Chasing The Broken CEO

Chapter 60

"What do you mean?" I asked Clyde with my creased forehead. "I think you are mistaken. How can I even make Evan go crazy for me if he's too obsessed with his first love? He's into her that's why he called off our engagement. So please, stop playing games with me."

"Tsk... Tsk... Tsk..." Ash reacted in dismay reason why my gaze turned to him. He shook his head while staring at me. "Women and their false assumption. That's too bad..."

"Will you stop it, Ash?" I said warily and pinched the brige of my nose. Dealing with these two guys made my head throbbed in pain even more!

Clyde was also shaking his head as if he was disappointed in me for some unknown reason. That's what I don't understand. Why are they doing this to me? All I want to do right now is to go home and protect my peace. I don't want Evan to see me here once he gets home. I don't want to see his face ever again!

"Evan is right. You're a brat..." Clyde commented that got me more irritated.

"You don't even know me, Clyde!" I fired at him through my gritted teeth. My hand formed a fist. "I don't even like it when you are mentioning his name! It disgusts me! Please don't ask as if you know the whole story! You don't know anything at all!"

Clyde gave me a devilish grin that sent shivers up to my spine. I can't help but to feel nervous because of this guy. He's like a demon pretending to be an angel. I thought he's kind!

I glanced at Ash but he only smirked at me.

Fucking shit. They are really a circle of devils!

Why am I even wasting my time here? Why am I talking to them anyway? They are Evan's best friends and for sure, they would choose to be on his side.

"What is it that we need to know?" Clyde tilted his head playfully. "Is it the fact that Evan has saved you from the wrath of his enemies? He should have let the cops handled it accordingly but he was damn scared that you would end up being shot in the head."

My body froze up upon hearing his statement. My eyes widened in shock. I felt the lump in my throat while trying to understand what he just said. I looked at both of them in disbelief. What did he say?

Is it true?

"You know what? Our brother seemed to have a fucking thing for you. He even risked his life just to make you safe, you brat. He was fucking scared that you would pay the price of death if he didn't make a right move and yet you are acting like a spoiled brat in front of him? Is that all you could do, Nathalie?"

My lower lip started trembling... no my whole body started trembling. I felt the hot tears forming in both sides of my eyes as I continued to look at them. I gasped for air and blinked twice. The information I learned from Clyde were too heavy that I can no longer breath properly. With lips parted, I inhaled multiple times as I tried to absorb everything Clyde has revealed.

I glanced at Ash I know that my gaze is almost begging him to say something. I needed to know if it's true...

Is that the real reason?

Ash's jaw clenched firmly. The grin that once evident on his lips was already gone. He held Clyde's shoulder as if he's giving him a cue to stop.

"You better stop it, Clyde. She didn't know anything," he told Clyde in a serious tone.

Without even looking away from me, Clyde raised his eyebrow. He crossed his arm on his chest and pursed his lips.

"And she knows it now," he said and then shook his hand in a cocky way. "Our friend almost lose his life just to keep her safe and protected. She needs to understand that."

"A-Ash..." My tears already fell on my cheeks. I gasped for air and looked at Ash. "Is it true?"

His lips formed a thin line. He sighed in defeat and only nodded at me.

I soft whimper escaped my lips. I lost my strength and sat on the couch while crying my heart out. All of a sudden, I felt a million needles poking my body, making me feel helpless and in pain.

Is that the real reason? He called off our engagement because my life was in danger? Is that the secret he's been keeping from me?

I don't understand... Why did it happen? Who are his enemies? I was having a trouble understanding the whole situation that all I could do was to cry right in front of them. My hands formed a fist as I felt too guilty for the thoughts my mind has created... for all the assumptions that pretty much made me live in the darkness... and kept me from the light. I felt too guilty because I loathed him since that night... when he didn't show up.

"How... How come..." I gasped as I can't breathe properly. "Please... Help me understand..."

The double doors opened. Sei and Chandria entered the house. Behind them was no other than Evan...

Our eyes have met automatically. My hand went to my chest and patted it firmly. I tried to breathe properly but multiple sobs escaped my lips. With tears running down my cheeks, all I could do was to let myself release all the negative emotion that I have kept inside my chest. I felt like doing so as these emotions were all made out of a stupid assumption. I felt so stupid and I can't believe I lived in the dark for the longest time.

"Nathalie..." Chandria called my name. She went to me and started patting my back as my sobs continued.

But my eyes were still fixated on Evan. I saw the fear in his eyes. His jaw clenched and glanced at his best friends darkly.

"What did you guys do?!" His voice was like a thunder.

"See that, Nathalie? He's too scared to even tell you the truth. He didn't really want you know because he didn't want you to feel guilty at all. You loathed your own hero," Clyde added despite Evan's dark glare on him.

I didn't know how to react when Evan immediately pulled Clyde and held the collar of his shirt. Chandria screamed in fear and the next thing I heard was Clyde's devilish laugh before he fell on the floor.

Evan punched him so hard that made me cry a lot. Ash suddenly stood up between them while Sei grabbed Evan's arm to stop him from beating their friend.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Clyde?!" Evan's voice echoed in the whole house.

He was about to beat Clyde but I gathered my strength and stood up so I could stop him.

"Evan, stop it!" I yelled with my trembling voice.

Evan's body have frozen up. He glanced my way and damn it, I can see the guilt in his troubled eyes. I also noticed his ragged breathing as if nothing and no one could ever calm him down now that I already learned about the truth as to what really happened in the past.

"Evan, please..." I begged him.

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