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Chapter *1*3*6

The day of the trial finally arrived, and Elise felt her nerves build up. She nervously fidgeted with her fingers, her gaze darting across the room as she paced around, finally being able to wear something else than her usual black attire made for mourning Luna.

This time she chose a striking green dress, her aura dark as poison ivy, ready to strike. She planned to fight Holden with everything she had until he confessed the truth to the pack.

She stiffened when she heard her name called before turning to the large doors that opened, striding into the court. All her subjects paused at her entrance, her eyes cold and stoic as she passed all the elders who bowed slightly to her.

It wasn’t a shock to her that the number of Elders who didn’t like her never agreed to her succession and were always on the verge of fighting their king for her legitimacy when she first arrived. But now they had the ultimate chance to screw her over; she could tell by the smirks and unreadable looks passing through the group that something was brewing. Something was planned for her.

“Luna,” Holden curtsied with a mocking hand to his chest, but Elise paid him no mind as they sat at the round table with its court of elders and high wolves to judge.

The room was built like an oval, round with no windows but stained glass atop the roof that illuminated the sun’s brightness into the white room, giving it an illusion of stars. All the elders sat by a curved table in the shape of a half-moon with their Calhan crested grey attire, their gazes rigid and unwavering.

“Since we are gathered here for the trial on Alpha Hayden’s death and suspicion of tampering,” Elder Sam muttered as he looked to Elise. “We will give Holden the stand to plead his case, an elder called as Holden stood with a smirk..

“As for all to see these past few days, even though the Luna put on the mourning dress to try and make us forget, there is proven evidence that she had conceived Ethan with another man, and as much as I love the little princeling, he is not Hayden’s son; it has been proven in the moon city already,” he muttered.

Whispers passed aloud as Elise tried to control her eyes that burned daggers toward Holden, who continued; her claws raced through the chair’s arm as she watched the b*d c**ontinue.

“And even with my poor brother injured, she insisted he follows to save Ethan, knowing he was poisoned, far too weak and wounded, and proceeded to kill him; you can see it was her plan since everyone else came back alive but him!” He pointed with an accusatory tone.

Elise could feel the tides change beneath her feet like the elders were changing sides they were on. Holden must have promised them a high seat in the king’s councils and more riches that they could fathom.

She felt the whole room fall silent as all their scrutinizing and judging gazes were now locked on her.

“Now it all comes to you, Luna Elise, a last chance to plead your case.” Elise felt her heart pound as she climbed up the steps to the stated seat for her testimony. For them to believe her, she needed to tell the truth, the full truth.

“Luna, we are waiting for you if you need more time.”

“No, no, I don’t,” she cleared, quickly taking a breath. “Ethan isn’t Hayden’s child.” She started, and gasps spread across the room, her confession eliciting a smirk from Holden.

“But Hayden knew I was with a child, and he wanted me regardless; he told me to stay because this was my birthright, as the daughter of Alpha Edgar, whom you all knew and served,” she’d say with an unwavering tone.

A look of guilt and understanding passed along the crowd as she continued, “Hayden loved Ethan like his own, and in no

14:51 Sun, Sep 8tura 5.

Chapter **


way would I have brought his death because he’d known all along… Holden Blackwood is a liar; tell me, how is it possible that he had Hayden’s body without any possible help from his pack? Did anyone ask themselves that?” She questioned.

Holden’s face had soured before he stood. “That is because my brother called me for reinforcements since the human hunt guild was far too dangerous.”

“Reinforcements you never called.. yet you knew our location, didn’t you?” Elise muttered.

“Don’t you dare try to trap me and the whole room with your lying witch; you are the one who killed my brother!” He snarls with outrage as she slams the table. The whole room became silent as the elders cleared their throats.

Elise looked at them, seeing their gaze unsure before it turned cold again. Elise knew what they’d chosen, and at any moment she could be accused of killing Hayden, she held her breath for the sentence, and a tear slipped down her eyes as she closed it.

She felt trapped in this room with no one by her side or no evidence that she could trap that b**d Holden with; she couldn’t just let him get away with his crimes.

“Please, someone, anyone, help me.” she unconsciously sent down the bond, praying to the moon goddess above for a miracle to prove

her case.

But then the mighty bronze doors of the room opened, causing the whole room’s attention to shift from Elise. Their surprise was simultaneously chorused as they felt the dark and naughty aura of a powerful male walk into the room.

It was Rygan ka’al Andras, the alpha king of the Blackmoon pack, the dark beast and protector of the black mountains. The whole room shuddered from his presence.

Elise watched him walk in with surprise on her face, a small gasp escaping her lips, as Rygan entered the oval room, his eyes blazing with focus, and his royal garments proved he was here on official business.

Yet Elise couldn’t take her eyes off him if she tried; she couldn’t stop the yearning that gleamed in her gaze as she watched him settle at the front of the whole room.

“Alpha Rygan..what a surprise!” The elder called, all still taken aback by Rygan’s sudden arrival; the whole room was. Holden’s eyes were glued to Rygan’s frame in horror at the alpha’s appearance and that his plans were about to go sideways.

His hands pressed to the arm of his chair, making the wood groan from his discontent, and his brow furrowed with irritation as he gritted his teeth.

“To what do we owe the great black beast presence here, or have you come to confess your crimes to helping Luna kill my brother?” Holden said, trying to draw a reaction from Rygan and pull the public against him.

But Rygan’s indifference shocked him, shocked Elise too; his composure and presence were nothing short of a powerful king not shaken by Holden’s remarks, as his lips stretched in short amusement.

*What are you doing here?* Elise sent down the bond the moment she couldn’t finally gain a grip of herself back.


*To help you, my love, the moment he replied, the doors opened again, this time the crinkle of chains dragged and echoed through the halls. Elise’s eyes widened as she saw who had entered, Alvira.

Elise was more than shocked as Alvira was led to Rygan’s side with chains by her hands; she didn’t look at Elise; her eyes only focused on Rygan.

“I am here because I have evidence,” Rygan started. “After further questioning of Alvira after the crimes she committed, she confessed that Kaide kept important documents in a contained safe, and thankfully, even after the brutal attack at the human guild mansion, that safe was kept intact,” he continued, and Holden stiffened as Rygan turned to him.

14:5 Sun, Sep 8 luna




way would I have brought his death because he’d known all along… Holden Blackwood is a liar; tell me, how is it possible that he had Hayden’s body without any possible help from his pack? Did anyone ask themselves that?” She questioned.

Holden’s face had soured before he stood. “That is because my brother called me for reinforcements since the human hunt guild was far too dangerous.”

“Reinforcements you never called.. yet you knew our location, didn’t you?” Elise muttered.

“Don’t you dare try to trap me and the whole room with your lying witch; you are the one who killed my brother!” He snarls with outrage as she slams the table. The whole room became silent as the elders cleared their throats.

Elise looked at them, seeing their gaze unsure before it turned cold again. Elise knew what they’d chosen, and at any moment she could be accused of killing Hayden, she held her breath for the sentence, and a tear slipped down her eyes as she closed it.

She felt trapped in this room with no one by her side or no evidence that she could trap that b**d Holden with; she couldn’t just let him get away with his crimes.

“Please, someone, anyone, help me..” she unconsciously sent down the bond, praying to the moon goddess above for a miracle to prove her case.

But then the mighty bronze doors of the room opened, causing the whole room’s attention to shift from Elise. Their surprise was simultaneously chorused as they felt the dark and naughty aura of a powerful male walk into the room.

It was Rygan ka’al Andras, the alpha king of the Blackmoon pack, the dark beast and protector of the black mountains. The whole room shuddered from his presence.

Elise watched him walk in with surprise on her face, a small gasp escaping her lips, as Rygan entered the oval room, his eyes blazing with focus, and his royal garments proved he was here on official business.

Yet Elise couldn’t take her eyes off him if she tried; she couldn’t stop the yearning that gleamed in her gaze as she watched him settle at the front of the whole room.

“Alpha Rygan..what a surprise!” The elder called, all still taken aback by Rygan’s sudden arrival; the whole room was. Holden’s eyes were glued to Rygan’s frame in horror at the alpha’s appearance and that his plans were about to go sideways.

His hands pressed to the arm of his chair, making the wood groan from his discontent, and his brow furrowed with irritation as he gritted his teeth.

“To what do we owe the great black beast presence here, or have you come to confess your crimes to helping Luna kill my brother?” Holden said, trying to draw a reaction from Rygan and pull the public against him.

But Rygan’s indifference shocked him, shocked Elise too; his composure and presence were nothing short of a powerful king not shaken by Holden’s remarks, as his lips stretched in short amusement.

*What are you doing here?* Elise sent down the bond the moment she couldn’t finally gain a grip of herself back.

*To help you, my love,* the moment he replied, the doors opened again, this time the crinkle of chains dragged and echoed through the halls. Elise’s eyes widened as she saw who had entered, Alvira.

Elise was more than shocked as Alvira was led to Rygan’s side with chains by her hands; she didn’t look at Elise; her eyes only focused on Rygan.

“I am here because I have evidence,” Rygan started. “After further questioning of Alvira after the crimes she committed, she confessed that Kaide kept important documents in a contained safe, and thankfully, even after the brutal attack at the human guild mansion, that safe was kept intact,” he continued, and Holden stiffened as Rygan turned to him.

14:52 Sun, Sep 8

Chapter **

Luna B

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“And with our findings, there were letters and records from Holden to let the human guilds use your lands as a passage to destroy other packs. How else do you think they found a way in during the attack? How were your shields destroyed so easily?”

“No!” Holden roared in panic. “That is a lie; I don’t know what you are talking about. He is lying,” he pointed with fury towards Rygan, his eyes blazing with anger as he raged out.


“No, it is true.” Alvira’s voice cut in; she gave a look to Rygan, whose gaze told her to continue. Elsie wondered how he compelled her to talk. “There are recordings that Kaide kept of Holden giving the orders for his brother Hayden to be killed by his order; I know because I was there.”

“Don’t listen to them! I’d never do that!” He screamed like a madman. He ran to the elders’ table, slamming his hands on it. “I demand you give these two killers sentences for killing my brother before they make a fool of this court and back with their lies.”

-Well well, I am shocked to hear from a Blackwood prince this time,- a recorder began with Kaide’s voice, and Holden stiffened in shock the moment he heard his win.

-I am not too keep on speaking with a Beddor too, but I need you to get the job done, kill Hayden, and the Calhan lands will be yours to enter and lay waste to the other packs. I don’t care; I want the throne, so get it done,- his voice rang around the


The recorder stopped, and utter silence took over the room as everyone stared up at Holden in shock. Rygan let out a grunt as his eyes darkened.with a cold arrogance as a pushed an invisible lint from his shoulder.

“Who knew humans could surprise me and make such contraptions to hold evidence?” he called with a knowing smirk and wink to Elise, who shuddered in relief as she felt p**ng tears well up.

“I-i…N-no..” Holden’s mouth gaped open like a fish out of water, but he could make no words out. He looked at the elders he’d paid off before, hoping for someone to back him up, but they all had their faces down; no one was on his side. No ow dared speak or opposed the great alpha beast.

The beta knew then and there that he’d lost this he feels a crumbling defeat, he knew then he’d been caught.

And he was in a whole lot of doomed trouble.


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