Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 21: Sold!

Chapter 21: Sold!

20 Mar 2321

Time 12:30

Location Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Auction House, Auction Hall no.13

The auction hall was in a complete mess with all the babble, chatter and murmur. It was very difficult for one to hear amid the babble of conversations in the hall. The crowd was getting impatient as it was about time for the auction to start yet still no one was to be seen on the stage but then,

‘Roarr… RR!!!’

A thunderous roar sounded throughout the auction hall, the startled crowd went quiet with a scare while the deafening echoes of the roar still reverberated in the hall. The lingering roar left in the hall soon died with the sound of the footsteps, as an intimidating aura filled the auction hall.

‘Clomp… Clomp.. ‘

Attracted by the sound of the footsteps the crowd searched for the source, only to find a mystical figure covered in smoke, slowly ascend the auction stage.

But before they could make out the figure the smoke covering the alluring figure burst into a blinding flash, before they knew the alluring figure was in the centre of the stage wearing the latest trending armour ‘Daughter of wilderness – Artemis’.

The figure looked majestic and heroic in the armour as she twirled like a ballerina with elegance. With every twirl, the colour of the armour changed, a total of four twirls amounting to four different colours. The whole scene was so magical that the crowd almost forgot to breathe mesmerised by the sight in front of them.

The woman wearing the armour looked just like the virgin daughter of the wilderness, nothing could compare to her majesty. Every time her cold eyes gazed over the crowd, they felt a chill within them as if they were in presence of a heroic being. Some even bowed to the figure wanting to worship her.

Soon the smoke once again covered the alluring figure as the jumbotron in the auction hall displayed four ‘Daughter of wilderness – Artemis’ armour cards in different colours with all their status displayed, awakening the mesmerised crowd.

The crowd once again babbled seeing the perfect star and durability ratings of the cards. But the chatter died as an authoritarian voice sounded in the auction hall,

“Daughter of wilderness – Artemis armour, base price 192,000$ per card. Please start the bid. “

With the cold and authoritative voice, the auction final started.

“400,000$ by VIP no.4, going once!”

“This princess bids 2,000,000$ for all four armours.”

“2,000,000$, going once!”

“2,000,000$, going twice!”

“2,000,000$, going thrice! Sold!”

The Jumbotron turned off as a blinding flash caught the attention of the crowd, with the figure had changed into the second armour ‘Wood Nymph – Urania’ another one of the top trending F rank armours and also the figure’s hairstyle changed to suit the armour, similar to last time the figure once again twirled four times amounting to four different colours.

“Wood Nymph – Urania armour card, base price 177,000$ per card, open forbid!”




Soon the 40 F rank armours cards were auctioned, yet the crowd did not disperse as they were still immersed in the elegant and heroic figure on the stage, the figure walked out of the smoke around her as she said, “Thank you for making this auction a great success! Please collect your card’s backstage from me and Since you, all have been so well behaved let me share some info on my auction next week! My next auction will contain 10 E rank trending female armour cards in four different colours. For further info check the catalogue yet to be released. See you later”

We were short on staff and Susan’s authority was very low as the newbie, making it hard to control the crowd using the name of the guild association auction house.

Since gaining the attention of the crowd by crude means was out of option I decided to try a creative way to catch the attention of the audience in the auction house.

Therefore, I lent my Abyssal Giant Bear Spirit Guard card to Susan. Even though Susan had just been promoted to card apprentice, her active soul control was 14% thanks to the perfect origin card I helped her create, she got a huge boost in her active soul control making a considerable breakthrough in her active soul control and gaining 28 Star power.

Equipping one E rank Abyssal Giant Bear Spirit Guard card and two G rank mortal cards voice control and hairstylist.

As the Abyssal roar only affects enemies, we decided to simmer down the crowd by using the abyssal roar and maintain peace with the intimidating aura of the abyssal giant bear.

For this to work Susan had to act like an ice idol and anchor to match the intimidating aura of the Abyssal Bear and not seem out of place, which she performed perfectly mesmerising the crowd and leading them with her authoritarian voice.

Most shocking was the part where Susan’s armour changed colours with every twirl, thanks to the origin card being sentient and its ability memory Susan was able to teach the armour to change the colours of the armours even though the armours it fed on were not of that colour.

As for her declaring a part of the catalogue was the stunt used in another world to keep the audience engaged as a good host, I asked her to reveal a part of the catalogue.

Walking backstage Susan excitedly came to me and handed me the Abyssal Giant Bear Spirit Guard card.

“You were awesome out there, I would not be surprised to see one or two fan groups forming in your name.”

“Thank you, but stop it!” contemporary romance

“You were that good out there, no need to be humble in front of me. “

“I know right and I could get used to it. it was so exciting, feeling all their admiring gaze it felt different, it was as if they would believe me if I told them the earth was flat and the sun was blue. It felt great.”

Leaving aside Susan who was still immersed in aftertaste while smiling like a fool, I was rubbing my hands to count my profits.

Led by the bouncer a group of about 14 people came to pay and collect their cards, Many people had directly bought the complete four coloured set of armours, so 40 cards were sold to 14 people only. Seeing them I nudged the grinning Susan to snap out of it.

Snapping out of the aftertaste Susan once again returned to her professional self and walked to greet the group.

The group was excited to meet Susan, some even asked for selfies. Seeing no harm in few simple selfies she agreed.

The 40 perfect F rank cards sold for 20,330,000$, but considering the 10% auction fee and 34% government tax, I would only get near 55% of the total. And after paying the 4,000,000 debt of copyright and ingredients I had barely 6,000,000 left for myself. So, my excitement died by half.

As the crowd left, Susan was in trance counting the amount of money she had made in just one auction. Her 5% amounted to 1,016,500 not including the taxes, even after paying the taxes she would be able to clear her parent’s debts and buy back the family house or a new one.

She did get a big bargain out of this auction, 10 F rank armours that were fed to her origin card and nearly a million in commission. But she deserved all of it, if it were me alone I could not get a 4 million dollars loan on spot to buy the copyright and ingredients. especially I would not have been able to possible rank the auction catalogue in the top 10 trending list and attract so many deep pockets.

While I and Susan were busy counting money a voice called to us timidly,

“E-Excuse me!”

“Yes! Who are you? How did you get in?” Asked Susan, it seems she did not like being disturbed while counting money.

“W-well I am also the guild association staff.”

“Oh! What is it?”

“I am here to apologize to you! I am sorry, please forgive me!”

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