Chasing The Broken CEO

Chapter 86

The sun is already up when I opened my eyes. My eyes are too heavy that opening them feels difficult. The sun rays made me blink several times. I then shifted my position. "Ouch..." I groaned as I felt the throbbing pain in my head. My hand went to my hand automatically. I caressed it and also massaged my forehead. What the hell, Nathalie?

Still massaging my head, I looked at the ocean blue colored ceiling of my room. In just a few seconds, the vivid scenes of what happened last night replayed in my memory.

I frowned as I remember those things I have said to my father. I also remembered how he scolded and humiliated Evan last night... and then I remembered Evan's face, he was pleading for me to stop... He didn't deserve all the insults from my father. He wasn't the one at fault when his intention was only to keep me safe and protected.

I sighed in defeat as I got up from bed. I bet my parents are fuming mad because of how I acted last night. I was so drunk that I had the gut to say those words. I am wondering why I am remembering all of it given that I was completely drunk but then I don't feel any regret about saying those in front of them. I was just being honest and they needed to know, anyway.

With my head throbbing in pain, I took my sling bag on the side table. I opened it and took out my mobile phone to check if Evan has sent me any text message.

From Chandria: Nathalie, i love you. I'm home with Kaira.

The only text I received was from Chandria. She sent it last night around eleven o'clock but there is no other text message for this morning.

"I love you, Aliyah. Don't you ever forget that..."

I remember Evan saying those words last night before I fall asleep. I felt the sudden fear inside my chest. Why did he say those?

My heart pounded aggressively as my body started to feel the fear that he might have done something that I didn't know. I dialed his mobile number but his phone is turned off. I tried it again but it was the same thing. I inhaled sharply and tried to compose myself. I put my hand on my chest and patted it gently. There's nothing to be worried about. I should not be scared right now. I knew Evan so well. He won't make some decisions that will make me sad... at all...

I sent him a text message instead.

To Evan: Your phone is turned off. Where are you? I'm worried.

I exhaled and bit my lower lip. A lot of thoughts started to whirl around my head. I'm not sure what to think anymore but I just hope that Evan is okay, that we're okay because I don't know what else to do if he did something that will hurt me a lot.

To Evan: Please call me as soon as you read this. I'm sorry for what happened last night.

And then I sent him another text. I couldn't even think straight that I started to cry.

To Evan: Please don't do anything that will hurt me. Just ignore my father. Stay with me. I assure you we'll get through this, together. I love you, Evan.

I was spacing out as I looked at the text messages I sent to him. My vision went blurry because of the tears pooling in my eyes. I hope he's alright... I hope these thoughts in my mind are all wrong. I hope we're still okay... I hope he didn't stay away just because I told them last night that I was already tired.

My parents aren't home when I went out of my room. I then went to the dining area and ate a little for breakfast. I have no appetite. This anxiety will be the death of me.

I can't stop thinking about Evan. What it he's done something that will make me truly sad?

Now, I started to regret everything I said last night. What if he took it seriously? With all the negative encounters he had with my father, I think it's possible that he will end up giving up on me, not to add that I also mentioned that I am getting tired of this situation we are in.

But damn it! He have no right to give up! The side of my eyes went teary. I put down my spoon and fork on my plate and then inhaled heavily. No, he can't... I then ran upstairs. I went back to my room so that I can take a bath and get dressed. I should be getting ready for work but I need to see Evan's first. I'll visit him in our company to check how he is.

I can't just stay still here and wait. I want to talk to him so bad and know what he is thinking all this time...

I entered into our company building hurriedly. It's already past eleven o'clock in the morning and Evan should be here by now to work. I am almost running as I walked on the floor. The employees recognized me and greeted me. I wanted to greet back and smile at them but I am not really feeling good today, thus I just went ahead and entered into one of the elevators. In the end, I smiled at some employees while inside of it as I don't want them to feel that I am a snob or grumpy. I exhaled a bit. God, please hear me. I hope Evan is here. Please...

The elevator stopped on the right floor where his office is located. I stormed out and walked into the hallway. It's kind of strange that his secretary is not in her station but I ignored that. I just want to see him and check if he's okay. Or if we are okay...

I pushed the double doors and I saw an empty office. My body froze up. I swallowed hard as I felt the lump in my throat. He should've been here by now. Fear started to eat me up. I checked every corner of the office but no one's really here at the moment.

He didn't go to work? He's supposed to work today... I gulped and stepped backward.

No, he's not going to stay away from me. He will never do it...

"Daddy..." I whispered when I remember the only person that could tell me Evan's whereabouts.

Without further ado, I stormed out of Evan's office and hopped inside the elevator. I crossed my arms on my chest. Still, negative thoughts are whirling through my head and I hate it!

Please calm down, Nathalie. I reminded myself to think clearly but my heart is still pounding aggressively inside my chest because of the fear engulfing me.

Fear and anger.

Those are the two emotions that eating me up wholly. It feels like I would end up destroying everything in case these negative thoughts in my head that I fear the most happened without my knowledge. The elevator doors have finally opened. I went out of it and walked towards my parents' office.

I stood up in front of the huge double doors. I then inhaled heavily and held the strap of my sling bag firmly.

You should be brave, Nathalie.

I gathered all my courage and pushed the double doors. I went inside. Two pairs of eyes have darted on me. I saw my parents on their separate desks, working with some piled up documents in front of them. "Where's Evan?" I asked firmly. I am still controlling my anger as I don't want to be rude to them.

My father adjusted his eyeglasses as he stared at me, then he looked down on his paperwork again. "Nathalie sweetheart, as you can see, we're too busy to-"

"Daddy, where's Evan?" I asked my father once again and didn't let my mom finish her sentence. "Nathalie!" Mom called my name warily.

I looked at my mother. She's looking at me, with her eyes begging me to stop. I shook my head in disbelief.

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"I'm sorry, mom... I know that it's not right to act this way but I am really getting mad because of what's happening!" I told her with a cracked voice. I glanced at my father, "Did you kick him out of this company? Let me remind you that if not for him, our company should have been gone for good. Did you fire him, Dad? I can't even reach him now! What did you do, Daddy?"

Daddy only cleared his throat and did not even bother to look at me. I felt the throbbing pain inside my chest. How can he ignore me this way?

"Daddy!" I called him out.

"Nathalie, your voice! Why are you so loud? Have some decency! You're here at your parents' office!" mommy snorted with her forehead creasing while staring at me.

I shook my head and bit my bottom lip. "You know how much I love that man, Daddy! Why can't you accept it? Please... please forget what happened before! It was all in the past! Evan deserves a second chance and I beg you to give it to him! Stop being so heartless and treat him fairly, Dad! I can't afford to lose him again..."

"You don't need to shout at us, Nathalie." Dad told me bitterly, his words are like knives.

He then glanced my way for a few seconds and then gazed down at the document on his hand again. He can't even manage to pay attention! He's acting as if my presence here is just nothing. He acts as if my words did not even reach his heart at all!

Damn it!

"I think you should have your lunch first, sweetheart. You were so drunk last night and I think you still have a hangover.” Mom said and then shrugged her shoulders. "Frank, we have a meeting at twelve. How about we eat our lunch first?" "Mommy!" I hissed.

My face heated in anger as I look at both of them. How could they treat me this way? Hot tears pooled in my eyes as I am getting so stressed already. I lowered my head and sobbed. My hand reached my chest as it felt so heavy... I am just too tired to even beg. I don't understand why there are doing this to me!

They love to cage me! That's for sure! They didn't even want to listen to me. They didn't want to understand the situation! They only care for their selves and don't want to hear me out! "Nathalie..." dad called my name.

"I knew that you were traumatized because of what happened to me before. I also knew that you feel angry towards their family. I knew everything, dad! I am not that blind and I understood where you're coming from. I even respected it..." I sobbed and looked at them again. "But just this time, can you please... please... hear me out? I love him so much, dad! Why are you doing things that will make him stay away from me? You're hurting so much!"

"Oh, my goodness, Nathalie!" mom exclaimed. She started massaging her head.

I wiped my tears away. I can't help but to feel mad at them. They are stopping me from being happy! It feels like I'm about to live my dark days again...

"I'm tired of explaining my side!" I cried. "He's the only person that makes me happy but you don't want to accept him even though he's trying his best to get your approval of him! How can I move forward without Evan? Why are you so cruel to me?!"

I heard the double doors open along with a footsteps of someone who just entered into the office. I lowered my head and wiped my tears away. I tried to stop myself from sobbing but it's way too difficult when my heart is breaking into pieces.

"Hi, Evan!" Mom greeted the person who just arrived.


I turned around and saw Evan standing just behind me. His lips parted as he stared at me. He stepped closer and held both of my cheeks. Using his fingers, he wiped my tears away.

But my tears aren't stopping from falling down. I sobbed as I stared at his face. He's here... I thought he left me for good...

"Where have you been?" I asked him with my cracked voice. "I've been trying to reach you!"

"I'm sorry, Rish. I just got your text messages. I was also trying to call you but you didn't pick up your phone."

"Be honest, did my father fire you?" I asked him, determined to know the truth.

Evan's forehead started creasing. He sighed and closed his eyes firmly perhaps because he's also stressed out just like me. His jaw clenched and then opened his eyes to meet my gaze. "Tell me!" I demanded as my tears keep sliding down my cheeks.

"This is so dramatic..." I heard mom's reaction on her desk.

"Tell her to stop crying, Evan. Your fiancée went here only to whine. She's giving me a headache," said dad. I heard him sigh heavily.

But his words made me freeze in my position. I slowly turned to him, confused because of what he just said.


"Are you even sure that you want to marry our daughter? She's too loud and such a whiner." daddy added and just shook his head.

"W-wait, what are you saying, dad?" I asked. Then I glanced at Evan, "What's going on?"

"I will still marry her, uncle Frank." Evan said firmly with a small smile evident on his lips.

"Well, if you say so. Nathalie is such a nagger so you better brace yourself." Daddy told him and then looked down at the document he's been holding all this time.

"So, you did not fire Evan, dad?"

"Obviously yes, sweetheart. You have our blessings so do whatever you want. If you want to get married tomorrow then go ahead. We'll not be against it. Just let us know so we can help prepare your wedding." mom said and then she smiled at me. "Our apologies if it took so long. But after the serious talk we had last night, we decided to give you our blessing. Anyway, Evan has been patient with us and he really proved himself in so many ways." Dad only cleared his throat.

I swallowed hard. I can't even get a grasp of this situation. Is this for real?

Am I really hearing them correctly?

"Thank you, Aunt, Uncle..." Evan thanked them in his calm tone.

"Oh, please call us mommy and daddy, Evan. You'll be part of our family sooner so..." Mom giggled like a child.

I looked at Evan. He stared back at me and smiled. He wiped my tears again.

"Hush now..." he told me.

I can't believe what is happening. I glanced at my father and inhaled heavily.

"There's no turning back, dad." I said, with now a smile on my face.

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