira as my personal maid. Newsflash. Mara: “you’re not Kira. You’ll never be Kira. And I don’t want you. I want Kira, and I’ll do whatever it takes to get her. The words were ringing in my head like a scream and I wanted to hit her with all the words but she was the least shred of sanity that I was hanging on to. It was the sensible choice to stay with her, not the ex of someone who killed my parents.

“Mara, stop pestering me, I snap, my patience wearing thin. “I need Kira to come with me, not you. She’s my personal maid, and I need her to take care of me”

Mara’s face falls, but I don’t care. I’m not going to sugar-coat it for her. I’m not going to pretend that she has a chance with me. Because she doesn’t. I’m Aston, and I always get what I want. And what I want is Kira. At least for the main time but Mara was someone I intended to keep long-term if I didn’t find a better replacement after f**g Kira out of my system.


“Mara, just leave me alone,” I say, my voice cold and detached don’t have time for your games. I have more important things to attend to.”

Like getting Kira into my bed.

I thought about the whole thing again and how annoyed it made me. Anger was pulsing through my veins and the vein at side of my head throbbed like it was about to pop.

And to make matters worse, she has the nerve to mention Brax’s name. Brax! That insignificant little nobody. I’m the one who should be the centre of her attention, not him.

But despite my anger, I can’t help but feel a twinge of…something. It was more than anger, it was a lot more complicated than that. My mind Whispered the same jealousy that it whispered earlier but I still refused to accept it but it was hard to neglect though.

No, no, no. I’m Aston, I don’t get jealous. But there’s something about Kira that no matter how any of us in the palace tried, we still wouldn’t be able to take it away from her. Maybe it was her defiance, her refusal to bow down to me. Whatever it was, had no intention to figure it out any longer, I just wanted to get her out of my freaking system and be done with it.

But Mara is being a big a***pain in the a**that I was considering locking up in a tank and throwing away the keys. She thinks she can come with me on the trip, that she can replace Kira as my personal maid even though she didn’t know the first thing about taking care of anybody but herself. The only thing she knew how to tend to was her selfish needs.


Chapter 88

“Mara, stop pestering me. I snap, my patience wearing thin. “I need Kira to come with me, not you. She’s my personal maid, and I need her to take care of me. Now, stop questioning me and just do as I say.”

Mara’s face falls once again and she’s starting to lose her will to argue with me. I’m Aston, and I always get what I want. And what I want is Kira

“Mara, just leave me alone.” I say, my voice cold and detached. don’t have time for your games. I have more important things to attend to. Like making sure Kira knows her place and getting her under me or on top of me, no matter what the position was. I was ready for her. I was ready to take her in, on

That was decided in my head, I already planned where we would spend all the days and I wanted what we would do to be entirely spontaneous so we would feel all the emotions that we did the first time s**t happened. I wanted to relive that moment when everything that happened was entirely spontaneous and nothing was thought about and all the things that happened I had no memory of but the feeling was stuck in my head and I could not stop thinking about it.

I wanted to do some of the things that she did with Brax, probably all of the things that she did with Brax.

But I’ll never admit it. I’ll never admit that I’m jealous of someone like Brax. No, I’ll just keep it inside, festering, until I can find a way to get rid of it.

And that’s where Kira comes in. I’ll take her on this trip with me, and I’ll show her who’s boss. I’ll keep her away from Brax, and I’ll make her see that I’m the only man who can give her what she needs. And maybe, just maybe, I’ll get her out of my system once and for all

But Mara is being a problem. She thinks she can come with me on the trip, that she can replace Kira as my maid and the one that I wanted to f**k until my balls fell off. Like I’d ever want that. Mara is nothing but a annoying little pest, always buzzing around me, trying to get my attention. But I don’t want her attention. I wanted Kira’s

“Mara, stop pestering me. I snap, my patience wearing thin. “I need Kira to come with me, not you. She’s my personal maid, and I need her to take care of me. Nothing you say will change my mind and I need you to stop pestering me before I get really mad. I could get mad at you and you don’t want to see the other side of me, not now, not ever.”

Mara’s brows morph into a deep frown and she started to curse under her breath, but I didn’t care.

“You’re acting all suspicious and I know there’s something going on between you and your so called personal maid. You go ghost on her for weeks and I’m glad that she’s finally out of your life only for her to come back again??! What is wrong with you!!”

very sure you

“Does the fact that I didn’t summon her for weeks not tell you that she’s nothing more than a maid to me? I’m must have been aware that I didn’t summon her for weeks. What will it take to penetrate your thick skull? A drill?” She gasped, shocked that I could speak to her that way.

“Mara, just leave me alone,” I say, my voice cold and detached. “I don’t have time for your games. I have more important things to attend to.”

And Kira was just It.

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