Cheat with my boyfriend best friend by Jane E.L.

Chapter 480

Chapter 480 Let Joe and Me Get in Bed

The meals were prepared by the maid at home, and the wine was prepared by Maria

I privately asked Joe, and he said that it was the wine stored in his father's cellar. He personally witnessed the wine estate delivering them

Additionally, I saw Maria pouring the wine evenly into three glasses, so I almost drank the Wine in my glass without any precautions

But unexpectedly, I, who always boasted about my alcohol tolerance, didn't drink much today and felt dizzy and lightheaded. Eventually, I couldn't even hear what Maria was saying

I was certain that I had passed out, and then my legs went weak, and I fell heavily onto the sofa

amidst the maid's startled cries, and fell into a deep sleep

And when I woke up again, I was no longer in the living room

Outside the window was pitch black, and beneath me seemed to be a mattress in some bedroom, but I was well aware that this was not the room Aaron and I were staying in at Morris' house

As I rubbed my still throbbing temples and got up to go get a glass of water, my legs were still out of control. Even as my feet were about to touch the ground, my weak knees made me kneel down directly on the floor

The pain brought back a part of my sanity, but it was also because of this that I realized there was someone lying on the bed I had just been lying


I even heard a man's low muffled groan, so I frantically reached for the bedside and turned on the table lamp. In the warm dim light of the soft yellow glow, I finally saw the face of that man - it was Joe

He, like me, seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep after getting drunk, but the flush on his face didn't really look like the result of excessive drinking. In addition, those few unbearable low moans instantly reminded me of some cases mentioned in the textbook before - improper use of Cantharidin

It was a drug component that could strongly stimulate the urethra of mammals, causing a burning and pressing sensation in the animals! bodies and promoting congestion and swelling of the reproductive organs

And after I had digested the pain in my knees, I soon realized that my body was also starting to show a hint of peculiarity

A ridiculous fact was presented right in front of me, it was Maria!

"You lost Aaron, so you tried to seduce Joe."

This sentence kept echoing 1n my mind, and she, in order to frame me, actually used such despicable tricks on her own biological son!

It should be noted that Cantharidin has been classified as a highly toxic drug by modern medicine. If used in excessive amounts, it can cause mild urethritis or even severe acute sexual dysfunction and death

I hurriedly crawled over and woke up the still groggy Joe. There was no time to explain much

to him, so I forcefully dragged him to the bathroom, regardless of whether the water inside was drinkable or not. In any case, we just poured water from the faucet into our stomachs together

After about half an hour of cycling, Joe's eyes finally regained clarity, and I finally breathed a sigh of relief

It was obvious that the glasses prepared by Maria had a problem, but I didn't drink as much as Joe, so he appeared to be more affected

But anyway, fortunately, nothing worse happened, even though we are all wet now

After regaining his senses, Joe stared at me for a long time and eventually leaned painfully against the edge of the bathtub, closing his eyes

"Sorry, Olive. I think I have figured out what happened. My mother has been saying since last week that she wants to invite you over for dinner and apologize to you. I'm sorry... I

believed my mother, but I didn't expect her to do this."

He was somewhat incoherent, regret and helplessness all revealed in his words, but to be honest, I didn't know how to comfort him either

We were all deceived by Maria

Or rather, when I naively fell for Maria's deception, little did I know she would be so cruel as to use her own son as bait

It seems that Joe was just a tool she could use in her plan. If I really slept with Joe today in a confused state of mind, in such a family, such a disgraceful thing would definitely require

finding a proper solution

And Maria, being convinced that Aaron would not come back, planned her way, probably to have me, as a widow, unite with Joe again

In this way, the ten percent of shares that I held in my hands naturally and inevitably transformed from the joint property of my husband Aaron and me into the property of Joe and me, making Joe the largest shareholder of Morris Group

These words don't need to be spoken by me, Joe can also understand

If we had gone to bed today as Maria had imagined, he would have been a combination of a victim and a beneficiary, all because of his mother. I can't imagine how big of a blow this would be for someone with such a warm heart

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