Cinderella And Her Beautiful Octuplets

Chapter Mommy is here

Chapter 24

"It was an order from master Brandon, he asked us to bring your things to his room and this would be your room too," the maid said and Hannah frowned.

"What the Fvck!!! How dare he? It's a contract marriage. Why would he request they stay in the same room?" Hannah thought as she excused herself from the room.

She brought out her phone and searched for the number Brandon had used in calling her the other day. She dialed the number and immediately the phone call was answered and a thick voice echoed from the phone. "What do you want?" Brandon asked coldly and Hannah scoffed and went straight to the point.

"Why would you ask your maids to put my things in your room?" Hannah asked angrily. Brandon paused before he spoke,

"Didn't you read the contract before signing it? It was all stated there and you signed it" Brandon said and Hannah bit her lips angrily.

She hadn't read the contract before signing it, she was in a hurry that day. she wondered what else must have been written on the contract that she signed.

"I didn't read the contract," Hannah said and Brandon shook his head.

"I'll tell my lawyers to send you the papers to go through again so you can see what you signed for. Besides, you should worry less, I barely live in that house, you and the children can have it all to yourself.

And don't you dare call me for meaningless things like this next time, except you have a death wish" Brandon said and with that, he ended the call.

"What the hell! He ended the call on me when I was the one that called him!" Hannah said as she stared at her phone.

She rolled her eyes angrily, she was glad he wasn't staying in the mansion, at least she wouldn't have to share a room with a cold-hearted human like him, Hannah thought as she walked back to the room. She and the maids arranged her things and then went to her kid's room to arrange it, when they were done, Hannah joined the maids to prepare supper.

After supper was made, she decided to take a nap. When she had woken up, it was evening and she decided to go pick her kids up from school.


Meanwhile, at the school compound, a little boy is seen sitting outside the school building waiting for his dad to come to pick him up.

Suddenly, the octuplets walked toward the little boy and sat beside him.

"David! You are still in school?" Jayden asked

"Yeah, I'm waiting for my daddy to come to pick me up," David said and Jayden nodded.

"Same here, we are waiting for our mommy to come to pick us," Jamie said and David nodded in response.

Then, there was silence but then David spoke, breaking the silence between them.

"Thank you for defending me today," David said and the octuplets smiled.

"It's nothing, we are classmates, we should all look out for each other," Jasper said and David smiled at them. When his dad, Jeff, had dropped him off at school. Immediately he entered the class, he sat on his feelings so sad because his dad had driven his mom out of the house which means he would never see his mom again.

But all of a sudden, five of his classmates came and wanted to bully him but the octuplets came to his Aid.

They had driven the bullies away and asked if he was alright.

This wasn't the first time he was being bullied by his classmates, but it was the first time someone had stood up for him, and he felt grateful.

"Thank you once again," David said as his eyes drifted to Allison who was staring at him. Allison blushed and looked away.

"What are friends for? We got your back now, no one would be able to bully you anymore" Jaxon said and David smiled happily. He was glad he was able to make new friends. Just then a car drove inside the school compound.

"That's my dad's car. Bye guys" David said as he stood up. He waved at the octuplets who waved at him in return before walking towards his dad's car.

He opened the car door and hopped in.

"Hi Dad" he muttered as Jeff ignited the engine.

"Hey, buddy. I'm sorry I didn't come in time to pick you up, I was busy at the office" Jeff said and David stared at him without saying a word.

He knew his son was angry at him because he drove Rhoda away. He was so sure that with time he would forget about his mother after he found Hannah and brought her home, he thought. "Who are those kids that look alike?" Jeff, who had noticed the kids his son was with, asked.

"Oh, the new octuplets in our school. They are my friend" David said and then it was when he remembered, he didn't ask them for their names.

He was surely gonna ask them tomorrow, he thought.

After David had left, Jayden turned to Allison and gave her a weird look.

"Do you like him?" Jayden asked

"What? Hell no!!" Allison yelled at once.

"Are you crushing on him?" Jamie asked

"What??? No!" she is yelled

"I caught you staring at him multiple times, and when he stared at you, your cheeks become red," Jaxon said and Allison frowned.

"I didn't blush, you liars" she yelled angrily.

"We better be wrong. And just so you all know, no guy is allowed to crush on you girls, neither is anyone allowed to come close to you girls, else we gonna kill them" Jasper said and the girls shot him a deadly glare. "Don't give him that look, he's right. You girls are still little, we want to protect you girls" Jayden said and Addison scoffed.

"You speak like you are older than us. We are age mates, in case you've forgotten "Aubrey said and the boys stared at her angrily.

"We might be age mates, but we are more sensible than you guys," Jayden said and the girls hissed.

Just then a car came to a stop inside the compound.

"Mommy is here" the kids screamed at once.


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