Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 1906 Birth Of Black Filth

contemporary romance

Date- -/-

Time- -/-

Location- Unknown, Blood Rule Source

By the time Dragon was done dealing with its mental struggle, the Devil was using its strong grip to crawl around its body and hump it from different places and locations. By doing so it did not take long for this misunderstanding to turn into an obsessive behavior. Repeating these indecent actions would add to its pleasure by reminding it of the satisfaction it once felt. With the pleasure of its obsessive behavior being satisfied combined with the pleasure of its addiction being satisfied, the Devil began to further lose itself to the deprivation.

In a moment of clarity and desperation, the Dragon finally grasped the horrifying reality of its predicament. With a furious roar echoing through the depths of the Dream Realm, it summoned every ounce of strength and resolve, determined to break free from the Deviant Devil's clutches at any cost.

In a daring move born of desperation, the Dragon altered the course of its dream escape, veering away from its original body and plunging deeper into the depths of the Dream Realm. Here, amidst the darkest recesses of the dream realm, lurked the most terrifying horrors it had ever encountered. Yet, fueled by a singular purpose, the Dragon pressed onward, driven by a primal urge to eradicate the humiliation and torment inflicted upon it by the Deviant Devil.

Survival mattered little now; all that consumed the Dragon's thoughts was the overwhelming desire to see the Devil vanquished once and for all. With a steely resolve, the Dragon embraced the notion of self-sacrifice, willing to lay down its own life if it meant putting an end to the Devil's reign of terror.

As it delved deeper into the abyss, the Dragon prepared to die and unleash its full fury upon the Deviant Devil. Right now its mind was consumed with rage and humiliation, from the same of being defiled by the Deviant Devil, it was no longer thinking straight. Currently, all it cared about was getting revenge even if it meant it got at the cost of its own life. Now it felt that only through the ultimate sacrifice could it hope to find redemption and reclaim its dignity.

Concurrently, the Deviant Devil continued to indulge in its perverse gratification, leaving its mark on every inch of the Dragon's body. Oblivious to the Dragon's intentions, its mind was consumed by pleasure, rendering it heedless of any impending danger. However, as it reveled in its satisfaction, a sinister transformation unfolded: the once-shimmering white scales of the dragon's spiritual body now bore the dark hue of black. This ominous change, a testament to the corruption wrought by the Devil's touch, served as a harbinger of the darkness that was born from the union of the Dragon and the Devil.

The black fluids coating the dragon's once-shimmering scales were a macabre manifestation of the Devil's twisted affection. Each dark stain served as a branding, marking the Dragon as the Devil's possession. Even the Devil itself was oblivious to the capabilities of its 76th awakened form's spiritual body, unaware of the depths of its own power. As the Devil's dark influence seeped deeper into the Dragon's being, it became clear that this unholy spiritual union was not merely limited to spiritual—a bond forged in darkness, bound by the chains of possession and control.

Having endured the Devil's indecent actions with resignation born of helplessness, the Dragon pressed on towards its new destination, the sanctuary of terrors. Yet, before it could reach the foothold of terror, it was met with a terrifying assault. Facing imminent danger, the Dragon had already resigned its fate. With a resolve to meet its end alongside the Devil, it closed its eyes and speeded towards the attack, bracing for the impact of the oncoming attack. It was willing to die if it meant erasing the entity that had disgraced it.

As the impending attack loomed closer, the Devil's senses jolted awake, piercing through the haze of pleasure that clouded its mind. Suddenly alert to the danger, it realized the gravity of the situation. Understanding the Dragon's intent, the Devil's voice erupted in a desperate plea, shattering the silence with urgency. "You can't die here," it cried out, the words laden with raw emotion. "I need you. Without you, my life will be incomplete." At that moment, amidst the chaos and uncertainty, the true extent of the Devil's dependency on the Dragon was laid bare.

Summoning every ounce of its strength, the Devil seized the Dragon, using it as a makeshift foothold to propel itself forward. With a surge of determination, it leaped in front of the oncoming attack, shielding the Dragon from harm's way at the risk of its own life. Stunned by the Devil's selfless act, the Dragon watched in disbelief. It never anticipated that the Devil would sacrifice itself to save it, and the realization left the Dragon speechless.

What unfolded next shook the Dragon to its core, challenging its perception of reality. The Devil's 76th awakened form's spiritual body boldly confronted the terrifying attack head-on, emerging unscathed from the onslaught. Astounded by this display of resilience, the Dragon's doubts deepened. Without the wings capable of navigating through the Dream realm like the one that the Dragon dragon had, the Devil plunged into its depths, hurtling towards the Sanctuary of Terrors under the influence of an unknown force. In a defiant cry that echoed through the darkness, it called out, "Wait for me!"

As the events unfolded, the Dragon found itself grappling with a newfound sense of horror for the Deviant Devil. It was unsure of what lay ahead in the enigmatic depths of the Dream realm but from the display of the Devil's power, it knew that none of it was not a challenge for the Devil.

With horror and shock gnawing at its core, the Dragon swiftly retreated, unwilling to linger near the Sanctuary of Terrors any longer. Urgency fueled its flight as it soared through the Dream realm, determined to put distance between itself and the looming darkness. With each beat of its wings, the Dragon suppressed its fear. Drawing upon its Dream escape ability once more, it charted a course homeward, towards its true physical body. It did not plan to wait for the Deviant Devil, as it had become evident to the Dragon that in the Devil's 76th awakened from's spiritual body, not many things in the Dream realm could pose a threat to it.

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