Charmed By A Steel City Hustler

Chapter 48 — This Too Shall Pass


The amount of weed I had been smoking tripled in the last two weeks. Alcohol was never my thing as that shit impaired judgement too damn much. I was camped out in my vehicle again outside someone's damn house. This shit was getting old as hell.

I stopped going home because the calls and pop-ups from Uncle Z were getting out of hand. He wanted to find a legal way to charge me with Donnie's death. Initially I thought it was his grief talking, but that fool was on a mission to put me under the jail. He honestly thought that I put the needle to his son's neck.

The shit was comical because although I planted the seed and sowed the oats. I was never in the vicinity nor would ever be considered a suspect. After Adonis was found dead. Several hours later news of his affair with Yasmine was leaked along, with shady dealings he was involved in. I thought that fool was strait laced.

Adonis was as crooked as they came in the court room and that lessened the small amount of guilt. I had for playing a role in his death. My mother did not speak to me for an entire week because I didn't confess shit to her. My father said we would take it to the grave. That's exactly what the fuck was going to happen. Yasmine Tate came through on all my property and then some.

Magnus must have put the fear of God in that grimy bitch. I felt bad for the lawyer taking over her case. That poor sap did not stand a snowball's chance in hell of winning.

The limo pulled up to the estate and I ashed the current blunt in my hand and got out my vehicle. The walk was about two minutes to the second. Allowed the passenger to get out and hit the front step and then I spoke. "Leo, we need to talk."

I thought of a thousand ways to off Leo Jennings in the past few years. This fool made my ass itch six ways from Sunday. He was a corrupt, crooked, liar and stone-cold killer. Street fools always had unspoken code amongst them; don't kill kids, don't snitch and no raping.

This fool never put in leg work, just profited from other's demise. A behind the scenes kind of muthafucka. Adonis had a different axe to grind with him and that shit to me was shady as hell.

"I am not surprised at all, but I did expect you to blow my head off on sight."

"That was the plan before I found out that you may be my future child's grandfather. That unborn and my love for Lois are the only things keeping me calm right now. But I promise you it is a thin layer. I know you sent all your security away tonight and your wife. So, you knew I was coming."

Leo was far from dumb, and I had eased up on my stealth mode while I scoped out his place. Yes, I wanted him to know that I was watching. My Pops said to make an example of everyone true. I also had to vet every lead. I took what Kwame said with a grain of salt and needed to hear it with my own ears.

I truly hoped that Nise would not have to take Caesar's life. I dropped a bug in her ear about his secret kid to fire her up. Even if that fool turned out to be loyal to me, Nise was still going to blow his head clean off. His son was now an orphan and would be taken care for the rest of his days.

We entered the house, and I had my gun drawn just in case I missed anyone, or Leo had surprises for me. The place was pitch black and confession box quiet. I still did a sweep of the entire downstairs. Leo cut the light on in his business study started pouring a bourbon. I damn sure was not about to share a drink with this fool.

"I assume you're here about Porscha, correct?"

"Actually, no I am not. You've crossed over into my business ventures one too many damn times. That shit stops tonight, or Lois will be burying her father next. That beef with my Pops and Uncles stays in that generation. Honestly, I had no issue with you until you started fucking with my suppliers and clientele."

"Sebastian, Zeus put me on to your dealings. That politically incorrect asshole is the reason for all of this. He set me up for Porscha's murder. She was that forbidden love that you share with my youngest daughter. Zeus had an unhealthy attachment to his sister is all I will say. I may be a cheater and low-down dirty man. A murderer of women is not in my rolodex at all. Zeus planted that seed into everyone's heads so long ago. No one bothered to see the truth. The fact that I was married and had done some snake shit to your family was proof enough."

"Hold up unhealthy? Nigga you trying to say Z was into some incest type shit?"

My stomach got tight at that sick shit. By the time he finished a detailed explanation my stomach contents were on the polished hardwood floors. Uncle Z was sick in the damn head on a completely different level. My parents were going to shit a brick once all this came too light. I wiped my mouth with a cloth from my pocket and sat up in the seat.

"That shit can be handled with my momma. Far as the beef between us, shit needs to die. You are my child's grandfather. I am willing to forgive, but never forget. If I feel like you are going to move wrong against me. I will end you with no second thoughts."

Leo threw back another shot and smirked at me. He swirled the newly poured liquid around in his glass. I had no doubt that he would do the same in return.

"This truce will require you to give Lola a nice alimony settlement. When she awakens her life will be in shambles. I intend to see that she is comfortable in every aspect. I can't control what will happen with you and Lois. I believe you will keep her safe from now on."

I nodded my head because he wasn't saying shit that I had not already thought of. Lola was going to be pampered beyond normal means when she woke up. I would never forsake her after the torture that she recently endured due to my bullshit. Lois and I remained to be seen given she was in a state of shock, depression and who knows what else.

"Leo, I am glad that we had this little sit down. I'll let myself out. See you around," I said and got up to leave. While on my way out the door, I sent my momma a text message. She was next on my visiting list. We needed to talk about her wayward brother.

This shit was not going to end well for Uncle Z. Leo also said a few things to me that only my mother would comprehend to prove he was telling the truth. I was going to need alcohol for this next sit down.

One Month Later I hurried up into the doctor's office since I was running ten minutes late. I had a grand re-opening today on my first Bar location. The renovations were done a few days ahead of schedule. Lois had finally agreed to let me accompany her to a doctor's visit. We had a sit down several days after the funeral.

Lois confessed that the baby was mine. She was still emotional about everything. I told her to just carry to term healthy, and everything else would fall into place. I bought her a brand new three-bedroom home with a study for her to continue schooling.

Baby girl wanted to be a lawyer. Carrying my seed was no excuse to stop. She of course tried to not accept, bullshit. The mother of my child could have whatever she liked and then some. "Lois Jennings' room please."

I spoke to the front desk reception. She gave a wide grin displaying some gapped, yellow teeth. That shit was stained with coffee, plaque and citrus. She gave me the information and pointed toward the left. I went through the double doors and arrived at room three tapping lightly.

"Come on in. Hello, you must be dad. I am Dr. Eligator, so nice to meet you."

"Hey doc nice to meet you. I apologize for my tardiness, business never sleeps."

The doctor waved me off. She gave a brief story on how her husband missed the birth of two out of three kids they had. That sounded like some bullshit to me, but who am I to judge? I walked over to the exam table and Lois was propped up in the stir ups with a drape over her lap. I was damn glad she had a female doctor.

Watching another man grope her body in such an intimate way was out of the question. I don't give a damn if we were not together. I sat to her right and grabbed her hand, squeezing it. Lois had been putting on a front to everyone that she was fine. I had caught her alone crying one too many damn times. She had quit her job at the firm to recover from all the recent events.

I had the school of her choice on standby after she completed that bar exam. The doctor gave a brief recap of what they discussed. Nothing major just healthy eating habits and what physical activities were limited. She had a huge grin on her face when she mentioned that acrobatic sex was still safe at this stage. Lois and I had not even come close to a tongue kiss.

We were friends if that's what you want to call it. I damn sure wanted more but was not going to push her. She would come to me when ready. Lola still being in a coma weighed heavily on her mind. I visited her daily to check on her progress and no change. Pulling the plug was not an option. I needed her to wake up more than anyone to apologize.

"Alright you guys, I'm going to go get the technician and we're going to get the first peek at this little peanut. Be right back."

The overly enthused doctor said and disappeared out the door. She had way too much coffee. I looked down into Lois' eyes and they shifted to the left. She was uncomfortable being alone with me and that rubbed me wrong. The tabloids had found out about our affair.

I bet dollars to pesos Zeus had something to do with that. She was a hot topic for a week or so then the gossip died down. We had nothing to be ashamed of and the story being told was far from the truth.

"How are you feeling today mom?" "How was the ribbon cutting?"

"What I tell you about that Lo?"

She was in the habit now of answering a question with a question. I read somewhere that it was an avoidance tactic. I gave her a stern look and she rolled those beautiful eyes and answered my question. The morning sickness had mostly passed, and she was sleeping better. I in return told her about the quick turn up that I left to be here.

The shit was nothing major. I hired all new staff and installed new rules and regulations. We went back and forth a bit and I even got a smile with laughter out of her. All I wanted to do was see Lois return to that spunky bookworm that I fell for nearly a year ago.

This shell before me was someone else and I was partly to blame for it. Adonis was cold in the ground and still had a lock on her in some type of way. Lois had closed her heart off and solely focused on the baby and Lola recovering. I was itching to lay next to her at night and just hold her. Sex was the furthest thing from my mind, and she was the last woman I had been with. I was willing to wait until she was ready.

"Okay kids, sorry for the wait. Today is peek a boo day with some of these fetuses."

The doctor said coming back into the room with a petite blonde girl. They rolled in a machine and washed their hands. I was glad they did, otherwise I was going show out.

I had been in too many medical facilities where mufuckas just squirt some hand sanitizer and just go. Hot water and the friction of soap on palms is the best way to kill germs. The technician raised the gown above Lois' abdomen and squirted some blue gel onto it.

"That's warm, I've always heard on the movies that it's cold."

"Ha, ha, yes we put in a warmer now. The infants go into shock, I'm just kidding. Alright now, let's see here."

The black and white screen came into play and a rapid beating noise came through the speaker. I stopped breath for a few seconds. That was the sound of my first child's heartbeat. It was hypnotic and so strong.

Lois gripped my hand and I looked down to see tears rolling from her eyes. She sniffled a bit and swiped at her nose. The doctor took a few measurements. Told us the baby was growing fine and was right where it needed to be at this stage. This was a moment I waited for my entire adult life. A child to carry on my legacy be it legal or illegal. Every man wanted that I don't give a damn who they were. To have the woman you love unconditionally carry that seed makes it that much more precious.

Dr. Eligator printed out a few pics for us. Lois was full blown balling at this point. The doc and tech excused themselves to give us some privacy. I sat back down in my chair waiting for Lois to compose herself.

"Lo, what's with all the water works? Our son is healthy and strong already with a fully formed face."

She stopped sobbing, gave me a look and started laughing.

"You are an asshole! I knew our girl would be fine. I am just so happy right now, and yet... I feel like I don't deserve it. I love this life that we created out of the love we have for each other but...."

I growled a bit because I knew where this conversation was going. We had been here many times before. We were not going to keep rehashing this every time we hand an inkling of good news.

"Look Lois we are grown, and life goes on. The sense of dread you have will pass. We cannot change the past or our actions in it. All we can do is be great parents and live our best life. We are not bad people contrary to popular thought. Shit happens and it's not like we won't be reminded of our misgivings on a regular. That is punishment enough in my book. So here and now we are going to make a vow to our unborn. We will not dwell on the past. We will be the best to him or her and give them the world."

Lois repeated after me and I helped her up off the table to get redressed. I continued to stare at the image and a sense of pride washed over me. I had made mistakes this year and loss some family along the way. I wouldn't trade any of my actions to end up with a different result. Lola was not the woman I set out to be with, but she was exactly what I needed.

"Bash hello? You over there daydreaming or something. Come, I am starving. We gotta stop and get my bloodwork drawn."

"Yes, baby momma your every wish is my command."

The look of disdain upon Lois' face had me burst out in laughter. She hated that common nickname society had dubbed for unmarried pregnant women in the black community. Some females wore it like a badge of honor. A goofy ass fool made a video to the shit and all. Lois wacked me in the chest with her petite hand. I touched it gently rubbing at her knuckles and pulled it up to my lips.

"Naw fool, don't try to be nice now. I am not going for that ghetto shit. You better stick to calling me Lo."

"Too soon for the future Mrs. Malcolm?"

"Boy bye."

I was happy that she didn't get all emotional after that sentence. That meant Lois was getting better and moving past our betrayals. There was hope for us to have a future down the road. I opened her passenger door as she climbed in. Once she was situated and ready to close the door, I held it in place. I played by the rules of her fragile state up until now. We were about to have a long journey ahead of us. Lois needed to know where I stood emotionally. "What is it, Sebastian?"

"Lois, I love you beyond the shadow of a doubt. I know how we started off was foul. The consequences of our actions are the creation growing inside your body right now. I am not giving up on you. We will be a family, all three of us, in the future. I'm going to wait for you no matter how it takes, but you don't have forever."

That beautiful smile graced her face and she pulled me into it. The kiss was something magical. I swear fireworks went off around us as I caressed her back. Lois moaned into my mouth arousing my manhood below. She pulled away gasping for air and that all too familiar lustful stare was eye bawling me.

"I love you too Bash and thank you for giving me time to heal. How about we order food in after my bloodwork?"

"Don't threaten me with a good time, let's go. I'm following you."

I shut her door and jogged over to my whip. I cranked the engine up and Yo Gotti boomed through my system. The weather was nice as hell today and then I remembered what my momma would always say during thunderstorms. The strongest battles are given to the toughest soldiers. As the sun comes out to dry up the rain, this too shall pass.

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