Claimed By The Dangerous Alpha King: Betrayed Luna Novel by Gorgeous Aliyah

Chapter 113

I was seething as we drove home, my anger simmering just below the surface, I had thought Aston was going to be the one driving, but he had claimed to have had alcohol, even though I had been with him the entire time. At least, I had been with him until I went to the bathroom.

When we got to the car, Aston had already called a chauffeur, making it hard for me to speak comfortably to him about what happened I had been talking about it but it didn’t seem like he was listening

“Hey, what’s going on?” I asked, trying to sound calm. “I thought you were going to drive”

Aston shrugged, not even looking at me. “I had a drink, so I didn’t want to risk it.”

I was taken aback. “You had a drink? But I was with you the whole time. When did you have a drink?

Aston waved his hand dismissively. “It doesn’t matter. The chauffeur is here now, so let’s just go.”

But I wasn’t letting it go. “Aston, I don’t understand. You were fine when we went to the bathroom, and then suddenly you’ve had a drink What’s going on?”

The chauffeur, a stern-looking man with a thick accent, spoke up. “Shall we get going, sir?”

Aston nodded, and the chauffeur started the car. I was trapped, unable to continue the conversation.

As we drove. I tried to bring it up again. “Aston, can we talk about what happened?” I didn’t understand why I was so desperate to explain what really happened, it was not like I owed him any explanations.

But Aston just shook his head. “Not now, Kira, I’m tired.”

I was frustrated

I was still fuming as I sat in the backseat, my mind replaying the events in the bathroom like a broken record. I couldn’t understand why embarrassment always seemed to follow me everywhere I went. It was like I was a magnet for humiliating situations. I felt like I was constantly walking on eggshells, never knowing when the next embarrassing moment would strike. I couldn’t help but wonder about the things Laura had said. How true were they? Or was she just saying them to justify her own demonic behaviour? I thought back to her words, trying to make sense of them

I turned to Aston, who was staring out the window, his expression distant. He was paying me no attention.

Laura’s words kept echoing in my mind, making me feel uneasy and confused. I didn’t know how to feel about being remembered in the pack, especially since I knew I wasn’t exactly on the best terms with them when I left. I had thought I had closed that chapter of my life, but now it seemed like it was still haunting me,

I remembered the way Laura had looked at me, her eyes filled with a mixture of hatred and jealousy. She had always been like that, always trying to get under my skin. And now, it seemed like she had finally succeeded.

But what was even more bothering was Laura’s insinuation that Dax still loved me. I didn’t know how true that was, and to be honest. I didn’t care. I had moved on with my life, and I wasn’t interested in rekindling anything with Dax. We had been over for a long time, and I had thought we had both moved on.

But what I found even more insulting was Laura accusing me of having feelings for Dax. That was just laughable. I had thought about Dax a lot when we first broke up, but that was a long time ago. Now, I just saw him as a reminder of a past 1 was trying to forget.

I looked over at Aston, who was still staring out the window. I wanted to talk to him about what had happened, but I didn’t. know where to start. Helt like there was a los of unresolved tensin between us, and I wasn’t sure how to address it.

“Aston, can we talk about what happened?” I asked, trying to break the silence.

He turned to me, his expression neutral. “What’s there to talk about?” he asked, his voice flat.

I sighed, feeling frustrated. “Laura’s accusations, for starters. And what she said about Dax.”

Aston shrugged. “I don’t know what to say, Kira. I don’t know what Laura’s problem is.”

I shook my head, feeling exasperated. “That’s not what I’m asking. I want to know if you believe her.” I asked.

“I don’t think we’re that close to be wondering about each other’s beliefs, now are we?”

I was seething with anger, my mind racing with thoughts of Dax and Laura’s disgusting accusation. I hated Dax with every ounce of my strength, with everything in me. There was a thin line between hatred and love, and Dax had crossed that line long age..

And now, Laura had the nerve to say that I still had feelings for him. I was mad, real mad. I couldn’t believe she would even say something so disgusting. It annoyed me just to think about it. I wished I had gotten the chance to beat her up even more.

But what was even more annoying now was the fact that the man I actually liked believed that I liked Dax. Aston was acting somewhat cold, distant. I knew I couldn’t blame him, not after what Laura had said. But it still hurt.

I knew that liking Aston was also not a good idea. He was complicated, had his own set of problems. But there was nothing I could do about my feelings. I had tried to fight them, to ignore them. But I couldn’t.

I sighed, feeling frustrated. Why was life so complicated? Why couldn’t things just be simple for once?

I looked out the window, watching as the trees passed by. I felt lost, alone. I didn’t know what to do, how to process my


As soon as we got home, I trudged up the stairs, my feet heavy with exhaustion. Aston was still acting distant towards me, and I should be happy. I had wanted nothing but to get rid of him since we got to the vacation home. But now, I wasn’t so. sure. His cold demeanour was starting to get to me, and I couldn’t help but wonder what I had done wrong

As I reached the top of the stairs, Aston called out to me. “Kira, you can lock the door if you like. His voice was flat, devoid of any emotion.

I stopped in my tracks, feeling a pang of hurt. Why had he said that? I turned to face him, but he was already walking away. “Aston, why did you say that?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. I didn’t understand why he was being so distant, so


He turned back to me, his expression neutral. “I just thought you might want some privacy,” he said, his eyes avoiding mine. I felt a lump form in my throat. Why was he being so cold?

I went to my room, feeling a sense of isolation. I locked the door, just like Aston had suggested. But it didn’t make me feel any safer. In fact, it made me feel more alone than ever.

I lay down on the bed, feeling tears prick at the corners of my eyes. Why was Aston being so distant? Why why why?!!! I felt like ripping out my own hair.

The thought of Aston calling that girl back to the house again was eating away at me. I couldn’t shake the image of them together, laughing and smiling. It made my blood boil. And now with Aston being mad at me. I couldn’t help but wonder it he would seek comfort in her arms again

The thought was threatening to drive me mad. I felt a knot in my stomach, a mix of emotions swirling inside me. Jealousy, anger, hurt – it was all there, simmering just below the surface.

I tried to push the thoughts away, but they lingered, haunting me. I couldn’t concentrate on anything else. My mind kept wandering back to Aston and that girl, wondering if he would really stoop so low as to call her again.

I felt a pang of hurt and betrayal. Didn’t he care about my feelings at all? How could he? The thought of him with someone else was unbearable.

I tossed and turned in bed, my mind racing with thoughts of Aston and that girl. I couldn’t sleep, couldn’t relax. The tension was building up inside me, threatening to explode.

Eventually, I got out of bed and paced around the room, trying to calm myself down. But it was no use. The thoughts kept coming, haunting me. I felt like I was going crazy.

It was not my business how he decided to sleep with. I should not be worried. He had had made it clear that we were just employer and employee. I needed to get my head screwed on straight.

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