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Chapter claimd and 131

Chapter 131

Elise watched with eyes blown wide in shock at the brawl below her, how both wolves were ready to charge at each other for a moment her eyes locked with Kaide’s wolf, she says no words to him, he didn’t deserve any, she sees the hate in his gaze before she hears Rygan’s promise one last time, she knew the bloodshed that was about to begin.

Rygan had told Elise to go and look for Ethan and not to worry about him, she knew their main goal was their son, so she raced to the end of the hallway.

She pushed in the large doors of an open suite, and she was met with multiple doors, already making it a difficult place to search for her son in many rooms, but she tried to track with her sense of smell, taking in different pheromones scattered in the space.

Her eyes were alert the moment she heard a noise. A

s she pushed open the doors to the main room to see Kayla, who began screaming when she saw the blood on Elise’s clothes, “Agh, stay away from me, scary lady!” She cried as Elise came forward.

“Where is your mother?” She mutters, but the girl shakes her head, fighting back another fresh set of tears, probably horrified by all the lies that Alvira has told her.

“No! I won’t tell you, you will hurt us! Mom says you’re scary and wicked; now Mom is acting scary because of you,” she whimpers. “Where is Uncle Kaide? Wahhhh!” She cries again louder.

Elise didn’t have time for this: “At least tell me where Ethan is, ok?” She asks Kayla, shaking the girl’s small shoulders with shaky hands as the girl points at the door. Elise rushes to it to see that it is locked.

She begins slamming the door with her foot, and then she hears a scream inside, “No! No, stay away! The scary lady will kill mel” She froze as a wave of terror ran through Elise’s body as she began to slam harder on the doorknob.

“Baby? Ethan, it’s me!” She called, confused about what he was saying: “Mommy is here!” She called, stalling her foot one last time before she finally slammed the barricaded door open. The scene in front of her made Elise’s heart flip in panic.

There was her baby boy Ethan in Alvira’s arms with a silver knife resting on his neck. Elise’s eyes flashed with so much rage for Alvira as she paused, her eyes glazed with tears when she saw the small bruises on his skin.

“Alvira, whatever you are thinking of doing, stop!” She screams to Alvira, who begins to laugh like a maniac.

“No, this is the only way to hurt you and Rygan, to take the one thing that you both created from the love you shared, to make you both miserable!” She muttered.

For a moment, Elise’s gaze peered up at the glass window already embedded with frame behind her, the glass already glazed with cracks. This was a dangerous place, and they needed to escape soon.

*Baby?” She called to her son; she peered at his face, and her heart broke looking at his face wet with tears, but the way his eye calmed, she knew he could hear her. She practiced with him back at the Calhan pack, and he found it intriguing to hear her voice in his mind.

Right now I need you to be brave for me she sends as she looks back at Alvira, whose hand is tucked beneath Ethan’s chin.

This place is burning down Alvira, and no one will win in this; this isn’t the way to prove your love to someone; just like the way you killed your sister, Alana, you need to stop all this,” she says to Alvira.

Shut up!” She screeched, “You have no idea how her face has haunted me, I just wanted to have Rygan all to myself; I sacrificed my sister for his love, and you just swooped in trying to claim him again; you made me this way,” she accused

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Chapter 131

“Baby, on my count, you bite as hard as you can she tells Ethan telepathically, with Alvira having no idea what they are doing. “Now!”

“Ahhh!” Alvira pushed him off her. “You little bastard, I’m going to kill you!” She roared with a knife, but she already made the mistake of letting him go.

Elise leaps as the knife lands down to stab Ethan; she hissed painfully when it stabbed her arm instead, but she had. protected her son from getting stabbed. “Mommy!” Ethan cried.

“Good job, baby; now I need you to close your eyes for me, baby,” she says calmly, making sure he doesn’t see the blood.

Alvira’s eyes shine with horror when she sees Elise’s hard gaze dead set on her, and awoken by a sleeping giant, Elise spares the claws of her right hand, scratching down Alvira’s hand, making her just before she goes of the bloody knife that clatters to the window, making hot glass shatter into the room.

She lunges for Alvira, twisting her wrist till a loud crunch is heard and the hired screams of pain from her as she falls to the ground, and a mother scream erupts from Alvira when her face lands on the hot glass that marks her face. A face that Alvira admires and prides herself on.

“Agh! Look what you did, you bitch!”

“Shut the hell up! Do you think it’s my fault for everything that happened to you? You brought this all on yourself!* Elise screamed, her eyes glazed with retaliation as she moved quickly. She straddled Alvira, turning her face to the side to see her melting flesh, before she began to reign punch after punch on her face, adding more punishment to her injury All the hurt and suffering she caused her son was out to each blow that connected to her jaw.

Each punch caused blood to spill from Alvira’s mouth, painting the walls splattered with blood, each punch bloodier than the last. A mother’s rage knows no bounds as she continues hitting Alvira, ready to kill her.

She had speared out and aimed her claws high, ready to strike and give the killing blow to Alvira’s barely conscious frame, but paused when she heard a scream, “Stop! Please don’t kill mom! Please!” Kayla’s small voice comes from the door.


as her

back and

Elise’s hand hangs in the air, a trembling temptation as she hears Kayla plead for her mother. She fights back the

composure body calms from the small child’s plea, and her hands drop down to her side as she fully gains her looks around the room to see the children. It was over.

“Mom, she hears Ethan call out to her. She turns to look at her little brave and beautiful son, who had endured so much.

She leaves Alvira’s unconscious body. She crawls to her son, who runs into her arm as they both cry, “I’m sorry, baby, I’m so sorry, baby!” She cried.

It was her fault; dark thoughts swarmed her mind to some of Alvira’s words as she held her son tightly.

Elise was tired of everything, but it was over; it was finally over, and for a moment she had a little clearance; she knew what

to do now.

Meanwhile, Rygan watched the lifeless body of Kaide on the ground as he howled in victory, his heart panged knowing this was his longtime friend for many years, but his trust and loyalty weren’t returned.

With a wounded paw, Rygan had shifted back to his human form; his flesh was embedded with glass shards and Kaide’s bite. He grabbed his wounded forearm with a hiss before he began to head to the burning house again, in reach for Elise and Ethan, hoping they were alright.

He passed the plethora of dead bodies that they killed while some humans were still alive but wounded and ran in horror

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Chapter 131

the moment they watched him come closer.



He pays no mind as he heads for his family, ravaging up the steps. He heads to the east wing, smelling a trail of blood as he finds Alvira on the floor, tied up with chains, and her face bloodied up with claw marks. While her daughter sat close to her

in tears.

Rygan was shocked at the scene, but he saw a small letter in Kayla’s hand. “The lady said I should give you,” she sniffled out as Rygan collected the letter and read it.

–“I know you did what you had to, and I’m proud of you for winning, but no child should have their mother taken away from this world no matter what they’ve done, so I’m handing Alvira over to pay for the sins she’s committed… but I can’t stay, not when the guilt of my sins is so strong.

This is my punishment; not having you in this life will be payment for my sins, but I need to go; don’t come find me, because I’ve rejected you as my fate.

I’m sorry.

The letter ends as Rygan’s lets the paper drop from

His hands. “No, no,” he mutters as he rushes room to room, calling her name *El? Elise!” He sent down the bond, but there was no answer back.

No, no, this wasn’t going to happen; he couldn’t believe she left. No, he wasn’t going to accept this, not after he’d found the love of his life after all these years; he was going to find her; this time he wasn’t going to let her go or lose her.

Never again.


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