Claimed By The Dangerous Alpha King: Betrayed Luna Novel by Gorgeous Aliyah

Chapter 134


I couldn’t shake off the feeling that had been nagging me for weeks. I had been thinking about the possibility of having a child out there, a child that shared my DNA. At first, I had tried to push the thought away, telling myself that it wasn’t my problem. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I couldn’t ignore it. I might have gotten rid of Kira but it didn’t mean that I didn’t want the child.

I thought about all the things I could do for my child, all the experiences we could have together. I could teach them how to play sports, how to ride a bike, how to swim. I could be there for their first day of school, for their graduation, for their wedding.

I knew that getting to Kira would be impossible, I would have to go through Aston first. I wondered if he was that particular about his sl***s or if Kira was more than a s***. She obviously was seeing as he brought her to the party that day, not that I cared.

If I saw Aston, I would wrap a freaking arm around his neck and squeeze the life out of him. But I wasn’t ready to face him yet. I needed to calm down and think clearly. I couldn’t let my emotions get the best of me, not now when I wasn’t even done rebuilding my port.

I decided to keep my thoughts to myself for now and focus on my goal: getting to Kira. I needed to talk to her, to convince her to let me see our child. I had been thinking about it nonstop, and I knew that I had to make it happen.

I wouldn’t be thinking so much of Kira and her child if Laura just gave me peace of mind and a child.

I couldn’t help but feel frustrated as I thought about my situation with Laura. We had been together for what felt like an eternity, and yet she still refused to have children with me. I didn’t understand why she was so hesitant – we were financially stable, we had a beautiful home, and we were happy. What more could she possibly want?

Always making me spill my babies everywhere but where they should actually go. Even sex with her was starting to get annoying as hell.

But every time I brought up the subject, she would shut me down, telling me that she wasn’t ready yet. I tried to be patient, I really did. I knew that she had her own goals and aspirations, and I respected that. But as the months are rolling by, my desire for a child was only growing stronger.

I needed an heir, someone to carry on my legacy. I came from a long line of successful men, and I felt a deep sense of responsibility to continue that tradition. But Laura just didn’t seem to understand that.

I remembered the countless conversations we had about starting a family. I would bring it up, and she would smile and tell me that we had plenty of time. But I knew that time was running out. I wasn’t getting any younger, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that Laura was just stalling.

I tried to be supportive, to give her the space she needed. But the longer we waited, I couldn’t help but feel like I was being strung along. I needed a child, and I needed one now.

I knew that my parents, especially my mother, would soon start to demand an heir and I knew that they wouldn’t hesitate to bring it up. I remembered the countless times my mother had hinted at it, her subtle reminders that I needed to settle down and start a family.

“Dax, when are you going to give us a grandchild?” she would ask, her voice dripping with expectation.

I knew that I had to discuss it with Laura before my mother took it upon herself to have the conversation. I could only imagine how that would go – my mother’s persistence and Laura’s stubbornness would be a recipe for disaster. They would clash, and I didn’t want to be caught in the middle.

“Laura, we need to talk,” I said one evening as we sat down for dinner and I knew that this conversation wouldn’t be easy.

“What’s up?” she asked, looking at me with a hint of curiosity.

“It’s about my parents,” I started. “They’re going to start asking for an heir soon. And I know how they can be… persistent.”

Laura rolled her eyes. “I can handle your parents, Dax.”

“I know you can, but I don’t want you to have to deal with that. They can be… overwhelming. Especially my mother.”

Laura sighed. “What do you want me to do, Dax? I’ve told you before, I’m not ready for kids yet.”

“I know, and I respect that. But I need you to understand that this is important to my parents. And to me. I need an heir to carry on the family legacy.”

Laura looked at me, her expression softening. “I understand, Dax. But can’t we just tell them that we’re not ready yet? Can’t we just buy some time?”

I shook my head. “It’s not that simple. My parents won’t just accept that. They’ll keep pushing until they get what they want.”

Laura sighed, knowing that I was right. “Fine. What do you suggest we do?”

I took a deep breath, thinking. “I don’t know yet. But I know that we need to come up with a plan before my mother takes matters into her own hands.”

“Your mother won’t make me do what I’m not ready for Dax. You’re not dying tomorrow, I’ll get you a fucking heir when I’m ready to push one out of my body!” she stormed out of the room leaving her food barely touched.

Laura’s stubbornness was really getting to me. Every conversation we had about starting a family ended in a heated argument. I felt like I was banging my head against a wall, trying to get her to understand my perspective. But no matter how hard I tried, she just wouldn’t budge.

It was frustrating, and it made me miss Kira even more. I remembered how easy it was to talk to her, how we could discuss anything without arguing. We had our differences, but we always found a way to work through them. We would sit down, talk things out, and find a compromise. But with Laura, it was like we were speaking different languages.

I felt like I was constantly trying to convince her of something, to get her to see things from my point of view. And it was exhausting. I was tired of being the one who always had to give in, tired of being the one who always had to compromise. I wanted someone who would meet me halfway, someone who would listen to me and understand me.

And that someone was Kira. I couldn’t help but think about her more and more. I remembered the way she would smile at me, the way she would laugh at my jokes. I missed that. I missed her.

It shocked me, because I hadn’t realized how much I still thought about Kira. I had tried to move on, to focus on my relationship with Laura. But now, I was starting to wonder if I had made a mistake. Maybe I had been too quick to let Kira go. Maybe I had been too quick to assume that Laura was the one for me.

I thought about all the times Kira and I had spent together, all the memories we had made. I thought about the way she would always know how to make me feel better, the way she would always be there for me.

I didn’t know what to do. All I knew was that I was tired of arguing with Laura, tired of trying to convince her of something she didn’t want to hear. I missed Kira, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that I had made a mistake by letting her go.

Laura had pointed out how I would not stop comparing her to Kira all the time and I had apologised without even knowing what she was talking about but I realized that I did those things without even thinking and that was because Kira was still stuck on my f***g mind.

Ineeded to snap out of it though. Kira had to go because she was a bad person not because I was mean and blind with rage. Kira might have been a bad person that almost killed Laura but she still had such a better attitude and that was the most confusing part to me.

How could someone so evil manage to be so nice and someone with the heart of an angel act like a porcupine? It would never make sense to me ever.

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