Caged Between the beta & alpha

Chapter 9

The moment those sparks rushed through me ; my eyes blazed as I looked at the man beneath me . ” And this is an even nicer
punch ! ” I growled quietly , before punching him square in the nose . The sickening crunch as I broke it satisfied me .
How dare he ! I jumped off of him , resisting the urge to kick him in the balls , and instead kicked his knee , hard ! How dare he !
Grabbing my boots , I turned and stormed down the stairs .
My heart was thundering with a hundred emotions , but above all , I felt angry . How could he ignore me for three years and think
he could just start flirting with me ? Nope , not happening . I am not a pushover . I will not ” Raven ! ” He grabbed my arm just as
I reached the front door , and I was annoyed to see he had put his nose back in place .
” Don’t touch me , Liam . ” Thissed , yanking free . ” I’m fucking sorry . ” He said , raising his hands in surrender . ” That was out
of line ” 1 He looked away and I shook my head .
He didn’t get it . What was out of line was being out of my life for three years and then pretending it never happened , that he
never left or hurt me , a ” Good night , Liam . ” 11 ” It’s not safe- ” ” I said , good night . ” I said coldly , glaring at him . Daring him
to argue with me , he frowned , clenching his jaw . ” Night . ” He replied coldly , and his walls were up once more .
I turned away , walking out of the house , not bothering to put my shoes on . I knew h e couldn’t follow me with Azura sleeping
upstairs and I was glad .
I made my way back towards my parent’s house , not bothered with the wet floor or the dirt that was sticking to my feet . The rain
was still falling lightly and the sound of distant animals could be heard .
That night , two years ago , I went with Cassandra and Aunty Angela to a neighbouring town . They had been on pack business
with the pack that was hosting the mating ball . Aunty had asked me if I wanted to attend , but I told her no . As per the rules ,
one ball per year was hosted by King Al and the other by a different pack .
The memory of me finding my own mates had been too damn painful , I had left my hotel room and gone to get some drinks .
Then , to my surprise , Liam had shown up . I was beyond shocked , I had never expected to see him like that .
He had been so drunk , for someone who didn’t want m e and had left me on the mating ball , he had stolen my first kiss that
night . Although my entire body had wanted to give into him , I couldn’t , not when he was in that state and not when I was tied to
not one but two mates . I couldn’t do that t o Damon , I had wanted to help Liam that night but he had just pushed me away ...

It made me wonder how many women these two had been with My so – called mates . I smiled gently ; life truly sucked at times .
I reached home and decided to climb through my bedroom rather than face my parents , Once inside ,
I pulled my dress off and wiped my feet on it before shutting and locking the window . I walked over to my wardrobe , taking
down one of the suitcases that I hadn’t unpacked knowing I was going to leave this place anyway , Opening it up , I rummaged
around until 1 pulled out Liam’s suit jacket from that night . I caressed the fabric , my heart clenching at the way he told me to
leave him alone .
I sighed heavily , shoving it back into my suitcase and replacing it on top of my wardrobe before deciding to take a shower . I had
just showered , pulling on my high waisted panties , a sports bra and some baggy pyjama bottoms before I returned t o my room
towelling my hair .
I shut the door behind me when a sudden scent hit m y nose and I froze , yanking the towel from my hair , my eyes snapped to
the bed where none other than Damon was sitting . Flicking through one of my books , he now looked up , giving me a small
smile .
” Hey . My heart thundered and I glanced at the shut door behind me . Why was this happening today ? I didn’t want to see my
mates , yet I ended up seeing both of them . His eyes trailed over me and I realised my trousers hung low , showing off the band
of my knickers .
His eyes flashed for a moment before he looked away smoothly . I hated how these two pigs were looking at me like I was a
piece of meat , yet neither had the audacity to even care about how I had felt years ago , the way they left me feeling broken and
unwanted .
Now that I had pulled myself together and became strong , they decide to come back into my life ? No , I don’t think so . ” Hey ,
so can I ask why you are in my room ? ” I asked , raising an eyebrow , trying to ignore how hot he looked . I had broken one
pretty nose tonight ; I wouldn’t mind adding another to that list .
” I thought we could talk without anyone interrupting us . ” He said quietly , reaching behind him , holding up two packets of fizzy
sweets and a bag of donuts . ” I brought a bribe ? ” My heart skipped a beat , but I tried not to let it get to me . Walking over to my
wardrobe , I took out a black vest and pulled it on . “
Who let you in ? ” I asked , deciding to keep myself busy , so began to clean my room up a little . ” Your mom , I was going to
come through the window but it was locked . Your dad left too , so I decided to just come through the front door .

” He said , laying back on the bed . ” Hmm . ” Thank Goddess , Dad wasn’t around . I didn’t need more drama . ” Raven , can we
talk ? ” ” You want to talk now ? Go ahead , I’m all ears . ” I said , picking up my wet dress that I had left near the window .
” First of all , I want to apologise for everything . Nothing I say is going to justify that night , but you have got to remember Liam is
my Alpha , I fucking see him as my brother . I needed him to be ok with this , with us .
” I get that Damon , but it doesn’t excuse that you both were so caught up in how you both felt that you didn’t even once
consider how I was probably feeling . I never wanted two mates , but I was given them . Yet you both cut me off without a second
thought .
” I said , my voice was emotionless and I made sure to hide every emotion that I was feeling . Emotions that were eating up at
me every time I thought of them ... I glanced up at him , feeling his intense gaze on me . I hated seeing the guilt in his soft blue
eyes .
” I know ... I just didn’t know how the fuck to react . ” He muttered . ” Tell me Damon , why now then ? Why are you talking about
it now ? ” ” I tried to talk to Liam again . That didn’t g o well , you saw that . I wanted to know what you wanted ... “
I almost laughed , what I want ? Did what I want even count ? ” Care to explain ? ” I asked . He stood up after taking a donut out
of the packet , walked over to me and held it out . I took it , not wanting to be a diva , but it did not mean he was forgiven .
” We both want you , but clearly Liam doesn’t want to share ... What’s your thoughts on this ? ” as Three years too late , Damon .
Three fucking years too late . ” I don’t want either of you anymore . ” I said quietly . ” Don’t say that , Liam’s stubbornness-
” ” Tell me something Damon , who is Robyn to you ? ” I asked suddenly . He seemed to have been struck , his face drained of
colour and he looked shocked . I t was clear he wasn’t expecting that , and I felt the stabbing pain in my chest , as if something
was squeezing my heart painfully . He looked away and I saw the guilt in his eyes .
I got my answer and as much as I wanted t o say it didn’t hurt , it did . ” She’s ... ” The urge to smile and tell him he didn’t need to
explain almost overtook me , but n o , I needed to know and I didn’t need to make things easier for either , they were big boys .
He ran a hand through his gorgeous curls and exhaled . My chest constricting painfully , I knew whatever it was and I was not
going to like it . ” I didn’t think you’d come back like this o ” You don’t need to justify anything Damon , just answer the question .
” I said , biting into the donut ; trying my best to act normal , trying to prepare myself for his words as I tossed a few items of
clothing into the washing hamper . ” We have been kinda dating for the last year or so .

” My heart thudded , the whimper of my wolf in the back of my mind stung as sudden pain and betrayal overwhelmed m e . ” I’m
sorry , Raven ... I just ... I don’t know how it happened , we just had a connection Don’t Raven ... He was never yours ... Fuck ,
he was never yours . ” I am sorry . ” His whispered apology came , but I couldn’t comprehend anything anymore . This pain ... I
thought I could handle it but fuck it hurt so much . Fuck . Fuck . Fuck .

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