Camp Mirror Lake

Chapter 22 The Future

Sitting down next to Becky, I tried not to look like I was trying not to faint..That would not be a good look for me! I mean wouldn't most young brides be excited to see the love of their lives? Yeah, I don't think passing out cold would pull that off! I try to calm my nerves slide my arm through Beck's and put on a semi-decent excited face. Let's see if they buy it!

"Welcome back to camper, everyone," announced Jack to almost a silent crowd.

If he was expecting more of a reaction than this, he was sorely mistaken.I guess that's what he gets for stealing their souls. He is just left with their hallow shells.

Everyone felt listless and empty. It was sad really.

At the beginning of the week everyone was so excited and rowdy. They were full of life and energy, just like normal teenagers at a camp they had been excited about for the whole year.

"Tonight, Shelly will be leading the chant!"

Really? What is the point! No one even cares. I mean, just look at them! I have no idea what this "chant" actually does, but I am guessing nothing good! He already thinks he has me, why can't he just let them go?

Shelly, who had been flirting shamelessly with Nate, stood up and winked back at him. But then again, where is the shame in flirting with a gorgeous, single male?

Except he wasn't really single. Not that she would know that! And I am gonna try my best to keep it that way. I promise to myself that I will not come back and seek vengeance for flirting with my man when she is completely innocent!

I had to get my game face on. I have to make everyone believe I don't want Nate and I would be totally happy being used by not only Ben but also Jack. At least I didn't have to deal with him impregnating me too! Maybe he had his eye on one of the other girls... Ewww!

"Mirror Lake, Mirror Lake," her voice lilted. She sounded like she was from an island somewhere, and looking at her, I wouldn't be surprised. She was beautiful, with chocolate eyes, dark brown skin, and black crimpy hair. I would have been jealous of her flirting with Nate, if I hadn't known he loved me so much!

"From night to day and wrong to right

the strength of spirit from us take

seize us now without a fight!"

It sounded like a pack of wild zombies were chanting with her. Everything was garbled and unintelligible. I probably would have laughed if it wasn't so desperately sad!

When she was finished she sauntered back over to her seat beaming at Nate.

Jack came back and beamed at us all, like he was the supreme ruler.

He must be so proud! He now leads a legion of undead teenagers. Now what's he planning on doing with them? Throwing all night parties?

"Okay, my little campers. Tonight, there will not be a once upon a time. There is only the future!" he cheered.

All the campers looked back at Jack, but said nothing. Not that there was much anyone could say toa statement like that. Was he expecting adoration? Loyalty? Undying love? Was he serious?

Have I mentioned this guy was nuts yet? Well, if not, this guy has reached his crazy capacity and is about ready for his shiny white coat in a nice and shiny padded room, with nice doctor and pretty nurses coming to give him "happy pills."

Jack gave a low frustrated grunt, but continued anyway. I mean, what else would he do? Let us all go? I don't think so!

"One day, my magic will bring us all into the future! We will have nothing to fear. I will be your merciful King! I will give you what you need! There will be no need to call to the earth and her magic. No need to keep us hidden. All other beings will bow to us. To ME! We will stop all resistance. All other magical creatures will follow us! And Finally, everything will be just as they were meant to be!" he shouted.

Okay, so he was a nutcase! And maybe totally stupid! But what are ya gonna do?

I looked over at Ben. His eyes shimmered with lust. But also greed!

His eyes shined red as he sent me a slow sensual smile.


"Follow me into the future, my minions, and we will be unstoppable!" he shouted.

Hold on! Did he just call us all his minions?

I've had enough of this crazy dude!

"Hey Jack!" I yell as I pop out of my seat. "What exactly is in it for me? I don't buy this whole new "future" you're spillin'. Sell it to me!" I demand.

And there goes my mouth again!

I feel confusion coming from Jack, but that's not all! I feel absolute dread pouring from Ethan and Nate. Not to mention the lust boiling from Ben.

"What are you doing? Can't you keep your big mouth shut for two minutes?" Ethan berates me in my head.

"Babygirl, don't! Don't make him angry! Please!" begged Nate.

"Do you boys have no faith in me whatsoever?" I chastise them.

"No!" came the immediate response from Ethan.

"Sorry my love. Just be careful!" admonished Nate.

I sigh in exasperation and fold my arms across my chest.

"Well, I'm waiting!" I complained.

Jack puts on a strained smile. Apparently he didn't expect anyone to question his judgement. Psh! Dingbat!

"My queen! Well, you see, you will have the world at your finger tips. They will be yours to command! And I will use my magic to protect you!" he said while covering his heart with his hands...that is if he actually had a heart.

Do demons have hearts? Not sure! Also, not sure I care enough to find out!

"And I am supposed to what? "Rule the world?" Have servants shine my boots? Scrub my toilet? Do my dishes? Brush my teeth?" I knew I was pushing it when I saw sweat dripping down his face as he attempted to keep his cool.

"Of course my Queen! Everything you ever wanted could be yours! You just have to stay by my side," he declared.

Okay, so he thinks I'm stupid or a psychopath! Gotcha!

"Ben!" he suddenly shouts "Why don't you take your lovely bride with you and show her what she can expect for the rest of eternity..." Jack hastily suggests.

Ben jumps out of his seat, stomps toward me, lifts me up bridal style and said, "It would be my pleasure!"

I guess Jack couldn't come up with anything better than this... And it's not a selling point!

Can I get a refund please?

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